No marriage, no babies in Korea, why? / Single life | Korean Pizza Club | EP1

No marriage, no babies in Korea, why? / Single life | Korean Pizza Club | EP1

Korean Pizza Club

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Joy🌹 - 24.11.2023 16:38

Korea sounds like a horror movie

M - 21.11.2023 01:11

Why does koreans think marriage in terms of money and taxes. Well since they are money craving and dont know how to sociallize as a basic human being, so the marriage relationship degrades into old men watching tv on a sofa after work and yelling at their wives Im Tired and I Made All This By Meself so cook. Or women being 6000 dollars per month us not enough go get more. I used to make more than you. When your korean and a normal human being, you become disgusted by money due to psychopathic korean behaviours

M - 21.11.2023 01:08

So when you take a photo in a marriage the bride and groom will list and organize who was here long enough to take photo and get free dinner and how much they payed. Based on their feel, they choose to be friends or not with less paying people since they think its not healthy to keep poor people around their new family. Its a psychopathic mental disease that koreans carry.

TLDR Infographics
TLDR Infographics - 20.11.2023 04:32

You guys will cringe so hard at this conversation in 10 years, as we all do.

Marriage is The most important decision of your life and it has failure rate of around 50% for a reason.

The guy/girl you married because they were “cute” at young age could have parents who are financially fucked and will fuck you up too.

Same goes for health conditions which you can pass on to your child and set them up for a life time of suffering.

andrea bolding
andrea bolding - 19.11.2023 11:16

Are there private school in korea that educates just enough to pass your exams well.

andrea bolding
andrea bolding - 19.11.2023 11:12

Decreased babies is it because
- fertility less than previously?
- desire to have children is less now married?
- less marriages?

3rd world country - limited contraception, less pharmacological abortion, less surgical abortion.
1st workd - stress is a massive killer of fertility.

Gundar Varr
Gundar Varr - 18.11.2023 01:35

16.21 Sweden advanced ? really? in 2005 yes maybe. Sweden now is the capital of Europe crime.

Clover An
Clover An - 15.11.2023 00:53

good quality show!

May S
May S - 15.11.2023 00:46

I hate MBTI such a pseudoscience

William Egnever
William Egnever - 14.11.2023 07:25

Kelsey and Anna are white washed and can't "handle" the whole traditional korean women thing. I know many korean women who love the traditional korean women thing like cooking, cleaning, etc, especially for the MAN she loves. The cost of living does prevent many people from marrying and having babies.

DC Hong
DC Hong - 06.11.2023 04:18

I am a working mom in the US. I suffer from burn out, depression and anxiety. I can understand why korean women are not getting married and having children. It is a huge sacrifice!!!

Nuri Bayram
Nuri Bayram - 05.11.2023 02:35

All these korean girls also being ran-trough and so randomly dating wow, I thought the culture would prevent that

acojsx - 02.11.2023 03:54

u should put a patroen contirbution to hear what Anna said

A J - 01.11.2023 18:02

Mudra briggs has been proven to be BS

A J - 01.11.2023 16:28

That internal sexism from older women in the family is very common in South Asian communities too. It can be very toxic. That’s why most young women are opting to live in nuclear families than stay with in laws or close to them.

Suzanne Parrish
Suzanne Parrish - 31.10.2023 23:26

Marriage, babies and home prices are a shitshow in every country now.

Gina Cordero
Gina Cordero - 31.10.2023 04:52

Marriage in any country is expensive. The couple who's getting ready should be prepared for what happens after the marriage ceremony because it's more hard work than the actually ceremony.

Michael Combs
Michael Combs - 25.10.2023 05:29

I make documentaries and it's amazing how these Korean people have no idea that they're currently 42 million people in South Korea but within 100 years they're going to be 3 million people. They talk about genetics and dating gene pool but have no comprehension about the reality what's going on. Three of the four women were just there to choose to be genetic that ends all they want to do was ride the carousel and have a good time and they had no clue that essentially they were the last of the people there the last of the Mohicans quite literally And they can't even see it and it's really really sad. Their part is urban monoculture that is destroying the world and it's going to lead to major population co-ops. And they also can't see by the time 30 and 40 years rolls around that South Korea won a longer having economy and it will be like Detroit. it's fascinating to watch it. It's like when you watch those people botanic having a good time I am I can't even see the iceberg ahead. It's really sad.

jiwany - 23.10.2023 02:24

you people need to read meaning of marriage, and sacred marriage. thats what is wrong with this western world

Raena Kim-Geyer
Raena Kim-Geyer - 12.10.2023 18:04

Growing up Korean-American… this convo is amazing. Really.

The system installed in So. Korea … based on Confucianism has turned into indoctrination. What was once beneficial is now detrimental in many ways. Cultural change is happening everywhere but especially in Asia. Yeah… that generation gap is now so apparent.
The global population will decline in any case because of the transition we are currently experiencing.
Thank you for expressing your voices.

Mel Bobineau
Mel Bobineau - 11.10.2023 23:55

The Napolitain pizza is very fine. Put then you get pizza taillo, which is thicker and also pizza focacia.

Mel Bobineau
Mel Bobineau - 11.10.2023 23:53

Well, pizzas were done with leftovers. So it doesn't horrify me that Koreans put other things on them.

Mel Bobineau
Mel Bobineau - 11.10.2023 21:21

It is weird. At their ages, I also preferred older men. Now the opposite since I was around 35.

Mel Bobineau
Mel Bobineau - 11.10.2023 21:02

Does korean persons know that lack of sleep is detrimental to your brain and mental health?

Bernadette Palmer
Bernadette Palmer - 11.10.2023 19:29

I hope 🤞 all of you can be happy in the future and find the right person to be with for over 37 years like my husband and I ! We dated for 2&1/2 years then got engaged , got married after 6 months! Just because, we had to know if we where right with each other and no MBTI 😅
Good luck 😉

Bernadette Palmer
Bernadette Palmer - 11.10.2023 19:23

It’s definitely interesting how Korean lifestyle is as I like watching Korean tv series 👍🏾 specially how they go trough education and then love !
Thanks 🙏🏾
I’m sad about how they choose their partners trough MBTi ?? 😂
As I was born in the Philippines and was adopted in Australia and married a purely Australian man who I have been married now for 37 years 😊
We have 3 grown children and eldest daughter is married and then our second son is gay and the youngest one is living with my elderly mother in law to look after her ! They all went to a catholic private schools and we brought them up with good values in life , no pressure and took them all to volunteer while in high schools during school holidays! They all experienced travelling in Europe and the younger son did 3 months volunteer work in South Africa! Our family always have pets at home 😊 they all did sports growing up , tae quan do , athletics , swimming and tennis! Anything they wanted to do but tennis, swimming and tae quan do we introduce to them while in their primary because it’s a necessity in their life ✅
Now we don’t force them to do anything they don’t want to do ! They all have university degrees so my husband and I are both relaxed

Amablog Reactions
Amablog Reactions - 08.10.2023 22:05

Sorry but I don't agree with the third world country bull shit, you guys just talked about right now!! We have options I we don't want to marry okay,let me just clear that misunderstanding here...

Amablog Reactions
Amablog Reactions - 08.10.2023 21:58

No wonder there is a decrease in birth rate,jeez what the hell.....

Lorienzo De Garcia
Lorienzo De Garcia - 03.10.2023 18:44

Modern Asian childbirth rate dropped like flies in a insectiside mist spray. Maybe if they didn't treat their kids and females like shit MAYBE their next generation would've seen having children as a good thing because they didn't have traumatic childhoods to draw from.

Just a thought. r/AsianParentStories

Maanasa Kotha
Maanasa Kotha - 03.10.2023 04:07

I'm not even Korean but I could draw a lot of parallels between this and India and am so much more thankful my parents moved to the US. That being said this was also so triggering to listen to and it makes me so freaking mad how badly women are treated still in Korea.

Brian Kurtz
Brian Kurtz - 02.10.2023 02:19

The gal on the left represents everything that is wrong with modern women. Do you hear the words coming out of her mouth? "I don't believe in monogamy." That's code for, "I want to be a promiscuous hoe." Then, to make matters worse, she litteraly says when talking about wanting to get married, "Well...if it financially benefitted me....maybe." NO man wants to be seen as nothing more than a financial check in the box. A tax write-off. A walking wallet. I wish there was a law that she was required to show these damning video segments to every single man before she was allowed to go on a single date with her so that she can get what she deserves...namely to be completely alone with her pets for the rest of her life. She should not have the companionship of a man for even a single DATE since she obviously has no interest in relationships or concern AT ALL about what the man might she should get what she deserves.

Céline - 01.10.2023 21:20

MBTI has nothing to do with personality. It's about cognitive functions, so how and on what you base your thoughts, how you take your decisions. The problem is 99% of people use 16personalities test to find out about their mbti but 16p is based on The Big 5 and has nothing to do with cognitive functions. They just use the letters of MBTI to make it more popular. Feelers and thinkers use both thinking and feeling functions.

Céline - 01.10.2023 20:59

Anna i'm with you 😂

Céline - 01.10.2023 20:50

It's funny how those who don't want to have kids always get asked "why?" by those who do want them. The latters don't get asked why they do want them so can we just stop? It's 2023 and i'm sick of it.

mike - 01.10.2023 17:14

This phenomenon is exactly the same as in China.

Ready for the Asteroid
Ready for the Asteroid - 30.09.2023 01:08

So just a comment on your name of the channel, I kinda ignored your channel because the term "pizza" is a common word used to refer to people who abuse children. I can't type the name here but here is an abbreviation (pedo). Maybe that's why no one is getting it. But I'm glad I finally tuned in. Hopefully your channel grows bigger.

tanpokio - 28.09.2023 08:09

If you love something very much and see others not even like or want it, accept it as a fact. As long as there are billions of people on the planet, we all beg to differ on things and matters.

Stacey Cutting
Stacey Cutting - 28.09.2023 00:32

I don't think its just Korea, young people today face many of the same challenges especially economic. Plus being single or just dating is a great way of life. Not everyone needs to have kids to live a fulfilling life. Marriage is so old school, in Canada many of my friends are in long term (20 years) relationships without marriage.

Michael Skeels
Michael Skeels - 26.09.2023 18:36

The root of all problems in Korea is Confucianism. Its a primitive concept.

The Cheeky Native
The Cheeky Native - 26.09.2023 09:53

Shout out to all the women in the world who know what they want and why. It's tricky enough trying to navigate the marriage market as it is, where even here in South Africa the meeting of families resemble corporate mergers, without having to deal with a prospective partner who doesn't know their own mind.

Wezker Lim
Wezker Lim - 24.09.2023 05:44

my guess why the prob of men hating women & women hating men is so severe is cuz korea, just like other asian countries are quite patriarchal.

Myrna Skogland
Myrna Skogland - 16.09.2023 00:11

Do any of you realize how many babies are being abandoned in South Korea?? There is one baby box by one man to help mothers not to leave their babies to die lone in the forest. The government does not take this number of babies because these babies cannot be registered as the parentage is unknown. This man along with volunteers take care of these babies. Once the government agency gets involved, these poor babies disappear into a very uncertain future and subpar orphanages. I wonder how many die from neglect in those institutions. The government is still trying to shut this baby cradle because it reflects badly that so many mothers are abandoning their babies. Unwanted pregnancy by single girls or schoolgirls, Not have money to raise a baby, or the baby is handicapped are reasons given. There is a very good film done. Check it out, it will break your heart.

Margarita Fotiadis
Margarita Fotiadis - 10.09.2023 13:00

What a completely different, strange world. I always wanted to visit but I'm reluctant after watching this. Korean society, as you present it, seems to be full of negativity towards the individual. Everyone has to fit into a social pattern which is itself rigid, obnoxious, outdated, and unjust. I wonder how young people make it, if they don't fit in a 120%? Allegedly voluntary learning in the middle of the night? In Europe we consider this a severe form of child abuse, and if you do that to your kids you might land in jail. BTW I don't think Europeans or Americans are less smart than Koreans ...

Cassandra Ramirez
Cassandra Ramirez - 10.09.2023 09:29

Honestly, as a parent (American here though) I would want to make sure my daughter's perspective husband had a house, doesn't have debt (besides the mortgage, because really, who can buy a house cash these days??!!) and doesn't have STD's! (Also that my daughters didn't have debt or STD's either!) Same standards would apply to my son seeking marriage!

I say this from EXPERIENCE. I married at 23 to a man who didn't own a house in America (he owns one in Mexico, but when you're living America, how useful is that?) and we have struggled IMMENSELY in our housing situation because of that, especially with how the economy has been since the Great Financial Recession (& still is today!) Our marriage and family life over these past 12 years would have been SOOO much easier if my husband would have had no debt and a house (in America!) before we married!!!

Elisabete Macedo
Elisabete Macedo - 09.09.2023 01:15

Eu vi um video de namoro da coreia que vao para uma casa e se conhecem, então ai a pergunta a grande parte dos coreanos são preconceituosos? No século 21 ainda tem problema com cor de pele muito escura , as negras de pele clara.? Gostaria que abordasem também sobre ?
