Wireplumber Takes Pipewire To The Next Level!

Wireplumber Takes Pipewire To The Next Level!

Brodie Robertson

1 год назад

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@chrisdanger-godlike3048 - 08.12.2023 21:17

can i set perm id for usb headset? see with "pw-top".
i want that my alsa headset output always have the same id, but if i reboot or unplug usb.
i need a solution for short key with the command wpctl set-default <id of headset> ,because as like as <name of headset> not works ;/

@alphaomega154 - 26.11.2023 09:32

the problem is with linux community, they are so far gone into the whole linux tinkering thing that NOBODY actually makes anything to be as user friendly as it should for the common people wanting to switch to linux. for example is this wireplumber thing, i want to install it to replace my pipewire media session, and there is NO SIMPLE WAY TO DO IT. one tells me i have to COMPILE the damn thing, the other describing a super long and confusing steps involving "wiring" and configuring things in codes etc. insane. common people like me only cares about, how the fuck do i install it like any simple app? and can they simply just work out of the box once installed? in windows, if i want to EQ my system-wide audio i only need to use the built in EQ in windows. in linux, i have to get calfjackhost (which i still dont know how to install it) and then some other app, and then wiring it by configuring some files that shown in LINE CODES, and so on and son. insane. this is what keeps people FROM ever moving to linux.

@kxuydhj - 31.10.2023 19:32

so, uhh... what's with the desktop wallpaper? can i have the source? for research purposes of course...

@ulterno1665 - 01.10.2023 14:21

I actually prefer the long names by default.
It helped me know what kind of audio device it was before even thinking about trying. It was fun to know those when even the motherboard documentation doesn't include it.

@artihlec - 21.09.2023 17:53

If you wanna have working media-keys and volume control notification - pulseaudio can be installed. If you don't need the functionality using just alsa is enough.

@oraz. - 07.07.2023 23:16

I find the distinction between the session manager(s) and pipewire itself completely mysterious. I use wireplumber as it's recommended, but the separate config system from how pipewire does it is also pretty confusing and it's split among many pages of docs.

@4Nanook - 15.05.2023 13:18

I had pulseaudio running PERFECT, even with an eight core kernel compile, no stuttering. Now Ubuntu 23.04 introduced pipewire and audio stutters BADLY with nothing else running except wine / Winamp as audio source. And this on an 8core i7-9900k clocked at 4.9ghz with 32GB of RAM and a WD 2TB SSD nvme, ought to be more than sufficient resources for the task and with pulse it was. I thought nobody could possibly write more fucked up code than Poettering but the authors of pipewire have no dispelled me of that belief. Of course if there were some documentation showing how to increase buffer sizes to stop the underruns that might be helpful but there is a total dirth of documentation.

@djvar94 - 01.05.2023 19:59

This is utter rubbish. Wireplumber completely and utterly sucks! Doing this has completely broken my audio on my system, the only way to restore it the way it was (working) was to delete the configuration files

@phylwx - 07.04.2023 14:17

Second time around trying pipewire and this time I've had 0 issues so far, so im gonna tinker a bit. Gotta go fast and break stuff.

@Omnifarious0 - 29.03.2023 03:51

systemd does not use the number convention. That's antithetical to the philosophy. A the time it was created, automatic parallelization of startup was a huge deal. Spurious ordering was anathema. All ordering must be specified by dependencies.

Fedora (my distribution of choice) dropped Pulseaudio for pipewire, and I'm very pleased. The less Lennart Pottering software on my computer, the better.

@CraigCalabrese - 25.03.2023 22:35

ya it did HAD problems with it on pipe wire with the AV mx studio however UBUNTU STUDIO works

@heroclix0rz - 01.03.2023 00:09

Gonna be honest, pipewire and wireplumber being two separate programs with their own config directories and formats only makes sense to developers. And it still doesn't make sense to me where qpwGraph fits in the stack, how it does what it does, or who is to to blame when I get unexpected behavior.

To a normal user, this is all a confusing mess. I know pipewire is still new, and I know it is great at what it does, but we need a front end that masks all this complexity away and makes configuration straight forward.

@mariusguscius4177 - 16.02.2023 19:08

Hmm... Any ideas on how to create LUA file to enforce specifc move of sink, aka ``` pactl move-sink-input ``` ? It would be really cool to ensure that specific app audio goes to specific sink. In my case it would be Spotify > EasyEffects. Maybe someone has examples with similar thing done?

@thanqol - 31.01.2023 15:30

Handling multiple removable audio devices is (still) a very big problem with Pipewire. Defaults are not remembered, and replugging devices does not activate them. Pipewire is still a long way from being production ready.

@BekoPharm - 18.01.2023 17:50

Using pipewire for quite some time and doing all mixing in software using null sinks and combined sinks. Tip here: setting device.icon_name will also get you a fancy icon in e.g. pavucontrol or whatever is used for audio settings :) The default icon is sometimes… lacking.

@intelligenceservices - 25.12.2022 22:22

still don't even know what pipewire does, except add another program name for me to remember.

@manw3bttcks - 17.12.2022 03:09

I wish someone would cover how to do remote network sound on pipewire and wireplumber. Suppose I have a remote linux pc that's plugged by USB into a DAC/amp and some speakers. Now suppose on another PC I have firefox playing a video, how can you stream that audio to the remote PC/dac to play on those speakers? I would love this because in my work room I have really nice speakers on the opposite wall, I can have a small pc there and plug that into a dac and into the speakers (self powered speakers). I want to direct my desk PC Firefox to play the audio to those speakers.

@JoeyLindsay - 08.12.2022 06:54

I can’t seem to get it to work

@error4159 - 10.09.2022 22:50

Why do you need to clean them up when you obviously know what hardware the long names represent? You tampering with files for know reason other than making a video.

@jnx4803 - 03.09.2022 21:55

I have Turtlebeach Z60 headset with USB card, and Linux doesn't give a f..., it just keeps outputting audio via Mic channel, and so far I haven't found a way to fix it.
On Windows, you just assign each channel with literally 2 clicks, and it always works.

@etopowertwon - 30.08.2022 07:58

Honey, wake up, new sound system dropped, which will fix all the issues of the old one.


I heard it before. Several times. I miss (not) the time packages like "alsa-oss" that work 99% of time, except 1% is the app you personally use.

@anon_y_mousse - 22.08.2022 14:15

Not that anyone will take this comment well, not that anyone will read this comment, not that I care, but programming languages shouldn't be used for configuration files. I've tried doing this in the past with my own programs, and I kind of hated configuring things that way, and I'm sure end users hate it more. Most people don't understand programming, even my fellow programmers often fail at this, so asking an end user to understand the configuration, which is already somewhat arcane, is asking too much. Further, Lua sucks.

@unfa00 - 22.08.2022 12:08

I was recommended to install Wireplumber replacing Pipewire-Media-Session and it fixed some issues for me. For example mono audio files played in the left channel only.
I never touched the Wireumber configs, and it just does a better job out of the box. I think it should be the default for any Pipewire metapackages.

@AshnSilvercorp - 21.08.2022 21:10

when wireplummer took over pipewire media session from a depreciation in update, it fixed some major bugs for me.

Now my only question... will Pipewire eventually fix mixing so surround actually gets properly mixed to channels in recorders? Cause as of right now, trying to use OBS records to stereo channels, and it forces 5.1 into 2 channels, destroying the mix quality.

@fmetall07 - 21.08.2022 17:55

arch installs wireplumber as the default session for pipewire now, im using it on 2 machines and it's working fine

@exodous02 - 21.08.2022 17:19

Linux sucking at audio was the only reason I bought a mac mini, it only runs OBS, nothing else, and I use Linux for everything else. Linux was annoying because every----single-----time I rebooted/turned on my computer I would have to set up audio in OBS. It was just too much of a headache for me. Everything else worked great, video capture was great, recording was spot on, my capture cards work great, I edit video in blender, but the audio is garbage. I'd sell my mac mini if the audio got fixed in Linux. I play games in Linux so every now and then I'll try OBS.

@ari-mcbrown - 21.08.2022 15:02

Is there a graphical UI in the works for this? Looks like everything could have been done in JSON as well? I've been looking for this for quite a while.

@virkony - 21.08.2022 14:23

What's so crazy about ALSA?
I thought that PulseAudio (and probably PipeWire) are nice mostly for things where you connect a lot of stuff, multi-user and for some sandboxes (I think Flatpak).
I went through ESD/Artsd, then mostly were using ALSA. At some moment I never had to fiddle with dmix and it just works.

@ardishco - 21.08.2022 13:02

Hey Brodie, I noticed that you haven't updated your dotfiles in 2 years. Could you please update it? I really like your polybar config!

@hiru92 - 21.08.2022 11:30

I installed pipewire on Linux Mint Work fine... pactl show pulsaudio on pipewire.

@kajoma1782 - 21.08.2022 10:51

pipewire : wireplumber.

@insu_na - 21.08.2022 09:58

Been using Pipewire for a while now, and recently it started running my audio devices at the wrong settings... Kinda annoying, but I know it'll get fixed eventually...

@gireeshmarathi2796 - 21.08.2022 08:09

Everyone is having good time with wireplumber except me, when using Bluetooth device i am facing wierd issues like microphone not working with google meet, one core reaching 100% usage, i can no longer control audio with Bluetooth headphones etc.

@elmariachi5133 - 21.08.2022 05:38

I have had nothing but trouble trying to pass through AC3 from movies to SPDIF using Pipewire for many months.. sometimes it worked, sometimes it would stutter, sometimes it had extreme lag, sometimes there was a painful noise trying to kill my speakers, sometimes it was completely mute and so on. Just purely chaotic randomness, utterly unreliable. Tried hundreds of configuration changes in the configs and in the players .. it was an immature or half assed at best experience. The whole system being hyper complex (and thus: complicated) it still could not cater for basic needs. Now I finally ditched the idea of watching movies from my Linux notebook and am using an Android set top box instead.. which is a very unsatisfying defeat. Linux still is not ready for multimedia - which about 30 years too late! :(

@HosnyAbdElRahmanHosny - 21.08.2022 05:19

Thank you for great content, will try to grasp it more later new linux user, I have first known pipewire from and since installing. It is a game changer solved all my audio problems.

But can you do a noise cancelation video tutorial on it how to configure it correctly for all of us how do a lot of online meetings.

@xllvr - 21.08.2022 04:39

I don’t really see the point of doing this in particular because I’m not bothered by it but it’s a good idea to have an implementation like this

@human__________ - 21.08.2022 03:15

yeahhhhh i'll just wait for a gui editor lol

really annoying thing about my system is that linux always makes my usb mic the default output 🙄. It's for the most part a non issue though. In a DE i just switch between my headphones and tv as needed and in a WM I just use PAVU control and set outputs by application.

@kj_sh604 - 21.08.2022 02:51

I remember around 2014-2017, Pipewire was really just a concept and it was just getting its start. It's really amazing to see it now, in the flesh, working as proper as it can be 😌. I haven't really used anything other than PulseAudio, jack2, or ALSA, but seeing how functional everything is now. I might just give Pipewire a go, tonight 😌

@felipec - 21.08.2022 01:33

Pipewire all the way. I can't wait for the moment I run zero Pottering software.

@raphaelboily9117 - 21.08.2022 01:29

I love pipewire, it solved most of my audio problems when it got released, but I do not understand the advantages of the wireplumber session manager over systemd services/daemons. (Maybe I should simply move my shell scripts to wireplumber configs, but then it wouldnt dynamicly patch to to my usb sound card when plugged in..?)

@killistan - 21.08.2022 00:56

I just use alsa and don't think about it; it just works. I'll probably give pipewire another shot, in a few months; I do have some hope for it... But it's got to be good. I want it, or something like it, to work as well as just alsa; on a potato.

...I suspect, we would need to replace alsa itself, to get what I really want. That's probably not going to happen, and I wouldn't want to lose backward compatibility for it.

@prgnify - 21.08.2022 00:40

Also, it was funny the way you talked about LUA, cause, you know, in LUA the only data structure is a table. So I guess you are correct on the terminology? LOL

@prgnify - 21.08.2022 00:37

I've been using wireplumber + pipewire for a loooong while. They are SO user friendly, not to mention they just work - with alsa, pulse, jack etc etc etc.... Amazing system.

Also, in the last video you mentioned how your kernel was 5.18 or something? And I think I was already on 5.19 for a while, with no problems whatsoever... Is Arch slower in general than OpenSUSE tumbleweed? I honestly did not think so.

@HowToLinux - 21.08.2022 00:22

I saw your patreon tier list, it is jsut about tee :DDD i love black tee like the polish saga. Do you have any recommendations for me?

@baguettedad - 21.08.2022 00:06

I know it's off-topic, but has neofetch died??

@nyxalexandra-io - 21.08.2022 00:06

