Feng Shui Your Kitchen: 3 Keys to Family Harmony

Feng Shui Your Kitchen: 3 Keys to Family Harmony

Allan Teo

6 месяцев назад

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@va_bg - 19.08.2024 09:24


@empireentertainmentevents1353 - 19.08.2024 11:00

I liked how you said there has to be a balance in Feng shui.

@shirleyannarzaga5080 - 20.08.2024 08:10

Is Feng shui designed just for big houses? How about a studio or loft type houses or condominium? Are there remedies or solutions so that Qi will flow freely or smoothly?

@silisastyle9128 - 21.08.2024 10:20

where are you based?

@teetylang6197 - 22.08.2024 05:28

Is a lot of knowledge I really love it and is so nice to listen

@camuchanomellini903 - 23.08.2024 05:18

😱😱😱What will be another CURE FOR THE STOVE THAT IS OPPOSITE OF THE SINK? 😱😱😱😱My sink and stove face each other.🤯🤯🤯☹

@camuchanomellini903 - 23.08.2024 05:20

Im so glad I ran into this Chanel I like the way he explain everything in a simple way. Thank you Im in 👍🏼 subscribing 🌈

@JB-iw3lo - 23.08.2024 11:30

Hello. Is it true, it is bad luck to store rice in a plastic container?

@davidtsmith3520 - 23.08.2024 19:51

Many houses in the UK have the front door, a narrow hallway and then a door leading to the kitchen. But putting a partition isn’t practical because it would block the hallway. Any suggestions? Keep the kitchen door closed?

@sparks_create - 25.08.2024 18:49

Hi, Can a fake plant place in kitchen, if so which location in kitchen

@shannyavelina1518 - 27.08.2024 15:26

Hello, my house is small with an open layout. From the front door there are living room, and then the dining table is a bar type, connected to the kitchen table like big C letter layout. My question is since renovation is not an option, does raising the height of the dining table is a good solution? It can at least blocks the view of the stove from the front door. Thank you.

@denise1388-t8e - 28.08.2024 07:48

What can I do if my stove is opposite my door? The stove is fixed, so I can’t move the stove.

@peregrineheart - 01.09.2024 14:56

When you mean kitchen and living is shared did you also mean kitchen with an island right across the living area?

@mariammalla - 01.09.2024 16:43

My kichen is next to my appartment front door left side and open lay out to the living room. Is crystal curtain a good solution to separete the view of kitchen to front door and living room ?
Im talking about crystal and pearl curtain ? Thank you in advance.

@tky35 - 03.09.2024 15:23

How do you find out if your kitchen is in the north-west area? Do we assume our entryway as north as a guideline?

@crybebebunny - 05.09.2024 04:06

I have both sink with water flow infront and the fridge on the side. Then the solution is a Placement of a plant next to the stove. I do have a piece of wood going across the top of the stove.

@chopsticksforlegs - 07.09.2024 11:11

My apartment has ALL the points you've just described😂 I need your help

@juliet3813 - 08.09.2024 01:00

When my Granddad designed the layout of the beautiful house he built, he insisted on the kitchen sink must have the best view, over the river flowing from the distant hills.

@ingridcornwell4341 - 08.09.2024 19:46

I once heard Feng Shui described as 3,000 years of common sense. Thank you for your good advice. 🙏

@11REIGN11 - 09.09.2024 00:26

The ONLY energy that matters is yours. ❤

@kaynine1834 - 09.09.2024 19:43

Oh dear, I cannot move my stove in the kitchen... its in the island and because of my kitchen's crazy layout, it is the only place available for it🤦🏻‍♀️

@AmparoGarcia-o4h - 11.09.2024 05:46

I have my stove and fridge facing each other. Our kitchen is too small so moving them or placing an object between them is impossible. Is there a way to fix it? Is putting a plant on top of the fridge will somehow balance it? If yes, is there a particular type of plant recommended? Thanks in advance…😊

@tailue2know - 12.09.2024 04:08

My stove is on my island and facing directly at my sink. What should I do? I can’t put a wall on my island. In front of my sink I have a big window.

@MotleyMagee-o4s - 13.09.2024 18:12

Lewis Dorothy White Barbara Taylor Sandra

@winnierivera198 - 15.09.2024 17:00

Is it ok to put pot filler faucet over your stove?

@IM-gx7un - 16.09.2024 22:35

Don't understand how to put doors in an open concept...howw??? Just wall it off? Please show real ife examples. Thanks

@SY-xo8ld - 18.09.2024 14:53

Can water basin face the window?

@Rachel-k3e - 21.09.2024 12:03

U talk too fast! We cudnt grasp everything u say!

@MyThoughtsOnEverythingPH - 01.10.2024 13:05

Thanks for sharing your knowledge with Feng Shui. Will wait for more videos.😊

@nwanambaek-alad4052 - 12.10.2024 18:01

Hello. Thanks for your channel. My husband and I are building a new house in another country. We just completed the shell of the house and starting the finishing stage in a couple of weeks. Pls how can you help? Is there a way to do a FS inspection remotely or by looking at the videos and plans? How do you consult? Looking fwd to your response. Thanks.

@brightdeva - 16.10.2024 05:54

thanks you...explained very well

@Mary-t2p6p - 20.10.2024 03:36

My front door opens into a long narrow porch the my kitchen door opens into my kitchen. All in a straight line. I put bells on my inside front door and on this kitchen door. Anything else I can do to slow the qi flow. Keep the kitchen door closed sometimes.

@BuTtghOst - 19.11.2024 11:00

good day Alllan great video! can u make a technical video in the future by using xuan kong da gua on how to measure the stove?

@Luckyismydna - 23.11.2024 15:57

In which direction is best to have the kitchen then?

@Susu-susu_ - 29.11.2024 12:24

My house is an open concept in the NE sector. When I open the front door from outside, the kitchen is right at the front and on the right side of the house. I don't know if it is in the NW or N sector.
The living room is on the left side. I can not change the direction of the front door, which opens to the side of the kitchen.
The stove is not directly facing the front door, and the big island is between it and the front door. If I put a divider screen when I open the door to block the kitchen, does that help with positive Chi?
How do I separate the living room and the kitchen besides placing a room divider between them?
When you mention placing a glass door between the kitchen and living room, does it have to cover the whole space between them?
Thank you so much! I am looking forward to your reply.

@naomilim2378 - 20.12.2024 21:37

you talk so much rubbish

@RollEyesDeeply - 28.12.2024 18:52

Feng Shui makes me hate Feng Shui because our homes are built horribly in the West!

@yourplaylist1689 - 30.12.2024 07:14

Hi, do you offer consultation for houses even if online? I am living abroad I just want to ask regarding our house layout. Would that be possible like sending you the picture of the layout? Thank you in advance for answering☺️

@khatiyachenda8758 - 03.01.2025 14:19

Allan, quick questions I am planning to build a house. What is the most auspicious house facing direction, and how do I measure it on the compass? Thank you for all that you do. Any advice you can give me, e.g, house facing direction where the kitchen and stairs, etc, should be in the home for wealth success health and all the great things. Thank you in advance!

@donnapatacchiola6942 - 04.01.2025 12:02

Difficult to understand pronunciation

@annagoldmund8891 - 22.01.2025 02:58

You mentioned that it's bad to have the stove facing the fridge, but what if this can't be moved?

@TinneWuyts - 25.01.2025 23:08

Are there other solutions for an open kitchen?
