Why be "Mobile First" when all my clients use desktop?

Why be "Mobile First" when all my clients use desktop?

Bruce Clay, Inc.

2 года назад

419 Просмотров

Google has said that all websites should be optimized for "mobile first"... but why is that still necessary even if all your clients and traffic is coming from desktop users?

At SEOtraining.com we offer our members exclusive access to these LIVE Q&A calls with the father of SEO himself, Bruce Clay! If you sign up and become a member, you'll get to join our monthly calls and ask your questions to not only an SEO expert, but one of the pioneers of the industry.

You'll also gain access to tons of training resources that can raise your SEO to the next level, including:

- 15+ hours of SEO training presented by Bruce Clay
- Ask Us Anything videos
- E-books
- Deep-dive video mini-courses on important SEO topics
- SEO tools
- And much more!

Plus, satisfaction is GUARANTEED.

Sign up today!

If you would like to know more about Bruce and other services we provide, visit BruceClay.com.

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