Collection Group Queries in Firestore

Collection Group Queries in Firestore


5 лет назад

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John - 20.01.2023 23:03

How can I implement this in Android jecpack compose?

Guru Bhai
Guru Bhai - 08.12.2022 09:44

I want to cater to multiple restaurant clients, should i crea one firestore database with one top level collection for each client or should I create one firestore database for each client? each restaurant admin/owner should see their unique dashboard when they login to the Android app

Vedant - 31.10.2022 14:52

So there was a time when Jeff used to not sound like a robot. 😯

Rebar - 06.10.2022 03:36

The collectionGroup has to be handled with care! It can create an excessive amount of reads in firestore and that leads to a bunch of bucks burned 😀

zenith s
zenith s - 22.04.2022 13:55

Make one with react

Somesh Sahu
Somesh Sahu - 25.02.2022 22:01

Very nice and helpful video thankyou so much 🙏🏼 🙏🏼🙏🏼

blissful yogurt
blissful yogurt - 05.02.2022 22:15

Hello! If somebody has solved the issue of joins in firestore by any method so please forward us the code or logic or please explain me! Its really urgent and important. Thanks.

Kumar Saptam
Kumar Saptam - 28.10.2021 15:11

Can you please create a firebase v9 migration guide.

Ayyash Ayyash
Ayyash Ayyash - 13.06.2021 22:58

in 2021, did they just remove it again from firebase? I can't find it

Emil Goldfarb
Emil Goldfarb - 08.06.2021 01:59

How do you a collectionGroup query limited to items under one node? For example, limited to comments made within chats of a particular organization.

ㅈㅇㅅ - 08.04.2021 14:33

I really thanksful your video. I didn't know make all collection in same name! It's really good solution thanks

Shadow Suave
Shadow Suave - 11.03.2021 22:40

If I want to query common likes on an object in the db, between a user and users they follow, would this be the best way to go?

Param Keshkamat
Param Keshkamat - 18.02.2021 09:12

Every thing was great until he started using angular 😖

bob - 24.01.2021 05:31


Joboy Jordan
Joboy Jordan - 17.01.2021 05:55

You didn't show the output in UI of .collectionGroup call. 😐 But still 🔥🔥...

Samip Shah
Samip Shah - 21.11.2020 15:15

Seems like a lot of people having the same problem hence so excited for this HAHAH

Samip Shah
Samip Shah - 21.11.2020 15:15


Jireh Padua
Jireh Padua - 09.11.2020 04:15

my brain is bleeding... haha! i guess i need to research more to understand... still, great vids... 😅

luke cross
luke cross - 22.09.2020 16:47

I have an ask:
When I do this nested consultation, am I charged for all readings being taken? For example, you asked to consult the comments, but did not initially say where, soon, he will look in the posts collection and in the others, if you know it is in the post collection, I will still be charged for the other collections even if I don't want to include them searching for a collection by group?

Alaa - 18.07.2020 13:52

Can I get all subcollections of a certain set of documents, such that the documents appear in a list of document IDs that I provide? I.e. put a condition on the ID of the subcollection's parent document

Manjeet kashyap
Manjeet kashyap - 25.06.2020 16:08

Can anyone please tell
Either solutions for
Shorting data using two child by set query

Silvio Fiordelisa
Silvio Fiordelisa - 15.06.2020 09:44

THANKS JEFF!!!! This tutorial is great!

Average Consumer
Average Consumer - 24.05.2020 17:44

Please slow down.

Team Rational
Team Rational - 20.05.2020 20:42

Is there a way by which I can put where clause in subcollection and get result of parent collection.

Ajinkya Temak
Ajinkya Temak - 04.05.2020 17:18

Hey just wanted to know something from you. I heard a lot of people say that you should not deeply have sub-collections in firestore for efficiency. Is it right????

Studio DBA
Studio DBA - 21.04.2020 07:23

This is a very helpful video - but I am confused as to what snapshotChanges() does - is this angular or angularfire specific? Coming from a react background - I'm trying to do exactly what you show in this video - but cannot figure out how this last step works to retrieve nested replies to each comment. Any help appreciated!

FuTuRiSM - 18.04.2020 06:42

Does it count as 1 read for each Group Query? Or it is depends on how many comments return from that query in this example?

S H - 10.04.2020 16:31

Hi Jeff, does this appear in your master architecture course? And does this mean we no longer have to build up on the root collections list like we did before for easily searching relationship data? Or is there still a limitation here? Thanks

Utkarsh Bhimte
Utkarsh Bhimte - 30.10.2019 16:08

Great video, but if I have a query which gave me an array of comments of a post, Is there any way I can also get user data using the reference uid in the post? somewhat of a SQL join, or is that still impossible in Firestore?

heyyy - 20.10.2019 00:45

how do it this with vue?

Indian Spirituality Gyan
Indian Spirituality Gyan - 30.08.2019 12:55

saved hell lot of time

Indian Spirituality Gyan
Indian Spirituality Gyan - 30.08.2019 12:55

Thanks it helped alot

Eduardo Rabanal
Eduardo Rabanal - 24.07.2019 23:20

thank you very much bro, great video

Jesse Lima
Jesse Lima - 12.07.2019 13:25

Great! I have been waiting for this!!!!!

iustin pericica
iustin pericica - 05.07.2019 00:49

Do someone know how to make geolocation queries on subollection it would be very helpfl for me.. I ve tried geofirex but works just on collections... Please...

Rafael Ferraz
Rafael Ferraz - 27.06.2019 19:51

Awesome video! Thank you. What you think is the biggest advantage of CollectionGroup over a normal Collection query. Isn't simple to mimic the same behavior with a top level Collection?

Arash Bijan
Arash Bijan - 26.06.2019 05:04

Talking too fast. Consider that the audience trying to understand this

Kevin Rutledge
Kevin Rutledge - 22.06.2019 06:23

Using collectionGroup Queries for nested commenting has been great. However, if I allow users to delete a comment the abandoned subcollections remain even as the document is deleted. Have you done any kind of cloud function so that when a document is deleted, it checks lower level collections and removes them recursively?

Jason Perfetto
Jason Perfetto - 05.06.2019 15:36

I wish I could upvote this a million times. I hope that this channel makes you a zillionaire dude you deserve it

Abhishek Kumar
Abhishek Kumar - 23.05.2019 15:46

Thank u for this awesome video

Brooklyn Adventure
Brooklyn Adventure - 23.05.2019 12:10

Does this only work for 1 document who has bunch of nested collections(like u showed end of the video of your backend)? Or can we also query every posts(document)'s collection called "comments" and their nested comments with 1 command?. That would be crazy....Great video

Jeff Frazier
Jeff Frazier - 23.05.2019 03:38

Thanks Jeff. Now how about refactoring this for Flutter with Provider?

DevClass com Ricardo
DevClass com Ricardo - 22.05.2019 20:24

What is the name of the background music you use in your videos?

Fernando Luca De Tena Smith
Fernando Luca De Tena Smith - 22.05.2019 14:27

Awesome video as always Jeff!! It would be very cool if you could do a full course on firebase Rules.

Nemanja Subotin
Nemanja Subotin - 22.05.2019 12:00

Finally, great job Jeff ^_^

Jeremy Whiteley
Jeremy Whiteley - 22.05.2019 03:15

This was helpful. What about the Firestore rules that goes with them. Can you do a course on Firestore rules? This needed. Especially advanced rules.

patrick mullot
patrick mullot - 22.05.2019 00:08

Super cool new feature! But now, you have to review your data modeling course :-p

Doodles - 21.05.2019 23:24

This is amazing, yet another feature I was anxiously waiting to use.
