RTX 4070 SUPER | The Last of Us Part 1 (1080p, 1440p, 4K + Frame Generation)

RTX 4070 SUPER | The Last of Us Part 1 (1080p, 1440p, 4K + Frame Generation)

Geralt Benchmarks

4 недели назад

1,750 Просмотров

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@gilvanfilho8478 - 30.04.2024 22:09

geralt vc tem a 3060ti? sabe se o tlou1 fica bom nela? em 1440p

@raaiion - 30.04.2024 22:17

Passar dessa fase já ta fácil pra ele kkkkkkkkkk

@nahuelcarreti4719 - 01.05.2024 00:47

Hello friend i dont want to bother you I don't know if you are going to answer me, if you would, can I ask you in the part of the cementery when Joel and Bill leave the church, where is that bonfire Well, the fps drops in that area for seconds and then they are fine again, the same thing in the The area where Bill opens a wooden door is the only occasional fall I have. Could you tell me what is the cause? I play with the settings recommended by the game I have a ryzen 5 5600g rtx 2060 super 16 gb I tried with dlss fsr3 more frame generation limiting the fps to 50-40-30 it didn't work I even put everything on low and nothing bad optimization in that area? either because I saw gameplays and the same thing didn't happen to others

@bulletcase922 - 01.05.2024 12:05

Can't wait for the Ghost of Tsushima Benchmarks! I would love to see the game run on older GPUs like GTX1660 Super and RX 5700 xt.

@unik0016 - 01.05.2024 12:14

😅ThankYou For Making That

@canalortegagames - 01.05.2024 17:55

Eae mano,tudo bem? Tenho uma 3060ti,estou de olho em uma 4070 super,tambem tenho o R5800x3d,queria pegar o modelo da galax 2x OC,vi que voce usou o da pallet,como foi sua experiência a respeito das temperaturas? Gabinete estava fechado?

@luisromero6434 - 03.05.2024 05:36

Does FG works with the in game frame limiter? I'd like to cap the game at 60fps to get 120fps with FG

@GeraltBenchmarks - 30.04.2024 22:01

