#1. Intro to STM32F4 Register Based Programming || Clock Setup || LED Blinking || NO HAL

#1. Intro to STM32F4 Register Based Programming || Clock Setup || LED Blinking || NO HAL


3 года назад

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First Principles
First Principles - 11.06.2023 22:44

Hi, First of all thanks for a nice tutorial. I think as a safe step, we need to reset the bits for PLLP, PLLM and PLLN in PLLCFGR register to zero first. Otherwise doing OR operation would result in erroneous value for some boards. This was the case with me as I was trying to get System Clock of 100Mhz. Only after resetting those bits to zero could I make the OR operation work correctly and get desired frequency. I verified my results by running the SystemCoreClockUpdate function provided in system_stm32f4xx.c to see the value of SystemCoreClock as 100MHz (Using HSE_VALUE of 8MHz).

Anil suha
Anil suha - 07.06.2023 19:29

how to derive the programming steps for a peripheral(say GPIO) from scratch from reference manual of STM32 controllers?

M U B A S H E E R - 18.04.2023 14:11

Hi sir. Where can I get the procedure to do it step by step with sequence?

Beratcan Çekiç
Beratcan Çekiç - 02.03.2023 12:18

Hello Sir , firstly thank u very much for such an awasome playlist . I want to ask a question that im struggling with over 3 days and couldnt solve the problem which is when i write above codes and watch the changes of PLLCFGR register , no bit changes . I try a lot of ways and i solved that by calling the function RCC_DeInit();. But why my codes cant work withour RCC_DeInit ? And how can i solve that problem ? Best Wishes.

Alfa Fatansyah
Alfa Fatansyah - 08.02.2023 06:33

my Xtal is undefined, can't edit. Anyone can solve this problem?

Kolotun Bobo
Kolotun Bobo - 19.01.2023 11:20

Hi! This is a best tutorial for STM32. But I dont understand how you set 00: PLLP = 2 at here RCC->PLLCFGR = (PLL_M <<0) | (PLL_N<<6) | (PLL_P <<16) | (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC_HSE)?

Shanto Islam
Shanto Islam - 24.12.2022 09:47

how did you know that procedure.

Caleb - 12.12.2022 04:02

Thanks for the great videos! One request, please find a way to keep the ads on your website from covering the tutorial information. Also, If I resize the browser, so I can fit both my IDE and the browser side-by-side, all of the ads cover up the information as well.

Joe Gancher
Joe Gancher - 20.11.2022 22:18

You are certainly the best when it comes to putting together videos on STM ARM. Please consider publishing a book or putting a course up on one of the MOOC providers.

Knowledge In Tamil KIT
Knowledge In Tamil KIT - 16.11.2022 10:32

Please arrange the playlist video with numbers 1 ,2,3... from basic to expert....

Ali Şerbetçi
Ali Şerbetçi - 16.09.2022 23:34

Thanks to the background music you chose, I had fun like watching a cartoon.

Narayana Nani
Narayana Nani - 15.09.2022 13:14

please share the link stm32 cube ide

Or Tapiero
Or Tapiero - 30.07.2022 12:39

Great video.
But how could i know the steps?
Every moment i have more questions…

How would i know to config the voltage regulator after enable APB?
I can i develop that mind set to figure this kind of things be myself?
I want to realy learn and not to be a copycat.

Where it is written in the data sheet or manual reference?
Please tell me the secret

Ariful Nahid
Ariful Nahid - 21.07.2022 17:53

Thanks for this video. However in configure target options the xtal frequency is greyed out and I cannot change. Could you suggest How can I change the frequency. I am using STM32F401CCU6 microcontroller and I need to give 84 Mhz.

Кирилл Герасимов
Кирилл Герасимов - 09.07.2022 17:23

IT IS A FANTASTIC VIDEO! I've finally understood how to work with all of this! Thank you very much!

Steffen Reck
Steffen Reck - 27.04.2022 07:34

Great Video. After a while I even liked the music.

Michael - 14.04.2022 16:41

Very good, I really learned a lot ... I just need a clarification on Clock Configuration in Cube MX: I am using a STM32F401RE Nucleo board and I intend to use the 8Mhz ST-Link Oscillator on the board, is this still to be configure as crystal/ceramic Resonator or as Bypass clock source ... Thank you
