HasanAbi roasted by LINUS TECH TIPS and reveals "features" on new PC

HasanAbi roasted by LINUS TECH TIPS and reveals "features" on new PC


2 года назад

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@pwns247 - 04.06.2023 22:24

That Bernie cut-out is WAY too realistic

@pwns247 - 04.06.2023 22:23

I wish i could afford to upgrade my friggin 970SC that someone literally gave to me lolol

@marzero116 - 02.03.2023 16:19

Angriest people are the ones that know & understand the least.

@MickeyMouse-lm6zj - 24.12.2022 10:53

yay! using a symbol that those that have committed genocides and crimes against humanity use!

@TheSKKhi - 15.10.2022 06:19

Leftist tears watercooled 😆

@hereLiesThisTroper - 26.08.2022 06:56

The Biden PC would be an ENIAC.

@NeostormXLMAX - 17.11.2021 08:50

veitnam isn't even communist anymore lol not long after the ussr abandoned them and they got attacked by china,
also they were never really communist in the first place.
hoh min tried to talk with rosevelt but they refused to communicate, if they did veitnam could have been a us ally instead of the ussr's

@theunkillable1000 - 03.11.2021 10:48

Linus building a satirical politically based PC for a creator has never been REALLY tried tho...

@ravenna6543 - 01.11.2021 01:34

I really think we do need the Ben Shabibio PC. We just need the full circle.

@michaelcorcoran8768 - 30.10.2021 18:35

He's not more hated than AOC or pelosi or any national figure deeply associated with the Democratic party.

@ericmcclelland7151 - 29.10.2021 22:38

I don't watch much Hasan other than shitcamp and clips with other streamers

But that PC bill was funny people angry on both sides heatless stupid on both sides

Also Hasan is stupid for saying that having a trans flag means your lean left

The world isn't made up of radical left and radical rights
Believe it or not most people are closer to the middle

@crazywyvern4704 - 29.10.2021 04:07

I don’t like hasan, but this was awesome, like, it’s pretty funny, I don’t get the people who are angry about this

And yes, I’m a right wing libertarian

@neuemilch8318 - 24.10.2021 22:04

it is the funnies video Linus ever made and people scream at him for it, tis is why we can't have nice things.

@jeffkaplentm - 23.10.2021 09:05

People need to chill tf out

@rustylarry7465 - 23.10.2021 06:06

modern tribalism is the problem, cant we just get along? not everything should be made about politics, hasan is a nice person, linus is a nice person. when your medium is the internet you are rarely ever sensible. for example when shapiro and the girl host from tyt debated face to face they werent taking shots at each other at all.

@steffenbuettner4294 - 22.10.2021 18:31

Reactions aren’t that bad actually, it’s all gonna be fine.

@Juangalt - 22.10.2021 18:21

Communism ruins countries.

@m4ttyofficialchannel - 20.10.2021 16:41

hasan can use the comunist manifesto as a stand for the missing pc feet

@Badbufon - 20.10.2021 05:03

would the backlash shift linus towards the left?, at least he could learn a thing or two about socialism.

@BenFilley - 20.10.2021 02:09

the build video was fucking hilarious, and im a big lefty lol.

@quantomsquirrelleap - 20.10.2021 01:37

It’s sad how Linus can’t do what he wants due to fear of outrage from ragers. He wants to build a trump pc he should be able to, and fuck the haters.

@TylerL220 - 20.10.2021 01:24

It was clearly in all good fun, like how are you gonna get mad at it?

@BreezyBulldog - 19.10.2021 17:14

Lmao imagine if it turns out all those features Linus is talking about isn’t lying but hasan really wants to give himself the idea that he isn’t

@ShiroKage009 - 19.10.2021 15:04

Hassan literally looks genuinely sad that his build caused so much of a shitstorm for LTT.

@skyzi22 - 19.10.2021 14:30

Some people think they are something better that's why I say karma

@Tjrissi96 - 19.10.2021 14:17

Man, people in the chat really triggered about the "PC master race" meme lmao

@Birb_of_Judge - 19.10.2021 11:23

Tbh i wish they gave him an old dell and just put the hammer and sickle on it 🤣🤣🤣

@HalcyonAndroid - 19.10.2021 10:58

does ltt audience skew right? i can't really see anyone except right wingers getting mad about this. i feel like liberals and normies world mostly just take it as a joke as intended.

@randomxstory - 19.10.2021 08:38

This was hillarious. So golden.

@noneyabidness9644 - 19.10.2021 05:15

"The kind of computer only capitalism could bring you."

Oh, you mean one built in China, designed in China, and programmed in China?

@RandarTheBarbarian - 19.10.2021 04:46

IDK man not to be a "communism is when no jokes" anderson, but honestly some of Linus' jokes during this build were super tired. Every time I hear someone pull the "you hate capitalism yet you participate in it" meme I feel like I'm arguing with my dad at thanksgiving...

It's like the old boomer standard when a service worker asks "is there anything else I can get you" and an old man goes "yeah a million dollars", and you have to pretend it's funny even though you've heard it 16 times that day because you need those tips or can't afford a complaint...

@319badhass - 19.10.2021 01:07

Hasan makes millions from capitalism while decrying capitalism... Hasan is a grifter, he talks the talk but can't walk the walk. He plays pretend revolutionary. Actually practice what you preach and move to a communist country, then Hasan might impress somebody.He said he just has to live in a mansion in the hollywood hills. Hasan is scamming us!

@yutoobe743 - 19.10.2021 01:05

What is there in any of this content to get mad about I fr dont get it.

@trodat07 - 19.10.2021 00:35

Hassan didn't like the "share" part.

@NaudVanDalen - 18.10.2021 22:29

The right hates cancel culture, but sure loves cancelling Hasan over his 9/11 comment from 2 years ago.

@NaudVanDalen - 18.10.2021 22:27

The Soviet Union anthem playing at startup is genius.

@NaudVanDalen - 18.10.2021 22:14

I like the missing feet for the left leaning PC. It's like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but it leans to the left instead of to the south.

@didnottthinkofaname - 18.10.2021 20:30

the techno hogs are malding

@homemacai - 18.10.2021 15:33

Zoomers like to call out boomers and millennials but they are the worse at knowing what is and isn't a joke

@milsek4098 - 18.10.2021 15:13

I bet they used that Corsair Twin Tower case

@NuttGreez - 18.10.2021 08:36

Linus Tech Tips, the greatest Inceltuber to ever grace the platform! What is that, he's married? Celebacy can be involuntary, even I'm marriage...

@gondotheslayer - 18.10.2021 07:19

I think people just think socialist means tankie and they don't know what tankies are. This just proves to me most people are ignorant of what the word socialist means.

@WarpSonic - 18.10.2021 04:41

ha linus is so nice being like "I'll build a pc for any president"

@lester44444 - 18.10.2021 04:31

I mean....i woulda felt bad for linus if his video itself wasnt complete ignorant capitalist red scare propoganda

@ntz752 - 18.10.2021 00:43

Communism is failure,it's been shown many times that it doesn't work,the ideology killed millions of people.

@daveyjoneslocker4703 - 17.10.2021 23:54

“The Joe Rogan pc” as if Joe is a raging republican. What?
