The Fastest Way to Learn a New Language: The Video Game Map Theory

The Fastest Way to Learn a New Language: The Video Game Map Theory

Johnny Harris

3 года назад

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Jasper Tan
Jasper Tan - 18.09.2023 17:32

i guess if you learn using both routes, it becomes even better

Philip Doud
Philip Doud - 18.09.2023 17:10

Having learned French for 5 years in school, and then having lived overseas for 2 years, I can confidently say that having a good grammatical foundation will help you A LOT with becoming conversational, but it's really just Theory until you begin putting it all into practice.

I had an INSANE amount of grammar and vocabulary pent up in my head that I couldn't use. Random words for random things that have basically nothing at all to do with everyday speech. It wasn't until I had to use my French that I learned what info actually matters.

I would say that the most important things to learn in terms of Grammar is basic conjugation theory for REGULAR verbs for present and future (future is generally very simple if you think about it. "I'm going to run" or "I will run" is pretty much all there is to it), and then memorizing the important irregular verbs like "to be" and "to have." If you can do that, you'll be able to communicate very efficiently by just learning vocabulary and speaking the same structure as you do in English, even if it isn't always correct.

Jathan Davis
Jathan Davis - 17.09.2023 21:31

Longest explanation of Duolingo ever

Chad Bailey
Chad Bailey - 17.09.2023 17:34

Thank you. This is awesome. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge. 👏🏾 I will apply this to my Russian language Learning. It’s been 4 tough years doing it solo!

Komal Fatima Shah
Komal Fatima Shah - 16.09.2023 17:31

Which linguist is he talking about ?

Fredy Jacob Choxóm Martinez
Fredy Jacob Choxóm Martinez - 16.09.2023 05:54

You're right " you must speak as soon as possible" but you forgot to mention another necessary trick and it's you need to immerse in that language environment

When everyone were growing up we were able to learn listening, memorizing, speaking etc

Now I'm still learning English and talking about my experience it has been nice and exhausted, 'cause no one teach you how it's the correct way to talk, they only guess you're studying that language bacause of professionalism or job opportunities and it is good but unfortunately many people don't know how to differentiate meaning of "speak" and "communicate" that a common mistake when we learn some abroad language

I"ll almost be reaching English B2 but at the same time I begun learning French, I've learning for 2 days and I'll use the same tricks and methods that it worked on me before, experience is also necessary

I'm grateful for your experience, it'll work on a lot of people :3

P.S. I'm a huge fan of zelda franchise as well hahaha

Greta - 15.09.2023 19:13

As an Italian myself I CAN confirm that his grammar wasn't good BUT I totally understood what he was trying to say

Łukasz Kaszuba
Łukasz Kaszuba - 15.09.2023 11:48

Anybody can tell me what was used to create the RPG map used in this video?

Natalia A.
Natalia A. - 15.09.2023 05:18

Omg get to the point lol

matthiasEK - 15.09.2023 01:05

This sounds like an Influent ad.

julian banega
julian banega - 14.09.2023 18:58

When you grow up you first learn how to speak your native language fluently and be underdtood, then you get to school and learn grammar and rules, that's what makes sense.
My school had me learning english since I was 4 or 5, it wasn't until I was 10 years old that we started practicing actualy speaking, listening and reading english and getting to actually understand it. Before that we had to memorize words, grammar rules, but it was when we started actually talking and having conversations that I actually got good at english. Today i'm 21, I don't remember most of the rules they taught me, but i'm able to watch this video and understand it, and write this comment which might have errors but is understandable, and that's what I want

محمد جاد الحاجي
محمد جاد الحاجي - 13.09.2023 06:44

Straight to the point 👍

セルティーの裏側 - 13.09.2023 06:25

I agree with you 100%!!!
The only detail I might not agree with is that those physical cards for me are better made in digital format with the Anki app… I'm studying Japanese…. I tried several times and I never got it... I abandoned it and I live in Japan so I couldn't learn it... until I started the method you say... that is, learn a language to SURVIVE! Where is the restroom ? learn the most used words, to hell with grammar, particles, etc.
After I increased my vocabulary and could already make myself understood, I began to learn phrases to shape my Japanese caveman, today you have chatgpt and it could help create simple phrases and I put all of these into my Anki app…. And of course only at the end do I have to learn the grammar! Already with a lot of vocabulary and practicing phrases, I only added phrases applying the use of those rules! 👍👍
And so finally, today I can finally get around in Japanese at an intermediate level and converse and joke, something I couldn't do before.

Coincido 100% contigo !!!
El único detalle que podría no estar de acuerdo es que esas tarjetas físicas para mí es mejor hacerlas en formato digital con la aplicación Anki … estoy estudiando japonés …. Intenté varias veces y nunca lo conseguía … lo abandoné y eso que vivo en Japón mismo así no conseguí aprenderlo …… hasta que inicie el método que dices … es decir aprender un idioma para SOBREVIVIR ! donde está el baño ? aprender las palabras más usadas , al diablo la gramática , partículas , etc
Luego de que aumente mi vocabulario y ya podía dejarme entender empecé a aprender frases para darle forma a mi japonés cavernícola , hoy en día tienes a chatgpt y podría ayudar a crear frases simples y todas estas las metía a mi app Anki …. Y por supuesto solo ya al final toco aprender la gramática ! Ya con mucho vocabulario y estando practicando frases solo hay agregué frases aplicando el uso de esas reglas ! 👍👍
Y así por fin hoy puedo por fin desenvolverme en japonés a nivel intermedio y conversar y bromear cosa que antes no lo conseguía

Calebe Teles
Calebe Teles - 13.09.2023 05:44

If you want to save time:

the first 10 minutes of the video is composed of complaints about how hard the traditional way is and trying to say that you could just learn how to have a conversation instead of learning formal language rules etc..

Then he follows up to show you the big secret which is
- memorize 500-1000 most frequently used words (similar to Pareto principle)
- start talking in the language as soon as possible (practice)
- consume fun content in the target language (input)

you're welcome. 
I saved 20min of your life.

Wenssent Art
Wenssent Art - 13.09.2023 01:40


frappe de limon
frappe de limon - 13.09.2023 01:38

why is he explaining it like we don't know what a videogame is lmao

Leornende Eald Englisc
Leornende Eald Englisc - 12.09.2023 02:57

Never knew about "Basic English" before. Thank you for this.

Mauricio Arroyo
Mauricio Arroyo - 11.09.2023 22:21

As a polyglot, I have learned all the languages I speak, the same way (almost) that I learned my native language.

Mauricio Arroyo
Mauricio Arroyo - 11.09.2023 22:19

This video is AWESOME!!!!
(the story of the baguette tho...I can't believe that part, no).

Byron Watts
Byron Watts - 11.09.2023 09:04

This month I started [finally] learning the local language and it is really cool. 'All' training is in the target language with no cross references to English...except the ones I inject, which is a small problem. Just passed 500 words in my potential vocabulary. Very cool process.

Brian Misera
Brian Misera - 11.09.2023 02:59

He doesn't like JK Rowling? I'm gonna guess this is politically motivated. Good grief dude.

Osama yoo
Osama yoo - 09.09.2023 15:05

From my experience in learning languages , I think that the most important thing that if you can do , you’ll be fluent in any language which is just have fun and never ever memorize words by itself

Lecir Moreira
Lecir Moreira - 08.09.2023 10:00

I speak Portuguese and English fluently (here is that word, you talked about) well, learning French was a breeze for me, mainly because I would recognize about 60% of French words right off. Why? English is loaded with French words. Portuguese and French are cousins (Well!… twice removed). Nonetheless, during the pandemic I learned enough to converse with any cab driver in France, except those in Paris, of course. Italian and Spanish ? Well I don't even try…I simply understand them by birth rights. Romanian is a different story though…rsrsrs. German…no way…too many portmanteau words.

Wilson Noguera
Wilson Noguera - 07.09.2023 09:59

As a spanish speaker Actually , i have been improving my english with your videos .

Buttercup - 07.09.2023 07:05

This makes sense! I think we need to look at foreign language learning the same way we look at native language learning. We learned our native languages by speaking words as we grew from infancy, fully immersing ourselves in it as children. Then, in grade school, we learn the logistics of sentence structure and participles and all that fancy stuff. But we don't learn those more complicated "rules" until we're already expressing ourselves in the language. In fact, plenty of people never get that education in school, but still speak their native language fluently just by growing up in it and speaking it their whole lives.

Acsa666 - 04.09.2023 13:18

sei molto bravo, hai un leggero accento spagnolo. I think your video game approach makes a lot of sense, i actually am starting to learn german and i will apply this method hpefully it will help

Liam - 03.09.2023 21:17

If you already became fluent in Spanish then Italian shouldn't be too hard

Gerardo Fallas
Gerardo Fallas - 03.09.2023 15:56

Loved the video! I was wondering if you could share the list of Italian words? That would be amazing and highly appreciated!

Cesar Gil
Cesar Gil - 02.09.2023 19:45

As a Brazilian, what impresses me the most is your accent, Italian being in a phonetic branch (romance language) other than English (anglo-saxon language) which is phonetically very different. We can see that you make an effort to apply grammar, but in the end it comes out good.

Good_G-Fenzi - 01.09.2023 18:04

ahahaha notice he had to add a disclaimer CLASSIC :) ;-) mans has respect for adding a disclaimer lol but to summarize the video - is to basically to memorize the ass out of certain words...

Drachenschnauze - 01.09.2023 11:56

I see where youre coming from, in my opinion it should be in that order: first communication, second working on perfektion if you want to. My language goal is to speak icelandic on a near native level. I will have to put in the work and gather all the korok seeds but still, the ability to communicate comes first. I can polish up my accent, get the perfect grammar later and aquire it over time. For now i want to be able to understand and be understood.

Sk. Rizwan Hossain
Sk. Rizwan Hossain - 01.09.2023 09:08

I can’t agree to your concept of learning a language...thanks to you I have more confidence now to go forward...thanks a lot

Jacob Holgate
Jacob Holgate - 01.09.2023 05:59

So, he speaks fluent Spanish, has a high level of French knowledge and has pinned his learning methods as revolutionary because he picked up Italian quickly?
I learned English pretty quickly too, full disclaimer; I did speak Australian fluently and studied Latin for a few years prior so I guess i had some advantage. lol

Phades - 31.08.2023 18:43

You lost me at the "ate an apple" example. I would totally correct my kid if he told me he "eated an apple." Grammar does matter. Now, if a stranger said that to me who was just trying to communicate.... different story.

Mimo - 29.08.2023 17:01

Why don't you like J.K.Roling?

Vincenzo Pallonzo
Vincenzo Pallonzo - 26.08.2023 18:46

Bro, I'm Italian, and I'll tell you that you have a very good Italian. I believe that spending 3 months in Italy would help you very much improve your knowledge about the language. Especially the pronunciation. Trust me, you're on the good path.

Paolo Grisanti
Paolo Grisanti - 26.08.2023 04:45

Bravo. Mi piace il tuo approccio. Lo sto utilizzando per imparare l'olandese perché ora vivo e lavoro da febbraio 2022 ad Amsterdam.

Good man. I like your approach. I am using it to learn dutch because I have been living and working, since february 2022, in Amsterdam. (I should improve my english too...but this is another story 😊)
Thanks for sharing and "non mollare l'italiano, sei comunque riuscito a comunicare, secondo me, un messaggio importante".

Barbara - 25.08.2023 05:52

I'm an English as a second language tutor and I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, most coursebooks, traditional teaching methods, and ideologies from marketing campaigns are far from the ideas presented here. But things are changing. You've given me insights to help my beginner students; I always struggle with them.

I'd like to comment on the idea that only "native speakers" are worth talking to. I believe we should be prepared to communicate with all speakers of the target language, not just natives. For English, for instance, most students will use it to talk to others whose first language isn't English. I don't think native speakers should be the only ones we learn from and communicate with, even at the beginner level. Students can practice speaking the language with other students from their own or another country. That said, great video!

Egor Kurakin
Egor Kurakin - 24.08.2023 21:03

Fluency in a language means that you can substitute the language you are using in daily life and professional activities from your mother tongue to the target foreign language. It apparently involves being able to read and write, and speak at a decent level, and those subjunctives and conditionals you were unhappy about in the video are used in the language at that decent level. You used those constructions while you were talking as well as some advanced vocabulary, however you were really upset about the linguistic community mentioning the importance of those topics while learning a foreign language. Obviously, you won't need that at the very beginning of your journey, but as soon as you consider having a talk deeper than ordering a baguette or discussing the weather, you might as well need those complex and perplexing things

O caminho do inglês
O caminho do inglês - 24.08.2023 17:38

you got me in your definition of fluency, nice job man!

NinossoniN - 24.08.2023 03:46

Is this different from the pimsleur method?

Hellenic Minds Co
Hellenic Minds Co - 19.08.2023 17:22

I would like to create a map like this easily. I need some Tilesets to make one like yours... Could anybody help me ?

James R Morris
James R Morris - 19.08.2023 00:19

yeah that's true they teach you like learning music theory but you never practice on an instrument, you know how chords are made, modes scales you know how they sound alone, together you can even write music on paper and do counter point and writing in odd timings, key changes etc but you never actually played a note on an instrument especially with multiple other instruments you wouldn't be able to play, it's like being able to play one instrument like guitar and going to trumpet you would need to learn and build up the skills in that instrument the fact you know music theory definitely helps but it doesn't make you a master of every instrument.

weird_steak - 18.08.2023 12:43

Your Italian is easily understandable, great results and congrats

Useless Avgust
Useless Avgust - 17.08.2023 14:17

Daek Souls is more like a language learning
