Developer Relationships in FFXIV vs. WoW

Developer Relationships in FFXIV vs. WoW

Professor Popo

2 года назад

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Frost0ne_ - 29.07.2023 09:58

I think a big reason why FFXIV community is so great and welcoming is because the game production team IS welcoming and joyful, so even the usually "toxic players" in other games have their moment of kindness and are respectful on FFXIV.

elgatochurro - 22.06.2023 02:00

"why don't we get to create it own spells and abilities like in wow?"

Also wow: why is my favorite spell useless now? What's the current meta, I need to copy! What's the current meta? No one will run with me unless I follow it!

David Plays Games
David Plays Games - 03.06.2023 20:08

You know as someone who has played wow for 15 years but hasn't played retail since the first month of shadowlands and has played up to part of shadowbringers but has taken an extended break but does own endwalker, this video has reaffirmed my hatred for ion hazzikostas and my love for yoshi-p.

Drarko - 04.02.2023 01:37

"We "insist on doing things that affect the game"
I must to agree with that one

QuinBart - 24.12.2022 16:03

Yoshi-p's love for gaming and gamers is so pure.

Damien Letham
Damien Letham - 11.10.2022 00:05

It's so nice seeing the genuine interest that Yoshi P shows towards the streamers that interview him. 😊

Chrisfragger1 - 01.09.2022 05:01

Asmon still pays to play wow when he has admitted that the people behind the scenes are watching him CLOSELY just waiting for him to do something that they can action his account against, I.E. Ban him for...

And here, the man behind the game, ffxiv, personally wishes him and his sick mother well...

patrick watkins
patrick watkins - 08.08.2022 02:32

wow devs feel more like actual devs while yoshiP is like a best friend that just happens to work in a gaming company.

Kiriu Xeosa
Kiriu Xeosa - 09.07.2022 03:39

"We don't want to kill memes"
Oh so you decided to perpetuate their existence by turning your entire game into one? You are truly devoted to the survival of complete and utter joke content

rageofheaven - 15.06.2022 01:03

Yoshi P took a broken POS game and turned it into something really special. Ion took a really special game and turned it into a broken POS.

Tarron - 12.01.2022 17:50

I watched this video muted, and oh boy does that Hazzikostas dude look like one unpleasant customer.
He's got the facial expression and gestures of a guy that's full of himself and likes to belittle other opinions. In short, arrogance and ignorance. Yeah I know my impression might be skewed by the fact that I know he's a Blizzard dev..
But answer me this: is he ever smiling? Like.. really smiling?

VolkColopatrion - 08.01.2022 18:17


Tony Redgrave2246
Tony Redgrave2246 - 07.01.2022 09:20

WoW devs are so much like Capcom devs in every way! I just had to say it.

Terrazine - 02.01.2022 02:49

Even with language barrier, Yoshi feels much closer...

Tenshi - 31.12.2021 09:55

People calling y'shtola mommy is just next level chad

Commander Roo
Commander Roo - 31.12.2021 07:05

I feel like these clips are very... selected, for the purpose of the video.

InanimateSum - 31.12.2021 02:02

Some of the Blizzard devs will literally spend more time saying heinous crap against fans on Twitter, rather than having good open dialogue with them.

Benjamin Fast
Benjamin Fast - 31.12.2021 00:15

I would love to see a comparison video of FF14 and GW2. I've never played WoW because I've heard it's toxic, but these other two have amazing communities. The developers of GW2 are also super passionate about the game. It really shows how the people the make the game, determine the atmosphere of the game and its community.

Black Orc
Black Orc - 30.12.2021 18:37

For me logging in to wow feels like going back to the school i went to years ago, i don't see my friends, the teachers are different, the classes look different and even though you know it's the same place... It just doesn't feel good to be there, it's like a foreign place to be in. That's how i feel logging in to wow.
