Unschooling on TikTok is Lazy Parenting

Unschooling on TikTok is Lazy Parenting

Drama Kween

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@Tarnationusmaximus - 08.02.2025 12:25

Reasons public schools are needed
To get a good job
Learn about new topics
Be ready for The REAL world
Lean new facts!

What I’ve learnt: well I already knew this but I know many and almost all dinosaur names of all the fossils found.

I know a lot about ww2 and the Roman Empire

And many more

@alicesimou927 - 09.02.2025 01:16

In my country you are forced by the law to go to school until highschool.if the kid doesn't go to school before that age the parents get punished for child neglecting (idk if I made sense )

@Toodlesthe8balluni - 09.02.2025 03:57

i was ALMOST unschooled but luckily was able to get to 2nd grade in public school due to family issues. I still dont know anything about what my sister knows (yes she knows more than me and is 1 grade lower than me and 2 years younger) because i skipped preschool - 1st . I was ''homeschooled'' , i didnt know how to spell the word wood in 2nd grade and i still have trouble spelling small words in school. (like three, used, unusual etc) and sometimes even need help with spelling it. I also dont know much addition and much substraction and i HAVE to write it down to figure it out. reading is very easy though but im still missing info from 1st that i never learned I only know multication and some division (i still have to write it down to figure it out without messing it up) I am able to pronounce but i still struggle. So i guess ''homeschooling'' didnt help !! It was also VERY hard for me to write this and i know theres MANY spelling mistakes in long words , but i never learnt how to spell it

@GEO_theprotogen - 09.02.2025 11:52

I'd love to be able to be a SAHM making bread from fresh wheat and blah blah blah
I would also love to be a full-fledged artist who can express themselves freely and not worry about being judged because I'm doing what I love. I wish I didn't have to worry about working for money or feeling the need to be an activist or lawyer to support humans rights or to protect the environment but guess what as long as we live in this oppressive society I have to work to buy cheap bread at Walmart which treats workers like shit and make maybe 15 an hour wondering if I can afford life and my student loans for a job I only hope I could get but hey it's all feminism at fault. Ugh. I should be able to just focus on being a happy self actualized human who also is my child's parent and can teach them to be happy and self actualized as well
But capitalism. And unless I can get life for free being belle in a dress, baking bread is a stupid pipe dream and makes no sense when half of my country is broke because billionaires. A trad life should be something anyone should have something anyone should have access to if they desire
But it's not. The whole "movement" is fucking stupid and not based in any fucking reality.

@C0Y0T3_C4T - 11.02.2025 07:19

There are some terrible things that have happened that lead to a memorial in front of our school flowers and all by a sewer but all I'm gonna say is a few generations later I am still getting made fun of and stuff stolen out of my backpack my school is not very good and a lot of people there are rude to someone who doesn't look just like them.

@JessieCaudle - 11.02.2025 12:16

Ive gotten so close to being that kid and my mum promised if i do become the kid that changes everything she will sue until EVERYONE is safe at school

@KelPlushie - 11.02.2025 16:54

the only advice i can think of is to cut out new white paper to stick to it but just a teensy bit more over to cover the paint, and then frame it with a thin minimalistic black frame (i’ve never had this exact thing happen but ive had people accidentally fold my prints that i’ve bought and this is what i do)

@TrashBagPossum - 12.02.2025 04:17

Teaching kids is HARD FKN WORK. I homeschool my son who also has ADHD and LAWDY some days im like why did i do this 😂
But because of him I can understand parents wanting to take different approaches to teaching - HOWEVER - that does not mean completely disregarding teaching all together and letting them take the reigns. If i did that my son never would have learned to write, he hates it, it's something we've had to take slower because of his lack of patience with it. I get it, i was the same way as a kid. But the other lesson he gets from sitting down and writing anyway? Sometimes you have to do things even if you dont like them, even if they aren't fun. I at least get to let him write about what he wants and that encourages him.
But homeschooling is so much work. Throwing it all out the window like that is so irresponsible. Find different ways to teach your kids but lordy, PLEASE, teach your kids.

@C4TLUV3RR - 12.02.2025 07:19

My parents decided to "unparent" me 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

@theblackkat2164 - 13.02.2025 02:55

I didn't finish 9th grade because of not being taught. I just blocked everything out and shut down because i mentally couldn't take any bullying anymore.

@NonBinaryKyloRen - 14.02.2025 16:43

I hated being raised this way :/

@gotsm9959 - 15.02.2025 04:23

No unschooling is science and science and science science.

@hollym5192 - 15.02.2025 19:08

Wonder what children who want an education but cannot access one, due to poverty or cultural barriers, would think about this.

@hamiltion.tay_lover - 15.02.2025 20:32

when I was in kindergarten, mind you . KINDERGARTEN. I could read all of the dog man books ( now idk if that’s a kindergarten level or not but ) I could write 2 full sentences . ( per page ) only writing 1 word per page is really crazy if ypur not a 1 - 2 year old . Un-schooling is just teach your child “ HEYY , SO LIKE YOU DLNT HAVE TO DO ANY REAL WORK JUST ASK US WHAT STUFF IS AND WE WILL GIVE U THE ANSWERS !! “ let’s all think back to when we first learned subtraction , addition , multiplication, division, etc . DID ANY LF OUR TEACHERS SAY THAT ? NAUR.

@4nna-Banan4 - 15.02.2025 22:42

Kids usually copy others around them, no matter if it is likes, dislikes, or interests. These parents clearly aren't making any effort to try and get the kids to be interested in reading or maths. Like, there are no way that a kid is going to want to learn how to read if a parent isn't reading around them or have a little bit of a push to help. Istg these "parents" need to have a class in how to properly parent 😭😭😭

@hollym5192 - 16.02.2025 01:47

How are children supposed to educate themselves on topics they’re interested in if they can’t read?

@DarterDamselfly - 16.02.2025 21:36

I once had an absolute breakdown trying to figure out my math homework. Literally screaming crying writing I HATE MATH all over the paper. You know what my dad did? No he didn't pull me out of school and let me do whatever I wanted. He sat down with me and we figured it out together. Im now a scientist and while math still isn't my favorite subject, I CAN DO IT! and im definitely not neurotypical! Kids need to learn that its ok to struggle and push themselves. Its okay and even useful to take breaks and recenter themselves before taking another go. All this unschooling does is teach them to give up when things get hard

@Broadwick_toilet_warrior - 16.02.2025 23:33

Man these people annoy me I couldn't read until I was eleven due to some learning difficulties, but my parents constantly had me trying even if I was so frustrated I would throw a tantrum, they sat there and took all that makes me love them even more as a adult that they sat there and put up with that for several years so there child had a chance. Know this is 4 months on but thanks for getting this out. Yes to this day I feel like a burden because I do still need help with stuff it is embarrassing

@Violinrocker12 - 18.02.2025 01:00

I swear, as a millennial, all the hit pieces on our generation are starting to make sense. I was born in 95, and i look at people my age with disgust and utter bewilderment. I swear a lot of millennials felt like they had to rebel just for the sake of rebelling. They weren't digging their heels in for something that mattered they just had to say fuck you to mom and dad for some reason

@addisonsugars7031 - 18.02.2025 11:17

Hi I just want to say the doctor I know is one of the happiest people I know.😊

@MackenzF - 19.02.2025 05:20

School is not fully about education. It’s about learning to socialize. You cannot tell me otherwise

@Shannttelle - 19.02.2025 14:07

If you weren’t taught common things like washing dishes then it wasn’t the school that failed you. It was your parents. And you are repeating the same mistakes not learning from them

@ЕлицаШишкова - 20.02.2025 05:07

Why there is a book that advises you to neglect your own children and why this trash is 200$????

@HirilCelebrian - 20.02.2025 18:19

Look how great he's doing! [ proceeds to open Algernon's diary ]

@QueenP13 - 20.02.2025 20:31

I feel like parents who believe in unschooling likely struggled in school themselves and did not get adequate support. I would guess that they had a teacher or parent who very aggressively pushed them to succeed in school and did not help foster a healthy relationship with education. Now as adults, they are clinging on to their own trauma so hard, that they are projecting their issues on their kids.

@VriskenSerket - 21.02.2025 20:19

Why dont we take this and apply it to anyyy other mothers: "a mother tiger refused to teach her cubs how to hunt because it stressed the cubs out" and look at how fcking stupid it sounds...you cant stop teaching basic skills, thats not an option and its extremely frustrating because in the end, everyone else has to deal with the outcome. including the child you did that to, they now have to be stuck in a shitty situation trying to make everything right because of your ignorance/lack of care/whatever it is.
This is absolutely ridiculous and these parents need to get their shit together, please.

@Seabunny124 - 22.02.2025 14:34

Homeschool kid here I’m gonna go on a bit of a rant

Homeschooling and unschool are two diffrent things I’m still taught everything any other kid is taught I would even go as far to say I learn more because things can be brought up to my level but unschooling is just not teaching anything to anyone

@brandisteelman7776 - 24.02.2025 06:21

ok schools dont teach real world stuff but i was able to read by the time i was 4 speaking full sentences by the time i was 2

@darkgardener9577 - 24.02.2025 15:28

Look I get not wanting your kids going to this school or that......and deciding to send them to this or that kind of school instead. 100%
But just opting out of education altogether dressed up as "unschooling"?? Nah man....that ain't it.

@lizzytapia710 - 24.02.2025 22:04

The concept of "learning from life about life" is wonderful, but have that be an afterschool/afterhomeschool activity... there are some things that NEED a more formal education, either by professionals or parents... sure, i understand trusting your kids natural habilities to learn certain things and giving them the time to be ready.. like walking.. that's why there is not a certain specific age but a range in which they should be able to do it... but come on, some things are just not natural, they were created and so they need to be tought

@cupcakeprime559 - 25.02.2025 22:52

Okay, I was homeschooled because I had a lot of separation anxiety when I was supposed to start school. And it actually served me well later on. I learned how to manage my time, handle my iwn lessons like a college student way before i even graduated high school. However, my mom made sure that I had lessons to keep me on pare with my peers in school. She had curriculums prepared and projects for me to work on. She even made sure I was part of different co-ops so I could socialize with other kids. You don't need to go into the school system to get and education, but you still need to work at it. My mom now works as an online English teacher and I'm half way to a bachelor degree, but that didn't happen just because it was supposed to.

@robertvonkurthy9818 - 26.02.2025 05:24

I am 22 now but I was only taught my aflabet at age 7 and could not read till I was around 9 ( not un schooled but went to an “alternative school”) and it’s held my back in my education to a massive degree so much that I can’t spell competently even now, the only reason I can read is that my mum had to teach me at home

@kidfolktv136 - 27.02.2025 05:45

This must be ruby frankes right hand

@lunawolfheart336 - 27.02.2025 07:30

I bet all these unschooling moms are some middle upper class white women who has no interesting hobbies.

@enjuaihara2576 - 27.02.2025 17:27

I went to public school I'm 28 no idea what to do. Did not learn much did not prepare me for life and wasted 25k on college to be jobless. It's all broken I mean AI litterly took my job before I could finish college it's all bs

@Jennifermar505 - 28.02.2025 11:46

Her 6yr old is doing things I was doing at the ripe age of 3. That’s on par with cutting down the progress of her child by HALF. The younger the child the easier and faster they learn. Please take advantage of this time with children. Also remembering that kids are only kids for such a short time, it’s really something that people need to think about. 😢

@undeadbandit835 - 28.02.2025 14:09

But... Kids learn to write in schools at age 6-7, what a hypocrite you are

@augustin_thewinter - 01.03.2025 01:32

At my school we literally had one suicide and one attempt in the same year and still nothing happened

@kalqumoaphehw - 04.03.2025 15:57

I love the idea of home-schooling it give children freedom to learn the curriculum and then build in that knowledge if it interests them, Example: if the child has a love of math they can frist learn the curriculum and if they wish they can build on their knowledge by learning about more advanced topics that a child going to a regular school may not have access to.

"Unschooling" throws all of that out the window and primary focused on what the child wants but not what they need, what they need comes first like the knowledge of what the curriculum of their grade level requires. If the child cannot read and write they are going to fail in life, simple as that. Children learn language skills best when they are young, if they only begin to learn at 15 they will be severely behind with little chance of catching up as they missed out on the learning prime time, its not a solution is the opposite its causing more problems

@doodlethealien8889 - 04.03.2025 20:48

I was taken in an out of school bc the public schools in our area were garbage and the faculty loved picking favorites and bullying students. I was initially homeschooled properly through an online program, but then that program got screwy. Eventually my mom tried ‘unschooling’ which was really just an excuse to keep me home and shove all of her chores onto me. Thankfully I knew basic reading and math by then as this was around late middle school to early high school, but eventually I got sick of it all and demanded my parents allow me to get my ged because public school sucked as did online homeschooling. I’m just glad it’s over.

@vesp3198 - 05.03.2025 18:15

I truly do not understand the "school didn't teach me anything useful in life." argument. I mean she probably went to school at a way different time than me, but I learned a LOT of life skills in classes. I learned how to invest, planning for retirment, how to apply for jobs, fill out taxes, ect. Just because she had a bad educational experience doesn't mean she can just neglect her kids of ever having one

@edwordwhy9491 - 06.03.2025 10:15

Unscooling = child abuse

@versatileking5999 - 07.03.2025 05:32

"Yeah, my son doesn't know how to read at age 6."


@NoOne-wn9ju - 07.03.2025 15:55

They're not pseudo intellectual. They're anti intellectual.
