Recover From ANY Google Algorithm Update

Recover From ANY Google Algorithm Update

Rank Math SEO

2 года назад

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@PaulHillGuitarist - 16.11.2022 18:51

A very informative and helpful video thank you. My sites haven't been hit, but it is good to know what not to do in the first place so it doesn't need fixing later. 👍

@MayurPanghaal - 16.11.2022 18:53

Never bought any links. Never tried underhand tricks. Never even researched any keywords. Just wrote simple content in plain and simple language. Used wordpress. Thats it.

@MayurPanghaal - 16.11.2022 18:57

You cannot fool google. You can ... momentarily...but eventually you will be caught out. Google tracks more metrics and audience behavior metrics than you can trick. You cant. Just post original content and keep it original. If the audience does not read your entire content and spend time on your content, no matter what you do, you will not rank high in google. Simple as that. If you cant engage and retain audience, there is no chance. Ofcourse, the big corporations spend thousands of dollars on google ads and that also helps them rank higher organically. It sucks. But thats the fact. Also, try Bing if you are searching for content. It is much much better than google and does not flood the search with ads everywhere. Hope this helps. 🙏🤝

@insertioweb - 16.11.2022 19:26

Very useful informations. Thanks

@Techicial_COM - 16.11.2022 19:34

Very nice topic ✌🏻

@godwinoluponmile5743 - 16.11.2022 19:57


@KevinHaney - 17.11.2022 01:04

When do you advise 410 Content Deleted vs 310 Permanent Move when removing underperforming articles?

@andreaabbondanza4383 - 17.11.2022 03:37

Hey Jack. The links feature is absolutely useful. Why did you not use 301 to related categories instead of 410 redirects?

@shamirshakher - 17.11.2022 05:27

Very informative video. My site is 100% down and it's because of poor quality contents, based on your video. It's time to rebuild from scratch following "Rank Math" guides. By the way, I use "Link Whisper" to check for deleted links but it's not convenient. Maybe you can do something better than "Link Whisper". Finding broken and deleted link is very useful when removing poor quality contents.

@AtifSEOExpert - 17.11.2022 07:52

Very Good Video Thanks

@MarioBarretta - 17.11.2022 11:04

very interesting and good informations (how ever from Rank Math staff)

@techwithgyanitota979 - 17.11.2022 11:13

Thanks!! it helps a lot..

@renate-blaes - 17.11.2022 12:39

Thank you very much! Very helpful video!

@gurdianmagazines7160 - 17.11.2022 14:52

What is anybody dont use rank math?

@debajyotinath5021 - 17.11.2022 18:24

Blogging is becoming harder day by day

@digizin-cz - 18.11.2022 10:54

Nice explanation...

@SidhantaBhoi- - 18.11.2022 17:35

Sir how much time it will takes to recover from Google spam update, please kindly reply

@alfonsosenatoregarcia3494 - 18.11.2022 22:52

I have an important question. You mention to not use reddit for backlinks. I recently created a reddit account to post my shop products on it using fs poster plugin. So you mean that google does not like reddit for promoting products? As it is a forum?

@sserunjojigonzaga9711 - 19.11.2022 01:47

hello i need jack to do for me SEO but how can i contact him?

@malcomxochieng9257 - 20.11.2022 11:08

The stuff bro. I am always watching and liking.

@jollyhob - 21.11.2022 15:25

Thank you Jack.

@jollyhob - 21.11.2022 15:29

I want an option where I can apply a custom schema to posts at once. There an option to apply your default schema but customs ones can't be done. Please try as much as possible to add it.

@Humansarecrazyy - 24.11.2022 06:27

I'm new to this blogging thing I'm doing it for almost 48 days is there any chance that my site was affected by the google spam update in the 14/15 day i got a lot of impression like 500 impression in oneday and it continued for 3 days then in the 24th october it suddenly stopped I ranked almost 3 articles in google and now there is no posts of mine in the search results not even in the last page

@ONLINEADVICESUPPORT - 29.11.2022 21:15

Since 1 and a half month passed away but still my website isnt recovers from google spam update. Please help me 😭

@jollyhob - 03.12.2022 00:43

I follow your principles and my 10 months old site is getting ranked impressively but my homepage is rather showing up for keywords instead of the post's page. Please help me out.

@vinces5761 - 03.12.2022 19:32

What if I write an answer on quora and I say something like: if you would like to learn more check out the full article, "with the name of the article". Is that allowed

@dizicenternet - 08.12.2022 00:35

Thank you so much

@JL-iw5kx - 14.12.2022 18:50

Is it not better just starting a news site if hit really hard, and then direct the quality content to that site if site does not recover?

@viraltrendswithlolade2128 - 17.12.2022 00:30

This video is not just informative but also friendly. love it

@cyrilogban - 13.01.2023 00:05

When you talked about changing site URL structure do you mean changing permalink?

@moaaz_hassan - 28.01.2023 12:53

Hello my website goes down from 24/1/2023 to 0 views my website name hidden and my articles have become hidden . I don't know the reason for this, my articles high quality and no copy and official images

@swagnexttuber-boombeach7092 - 28.01.2023 17:33

Is it true forum sites like Sub reddit backlinks are bad? Even if Posting links our own sub reddit? should I delete all links or disavow it?

@apoorv1441 - 28.02.2023 23:20

after successfully applying 401 redirect to a page , should i press the delete button for that post to remove it from post section or should i let it stay in post section ?

@everythingverysmall - 03.03.2023 22:59

Hello, I have only started to watch this video, and already very excited by this. The recent google update, somewhere in February this year,made my organic traffic take a deep dive, bam,like almost overnight.
So yes, I admit, panick haha!
First thing I did was change from Yoast SEO to Rank Math, seems like a better tool then Yoast.
Anyway, will watch the video further on what to do next, but my first question is already: I see that Rank Math has deactivated another plugin of mine that I use for redirection links (to avoid 404 errors).
(or my hosting deactivated this, that can also be the case°
If I would remove this plugin now that it is deactivated, I hope that will not have an effect on the redirections? And does Rank Math help with these redirections as well? (as I think this is the reason why that plugin was deactivated) I wouldn't want my website to be full of 404 errors, as you can imagine ;-)
Thank you!

@AuryaRhythmicBeats - 20.03.2023 15:59

Informative and helpful video.
Please provide a link to "how to add descriptive text" to the post?

@idealmedhealth - 31.03.2023 04:23

Great piece

@abdullahsajid6730 - 18.07.2023 12:16

Hey Jack, my website is performing google dance what should I do? Help me

@Targethelp - 05.08.2023 07:02

Hindi me bhi bnaya Karo video

@Alphamerit1 - 12.08.2023 11:19

Thanks for the information. Can i delete the whole contents, rebrand the site and start afresh?

@NorrothRPG - 11.09.2023 18:36

Thank you so much for this video, it helped a lot!

I want to disavow spammy links but the google tool says: "Domain properties are not supported at this time.".
Is there a different way to disavow links for Domain Properties then it is for Normal Properties?

@IqraJunaid-p4t - 17.09.2023 12:18

Hello Jack, My website also get algorithm penelty and now it has been 3 month still my website is not recovered. Somebody, hack my website and then the person created backlinks that are Sammy, so I disavow them. Some articles show on google search but my nee article index and Don't show on search results 😢 I don't understand what I have to do?
How much time it will take to recover website? From Backlink's penelty.
Note: My friend also running website and it is also get a penelty same as my website get. Now, he publish daily articles after 6-8 momths his website is now recovered. So, why you think when my website will be recover?

@FelipeBastosdaSilva - 22.09.2023 07:01

Great content as always. Thank you, Anxiety was already screaming here.

@khalilyousef - 26.09.2023 21:45

Thank you for this excellent video. I have a question, if you don't mind. Could diversifying the content of articles on my website potentially make it more susceptible to negative impacts from Google algorithm updates?

@syedfarazahmad - 07.10.2023 05:53

What should you do if a bought website has over 11,000 unnecessary tags? It might be best to remove them, as only about 1,000 out of 11,000 seem useful. What do you suggest ?

@SpookySkeletons - 10.01.2024 15:29

We have over 1000 coffee spam links from 1000 different sites.. it floods us. Is this an attack from a competitor or why is coffee flooding our backlinks?

@marketinsiderx - 18.01.2024 17:02

Currently I am facing the worst situation. I have no idea what's the reason behind it. My website is completely out of google. All ranking keywords are not appeared even on last page of google. I have audited and do everything as it possible to do. But I didn't get any advantage. So I have left it I have no idea what happened with this and what' the solution. Your video is helpful and well explained. Thanks.

@INREDNINGSV - 07.04.2024 22:33

Its not easy NOT panic when your whole website business sink like Tiitanic in some weeks lol

@mohitsharmagarg - 02.05.2024 21:10

This is a really informative video, but I have a quick question. I passed the September HCU update but got impacted by the Google spam + core update on October 4th-5th, 2023. What this update did to my blog is that my top posts for years disappeared from the SERP. No ranking drop, just disappeared from the SERP. Some of those blog posts appeared in the SERP after some weeks and some after months, but most of these posts are still disappeared. And in this update, some more got disappeared. Any ideas on what I can do, or if I can recover my blog?

@thewinner3163 - 21.06.2024 21:17

EEAT is 90% backlinks.

@shibli857 - 18.08.2024 22:39

in 19min learnt 19class worth SEO
