That looks like a nice chest.
ОтветитьI see someone is indeed a T man. You cultured man
ОтветитьRisette is way too broken lol, my team most of the time was Van, Agnes, Risette and Aaron, sometimes I substitute Aaron with Judith. The only reason I didnt use Feri at all mostly come down to not enjoying her character that much. My main damage dealer was Van, I set multiple quartz that break craft damage, so I mostly spam his craft that does more damage by the side (forget the name of the craft).
Overall while the battle system is fun I didnt enjoy as much as compared to prior games
Whilst I can't watch this yet (paused at 1 second), thumbs up and all the hope it smashes the records! I'll be able to watch in a year when I get around to completing the game lol.
Ответить100% agree with this list!! The optimal party was my main party without realizing they were the best and having access to broken strategies. Van and Agnes I never benched my entire play through and when Risette joined I benched Feri. Van I knew was gonna be the best he’s so powerful even for main protagonists standards. He has by far my favorite craft set. He might take the seat from Rean for most broken protagonist in the series. We’ll see with Daybreak 2 and eventually 3 if that will be the case. Great list!!
ОтветитьPretty much matches my opinion, although the game is easy enough that you can just choose whoever
ОтветитьHarem party is best party lmao
ОтветитьGreat tier list Loclo! This made made want to play the game more.
ОтветитьYour wife is my favorite reoccurring character on this channel no contest. New challenge: run a whole playthrough with the least titty possible 😂
ОтветитьGood to know about dodge tank getting nerfed. I had been building Aaron as one thinking it gets better in the late game
ОтветитьAwesome list. Period
ОтветитьThat definitely looks like a nice chest.
ОтветитьHell yea Trails, and its great to see so many of my favorites topping the chart.
Also man that slap gets lots of mileage 😂 gets me every time
My endgame team was Van, Agnes, Risette, Feri. They pretty much covered everything (Van main phys dps, Agnes main magic dps, Risette shielder and def buffer, Feri atk and cp buffer). Indeed, the only customizable member slot is Feri's.
ОтветитьDefinitely agree with Van and Agnes on the top tiers
Another super broken build i had with Van was to stack cp recovery passives and spam VANdalize raid/regal beatdown like a braindead monke, since those s-crafts have huge combo multipliers and Van having the Mare - Chaos holo core
Also, obsidia ray is an art that delays enemies, stacking it with judgement feathers will make sure they never move lol
S craft spam isnt as nerfed as you make it out to be tbh
Like its true that they tried to nerf it but they also made it so that if you have 200 cp then you can do it back to back and sometimes if youre lucky you can even get more through cp turn bonuses. This is especially nice on feri bc of how her s craft is kinda the best craft in the game for building up combo.
Evasion tanking definitely is nerfed but 100% evasion feri was still fun :P
Cobalt curtain is great, one thing you didnt mention is that compared to laplace code, it really synergises with itself? Like the defense buffs mean that the shield is more resilient. Agnes's shield is kinda the opposite for me where its kind of a waste to use when people are at full health bc it means you waste the regen effect.
My final team was van, risette, feri and judith. I like to use agnes as a panic button in the back. Free party switching means you can bring her in and s craft if shit ever hits the fan, whereas if you have her in the field, she can be the one needing rezzed herself.
Sometimes I switched in aaron for some s crafts too ig
Van's Grendel is a one man army even in subsequent entries. Wish i could talk about how great Kai is but i know not everyone has access to it yet. I would say the broken protag trend started with Sky the third. Kevin was an evade tank and had grail sphere to protect everyone, then we got Lloyd barrier Bannings who evades like a boss and can almost do anything including nuke the planet for an s craft then we get install Rean who is heavily outclassed by Crow and now we have Van. They do address s craft loops with crimson sin by putting a cooldown timer and nerf it even more in kai by making it impossible to stack outside Grendel plus van. Also enemies can do sbreaks themselves starting crimson sin. Current best combat in the series is Kai No Kiseki imo.
ОтветитьI'm pretty shocked that there's an RPG series where physical attackers get outdone by magic users. And it's a shame how Trails is beating the Tales series when it comes to free customs now. That series used to be the king before Bamco got too greedy with DLC. Lastly, nice video dude, especially with them slaps. Looking forward to you covering stuff like Visions of Mana & Metaphor: ReFantazio.
ОтветитьI found Quatre to be busted. Build him to 100% crit rate and go full speed w/ him and you'll have the party fully healed at all times and the other 3 members being able to spam s craft.
ОтветитьI agree somewhat but also Aaron is amazing at nuking enemies and bosses with his s-craft after getting the combo counter up to a high number
ОтветитьI honestly find Quatre better for defense than Anges and Risette with his shield. It’s twice as strong which honestly makes a big difference especially on higher difficulties. When playing Nightmare mode I find Anges and Risette shield useless and instantly breaks from a single enemy attack especially since there’s also Aegis Shield which is stronger than those. That shield alone is what makes Quatre far better than just lower Mid. Also he has CP gain with heal which is good combo. He’s really made for support alone
ОтветитьAgnes is the best without a close second. Her ult in the old Mercy ult from Overwatch
ОтветитьFeri Agnes and Judith are the best team. Feri got a full S craft pretty much every 1.5 rounds
ОтветитьMan, you sure got mileage on that slap! Very funny!
But yeah, I’ve no idea how anyone beat this game without shields, there’s so much aoe and speed on the bosses!
I just started this game yesterday after picking it up on the Black Friday Sale so this was really good find on my YT.
Also, that appears to be a nice chest
Having not played Daybreak since its Japanese release but having finished Kai no Kiseki not long after it came out, it's kinda tough holding myself back from tearing into this list a bit; I had to constantly remind myself I'm two games ahead, so what I currently know is not entirely applicable here. I do still think some of these placements are off, but I wouldn't call it particularly egregious aside from that I'd put Agnes a bit lower and have Judith in her place instead, and also that you're putting too little value on stealth (which was easily Fie's best attribute in Reverie and the latter half of the Erebonia arc rather than dodge tanking, especially since Sara was always the better dodge tank anyway).
ОтветитьAs someone who has played Kuro 1, II and a bit of Kai, I have to concede that this is pretty accurate. But with one expectation because I am biased, my boi Aaron is a permanent party member for me XP I have gotten his evasion high to the point of enemies missing almost all attacks his way. Mix in how evasion and crit share quartz and hollow cores that provide both and I have gotten his physical damage to ridiculous highs (also his single target back bonus attack is so fucking good 😊 melted some bosses using that in Kuro II)
ОтветитьKinda scary how this list is very similar to mine! My final team ended up being the Van, Agnes, Risette and Judith. If Elaine or Shizuna was in the party as guests i'd usually tag them in place of Judith. Was kinda disappointed with Fie and Rixia as they were main stays in my Reverie playthrough but here they back seat characters.
ОтветитьA tier list for the Calvard games don't really mean much in the long run outside of early to mid game after that it's all about quartz and hollow core setups in Daybreak its you either make casters with Judgment Feather or you make melee dps using Executioner with one character being the main enabler using Bathym to extend stun
ОтветитьThat indeed looks like a nice chest.
ОтветитьCan I play this game without play the other trails games? I mean for story purposes...
ОтветитьI hated this game
The only good part is: there's no Rean or Class 7
For me, Aaron would singlehandedly finish every fight aside from bosses by spamming his s craft at the start of every battle. It made the grinding so much easier. Easily the best character I have built in a trails game.
ОтветитьI found quatre pretty useful as with the right setup, he can surpass agnes and his shield quartz can buff up ats fast
He can get judgment feather, it just really annoying to setup
He needs mind 3, heidrun( that quartz not available til at least chapter 5), EP cut 3 and mind 2
I legit never consider making feri a caster since i assume she was another evasion tank but can't dish out the same amount damage as aaron
Final team for me was aaron, quatre, agnes and Van
Jesus, Rixia is just.... wow
ОтветитьI threw feri in as a crit build and she did 14 k damage every turn with infernal edge
ОтветитьPretty much agree! When it comes to boss fights, my starting party's Van, Risette, Agnes and Feri,
the latter of whom I'll switch out for either Aaron or Quatre (depending on my boost level for an S-craft) after she buffs my initial party with Flaming Prayer.
Judith I'll keep on standby to swap in the moment the enemy buffs itself. If the fight lasts long enough, Bergard will take over Aaron's role once he's out of CP.
Trails tier lists (and JRPG tier lists in general) often feel shallow and surface-level, but this one stands out by addressing key nuances—like broken strategies, join times, and when certain skills actually become viable. That said, I fundamentally disagree with Risette's placement and the reasoning behind it. Even on Nightmare, shields feel unnecessary thanks to Van’s aggro management and the sheer offensive power packed into most kits. Risette’s biggest drawback, in my opinion, is her horrendous slot restrictions. Wind is decent for Judgment Feather, but having two Water slots is a major handicap, especially since Water skills are mediocre at best. I never found her shield essential, even while playing suboptimally on Nightmare.
I think Agnes deserves more recognition for her group revive, which can be a lifesaver when things go south. Van’s crit-stacking potential also feels undervalued—Quartz that boost crit damage allow him to hit damage numbers that rival arts users, making him absolutely game-breaking. You need to highlight damage over turns. It's really easy for Van and Aaron to spam their high damage craft/S-craft due to his ease of recovering CP through things like mare, macho belt, CP charger skill, etc. This is something that holds back guest!Shizuna from being busted, and why I think she's worse than Aaron. She takes too much CP and doesn't recover enough back.
Other than that, this was a great video
Where can I see your builds bro?
ОтветитьI made Aaron my S-Craft damage dealer with the Carabia Holo Core. If you equip Taurus, Heliurn(dunno if I typed that right), CP regen equipment along with executioner, CP Charger, and Burst Gain shard skills Aaron will do crazy damage to the point he’ll half shot a boss’s HP.
ОтветитьQuatre stocks will definitely rise with Kuro 2 and Risette stocks fall off quite a bit
Gotta say Aaron is pretty underrated in this tier list though because paired with CP charger II he can pretty much infinitely spam s crafts and talon kick
Imo the best team in Kuro 1 is still probably Van, Agnes, Aaron and Risette
I love a good boob joke but holy fuck man, can you want off BEFORE making your videos? It was funny the first two times. It's actually annoying now and I'm not even 3.5 minutes in.
ОтветитьI personally wouldn't delay and shield spam out of principle. I don't find this list to be too bad except for Aaron's placement.
Crit Carabia Aaron shits all over this game. Damage from other members don't even come close. Even 1 hp Almeathea Agnes can't hit his numbers.
The best character for playing on Daybreak 1 is Shizuna. She's the best for stunning enemies and her moves are fluid.
As the main team, I would usually use Agnes, she's the best mage in the series after Emma, and Aaron. Van is more of a tank for me, I make him sturdy, and Risette is the best for defense crafts.
Agnés gets so fucking strong she can obliterate anyone in the first game with the correct setup (she gets way broken on Kuro 2), and Aaron if you pair him with the Hollow you get in Oracion during the story mode, and you make him have the ability that gives extra attacks to stun enemies, and the hollow essentially doubling the stun time for two or three turns, you can literally boost him once the character is stun, use his Craft or S-Craft, TWICE, and both times he will also do the ability to hit extra on stunned enemies, and essentially since the first game allows you to double S-Craft, you can kill most enemies, and bosses with these two.
Aaron doesn't get broken in Kuro 2 for me, but Agnès its possible to turn her into a killing machine even stronger in the second game, so she will always be a must. Actually Agnés i the only mage in the entire series that onceyou get used to how useful she is, everytime she is NOT with you. it's a struggle.
Personally, I like Aaron, Quatre, Risette, and Feri the most. If you're gonna go all in on delay spam, aaron has a pretty easy time unlocking the craft point regen shard skill and since he's faster then Berg he gets to contribute to delay more often.
I personally value Quatre's buff more than Risettes even on nightmare because if you just delay the enemy nonstop with feathers and the delay Time spell, they barely get to touch you anyway.
My team was Van, Feri, Aaron, Agnes - with Risette and Quatre as swap ins for Agnes if need be.
Arc feather and shield crafts are nice, and I used them in my strat. But the big ones for me are avenging arrow for Aaron and burst gain for Feri.
Since Feri is naturally fast, she can repeatedly get hits in to constantly recharge her health/cp and boost meter off burst gain. Resulting in rapid S craft use - great for exp farming on ads or building up the stun meter if paired with break quartz. Add Aaron next to her for chain attacks to build his meter.
Speaking of...
Avenging arrow makes Aaron a mad strong counter hitter. By deliberately tanking his speed, he can stay in boosted state a VERY long time. Meaning he can farm free hits of enemies when using Van as a tank. The game quite literally played itself against nightmare Shizuna whenever she went off on her multiple turn strings against Van.
Pair the 2 together and it's stun state city for bosses. With a perfectly timed Taurus boosted s craft from Aaron always when needed.
Judith and Elaine are the best. Gotta need some eye candy to go with my overpriced GPU.