Game Design

Game Design


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@Runesmith - 30.12.2020 03:45

It's fine if you think this is dumb. I just think it's interesting to fully explore basic concepts so you can enjoy things under a new light.

@Typheaus - 25.11.2021 11:55

I'd wholeheartedly suggest you read one of the popular game design books. You'll find what you talk about in this video is in depth explained under the topic of "Fuzzy goals" in the design process.
It's a good find on your part, nice video!

@averywhitaker3513 - 08.07.2021 14:44

Oh. Cool, you changed the thumbnail and title. I guess this must have meant you saw the inherent leap of logic and decided to backtrack in order to save face. Neat

@giacomoranieri5526 - 27.06.2021 11:45

You're just saying that every game needs incomplete information.

@angerblob9151 - 04.06.2021 10:21

INFJ Logan is INFJ. The way he is funneling a bunch of information from many different places and origins and then simplifying it and condensing it down into one concept is a classic example of Introverted inutition the first function of the INFJ. I know he is INFJ because someone close to me that I grew up with and talk with every day is also an INFJ. I always knew logan was an INFJ but this video proves it to me.

@GrumpSkull - 03.06.2021 02:44

Incorrect. Some games require creative skill to achieve a goal. Not all games are competitive and combat based. You can apply the same in life. Why wrestle with pigs?

@wickederebus - 03.05.2021 05:32

Between this and SmallAnt's theory of every pokemon move being derivative of Dig, I am beginning to think there is no creativity, and time is a flat circle.

@PedroMiguel-zv3fj - 19.04.2021 14:15

TBH, this is a way to think about the definition of a game, there are some gdc talks I remember that talk about game design and this concept is pretty well known, just shown differently

@LukeLavablade - 03.04.2021 10:09

I don't think you're wrong, but I think you're missing something else. It's about the anticipation of the end, yes, but that comes from the unpredictability of which ending it will be. In Magic the Gathering, for example, one of the best moments is that when you've got lethal, you can SEE it. But you STILL can't be sure what your opponent has up their sleeve that could stop you, like a counterspell, or a fog, or in Yu-Gi-Oh, a magic cylinder. Even when the end is in sight, the fact that it might not actually be the end you expected is what makes it even more exciting. This is why many euro-board games are boring, because you know way too early who is going to win based on the algorithm they chose to employ. Turnarounds and comebacks are a vital part of what makes games fun. In hide and seek, you can play several times and enjoy it each time because the ending you found is never quite what you could have anticipated.

@youtubeuniversity3638 - 23.03.2021 15:24

Yay hide and seek!

@ichisichify - 19.03.2021 19:52

I want my 3 minutes back I spent before I stopped watching

@dynamiczero - 17.03.2021 16:53

Congratulations, you found out that games have an artificial goal that you have to work for to reach. It's literally the definition of a game (not meaning to be harsh, I really enjoy your videos)

@Thisisnotadreamhaha - 26.02.2021 02:15

It's like hearing myself think when I listen to your channel. You're a very intelligent and tortured person. Thank you for being you

@b1g_m00n - 24.02.2021 17:56

regular pooh: "character motivation and narrative conflict"
bespoke pooh: "hide and seek"

@ejoty_6128 - 13.02.2021 16:18

oh god my BRAIN

@markmurex6559 - 05.02.2021 12:29

As for how this can be applied to D&D: Sandbox instead of Railroad.

@kainalujaquez3035 - 01.02.2021 07:40

This was great! I found it clever

@naldormight6420 - 25.01.2021 12:40

Allow me to rephrase your hypothesis: every game needs objectives and obstacles. Good point, ill chosen words. 👍🏻

@gltepel - 25.01.2021 09:34

I feel like you're redefining having a goal as hide and seek here which works for the most part but hide and seek isn't really the lowest common denominator.

Not that I think you're wrong or, it just seems like you're making things muddier than they need to be.

@mrosskne - 23.01.2021 05:11

How does this apply to games that don't have hidden information?

@jakedrew7574 - 13.01.2021 13:32

You seem to make videos about controversy, yet immediately make a comment saying that "its okay to not agree with me" then never read criticism about your point so nobody can have a debate with you bro. Why do you only make videos about problems you find rather then things you like.

@Deveyus - 12.01.2021 03:49

This works, but it's just nihilism. If you reduce any two things far enough, no matter how far apart they are, then you can make them seem similar. Not just games, but literally any two thoughts in your mind.

@rick8216 - 11.01.2021 14:30

so games are all hide and seek in the same way code geass is just team deathmatch

@misterbooga6466 - 11.01.2021 00:18

Worst video you’ve ever made.

@beesbutinabox1105 - 08.01.2021 20:36

i love this

@LeganArabach - 07.01.2021 04:11

Neat idea.

@turtlemagnum - 06.01.2021 11:42

A fantastic video, good job!

@Nick_the_Salamander - 06.01.2021 08:27

Not a bad video, don't give up and keep going. I love your stuff keep making.

@LiberateKarn - 06.01.2021 08:00

Yea, I liked this. Thank you for this.

@benthomason3307 - 06.01.2021 04:13

Has anyone's copy of Stibbles arrived yet? What are the highlights?

@drakevegas7073 - 05.01.2021 07:46

I don't think that you're wrong, but I think that your reasoning is so reductive that your outcome isn't really saying anything.

@seanruebush1273 - 04.01.2021 19:44

There is a hole in your video. I didnt have to seek in the video. You showed me everything. My involvement meant nothing. All i had to do was exist with functioning facilities.

@meoilzealon - 04.01.2021 04:37

Meanwhile in Shadowrun, the GM hides your rent money

@Prodigy_Sheldon - 04.01.2021 04:10

Bubsy... oh no ... the Flashbacks of horror

@BlackPenzo - 04.01.2021 03:39

So game design is basically designing the journey to a players goal

@Chromaray - 02.01.2021 23:52

Do you think Sony Vegas is better than the adobe alternative Premiere Pro?

@colstonreese4309 - 01.01.2021 09:27

this angers me

@Dusxio - 01.01.2021 07:34

Honestly, this outlook would make for an awesome bard XD Any character's core trait, honestly. It's a really interesting philosophy to define a personal outlook.

@MySqueezingArm - 01.01.2021 04:12

You almost had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

@malouqvastor4455 - 01.01.2021 01:18

Pretty sure this is a tautology based on semantics but fun anyway.

@valibrave - 31.12.2020 19:50

“Games have objectives and challenges” amazing giant brain revelations

@valibrave - 31.12.2020 19:50

“Games have objectives and challenges” amazing giant brain revelations

@forsomereason3713 - 31.12.2020 19:44

I wonder how clearly you understand that this applies perfectly to "spirituality"/self-improvement/magic as well.

@irispounsberry7917 - 31.12.2020 15:50

This is likely why movies and stories in general are more popular with 'good' endings - we like to see that we are correct, and most people assume the good guys win and the bad guys get what's coming to them. We rely on the story teller to hide the ending so we can seek it by watching the movie/reading the story. There's multiple threads 'hiding' that we seek the resolution.

@carlcoco3536 - 31.12.2020 15:39

I see your point, but I think its trivial.
You are defining Hide and seek as the structure: "You are in A and want to go to B and there's something trying to stop you", but every game follows this structure in a micro and macro level.
So its all the way around, Hide and seek follows this formula instead of defining it.

@Cyb3rHusky - 31.12.2020 15:03

We need to buy Logan's book so he can get a better computer

@bastard-took-the-name-I-had - 31.12.2020 14:40

nothing is simple enough be just one thing, even if a better/harder/more annoying version of that one thing. sure, all things are interconnected at their core, but not everything is just another thing with more layers on top.
which you probably knew while thinking about this video but decided to ignore atleast at the surface level for simplicity sake, which isn't fair for the viewers who might try to learn from you, those who already have opinions in the subject and those who are rushing to the comment section as soon as the video ends (though in that last case its unfair in their favor)

@oddlock8718 - 31.12.2020 14:29

Raceing games?
I enjoy the concept, and the the idea that you can distill any game down to a very very basic level, but it's a little bit of flawed logic.
It's a similar argument to saying "everything in life is a game" when clearly it's not. Everything can be made into a game, sure, but if you're the only one playing, but you're not the only one involved, it's not really.

@koimeone3707 - 31.12.2020 14:20

What about "Pong"?
