FUN / NOT FUN: Classic WoW Dungeons (and Raids) Edition

FUN / NOT FUN: Classic WoW Dungeons (and Raids) Edition


1 год назад

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Aiden Warren
Aiden Warren - 03.09.2023 04:02

i don't want kill dragons in wow i want to enslave them lol i play warlock

Robert Pugh
Robert Pugh - 30.08.2023 07:24

"Wailing of the few dungeons you can actually get lost in in this game."
This needs an asterisk. It is true for RETAIL wow, but almost laughably inaccurate for classic.

Most classic dungeons are convoluted mazes. Even the mid-tier ones can cost a group hours if no one knows where to go.
See: Gnomeregan, Maraudon, Sunken Temple, Dire Maul

This isn't even considering the higher-end ones which are so absolutely gargantaun, they can even contain the entrances to raids INSIDE them!
See: Stratholme, Blackrock Depths and Blackrock Spire

Lex - 23.08.2023 02:59

I agree with everything, except whaling caverns. That is not a fun dungeon.

hvd iv
hvd iv - 26.06.2023 19:16

classic wow is the easiest mmo even made thats why so many are playing it retail is trash and hard.

Rizz CS
Rizz CS - 08.06.2023 13:31

ZG not fun D: ? While i didn't agree with everything you said i could see your PoV for disliking/liking something i did/didn't.
But ZG not fun D: ? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

Olaf Weidner
Olaf Weidner - 23.05.2023 10:44

agree with most things however i always loved how hillarious the raid would look in nature resi gear so aq40 is a + for me

Roger Stalder
Roger Stalder - 18.05.2023 23:11

Your kidding right :D Uldaman is what shows you what Raids are like. Bosses with 5 adds, Items what you have to combine to summon a Boss. It is a Mini raid and i totaly love to go there :) It is just the same as Maraudon. so, how can you like such doungen, but you dont :D that makes no sense haha

offroadturkey - 17.05.2023 03:21

I disliked because you gnomer was fun

Justin Kenward
Justin Kenward - 15.05.2023 00:09

I disagree sunken Temple is not fun

Chad - 06.05.2023 18:31

I think that your list was spot-on! Although I wouldn't say Wailing Caverns is fun, its left side sure is memorable at the very least.

xbon1 - 05.05.2023 23:33

I freakin love Uldaman so if you read this know there’s at least one person who loves it. The aesthetic reminds me of Anarchy Online and the fights are all fun imo

殺してください - 04.05.2023 13:46

Bro TWD edit in gnomregan is actually deadly funny XD

S - 04.05.2023 12:31

I personally didn't like diremaul too much, it honestly just felt like a grind, only one boss was memreble, that being that big demon dog thing with all the eyes.
Otherwise it felt like a slog with some good loot.

ToadSlap - 02.05.2023 05:06

Love this series

Blonde guy
Blonde guy - 28.04.2023 02:08

Not fun because it's too short? Lmao. What weak reasoning

Kris Dindore
Kris Dindore - 25.04.2023 11:23

Gnomer is still to this day the worst dungeon ever in the game. So very very awful.

Fatso 6
Fatso 6 - 24.04.2023 13:47

You seems to be a very boring player

BranMan - 24.04.2023 08:10

I was the only mage I knew that had the turtle polymorph out of ZG!

Life Advice
Life Advice - 22.04.2023 17:27

WC was shit mate, and ZG was great , what are you actually doing

Tnecniw - 21.04.2023 11:37

I genuinely love Ahn’qiraj.

Zentarion - 20.04.2023 11:56

as someone who did do the bug farm i'll admit i did have a bit of ptsd after it going in to AQ40 despite that i do still love the raid and generally love all the vanilla raids overall, naxx is tho my least favorite it can be very fun and exciting in the start when you are going in for the first time but i feel like after running it for a while it starts to feel more like a chore to do it. my favorite raid overall is definetly BWL pretty chill raid to do imo :)

Mex RAGE - 18.04.2023 10:48

BRD was so good, it felt like an actual place, it is more detailed than even capital cities, it kinda overshadow the raids (though if they made it into a raid, it wouldnt feel as intimate as it is, it feeling like a infiltration is what make it so good), instead of a DnD dungeon, BRD felt like a whole module/short campaign

Mario - 12.04.2023 10:49

Only thing I don't agree on is AQ40. I really enjoyed that. In particular C'thun, but I think the majority of the raid is awesome apart from the slime boss, that one sucks.

Livewyr7 - 11.04.2023 15:30

Says WC and Gnomer were fun: Opinion invalid!!!!!!!

(But seriously, getting lost in there with the useless map is awful...)

Hjalmar Hedman
Hjalmar Hedman - 06.04.2023 22:30

Wailing Caverns = fun 🙃

Chuck Mangione
Chuck Mangione - 05.04.2023 05:48

Gnomer was never fun. Molten core was fun. ZG was the most fun raid 20 years ago. Other than that, list was mostly right.

Fredrik Svärd
Fredrik Svärd - 04.04.2023 14:34

Mara isn't fun

JRG 7777
JRG 7777 - 04.04.2023 10:29

If we include getting to the dungeons as part of the 'fun' factor, I'd say a bunch of the fun ones suddenly become pretty unfun.

Perhaps Yes
Perhaps Yes - 02.04.2023 22:21

As someone who hasn't played for a loooong time: Almost fully agree.
I'm very sad that experiences like Blackrock Depths and Maraudon will never be recreated. The world is different now. Attention spans are just too short. :(

I will never miss Stratholme though. I finally got the damn horse after running it to the point where statistically I should have gotten it three times.

Robert Cenox
Robert Cenox - 30.03.2023 23:33

Stratolhme breeds lore and nostalgia

HacksignKT - 29.03.2023 07:49

I loved MC tbh

MatthewDRobles - 28.03.2023 15:11

How did you spell wailing caverns wrong

Hunter - 28.03.2023 02:32

What? ZG is probably the most fun classic raid. Not a ton of trash, fun, unique bosses, good lore, nice visuals. Very refreshing compared to the dark feel of all other classic raids

Alex Tygesen
Alex Tygesen - 27.03.2023 21:44

Liking Scholomance 😬

H H - 26.03.2023 12:18

I like Uldaman. It's a nice dungeon diving into ancient history and on top it is also really, really good for gaining XP - the dungeon gives soooo many XP.

The original versions of the classic dungeons where all better than the reworks some of them got. Scholomance, Sunken Temple, to a lesser degree even Shadowfang keep....all destroyed by the reworks.

I strongly disagree about Zul'Gurub - a super fun raid. And I'm not alone with this opinion - at least on my servers here in Germany Zul'Gurub was extremely popular.

James Hill
James Hill - 26.03.2023 02:27

Dire Maul Tribute was always my favorite run in vanilla. Not so much in Classic when people found ways to skip everything, but doing it "properly." Just the whole concept of being rewarded for finding a way to NOT rush through killing everything always appealed to me.

troyg1337 - 25.03.2023 21:32

Most I agree with....but gnomerang is the worst dungeon in the game, it's boring, frustrating and tedious, and I'd much rather do uldaman than maraudon...

Frederick Erichson
Frederick Erichson - 25.03.2023 09:51

>not fun
opinion discarded.

Salceanu Paul
Salceanu Paul - 25.03.2023 00:43

Wailing Caverns fun ???? Since when ?

Claymore93 - 24.03.2023 00:35

ZG was always a great time for me. Such a nice change of scenery from the underground depressing raids.

Mike Likes
Mike Likes - 23.03.2023 20:00

Maraudon and ST are trash. And too close to level cap to matter… but their gear is leveling quality. LBRS and DM east also meh.

Ryan B.
Ryan B. - 22.03.2023 23:26

I like the splices of Hearthstone cinematics for effect with Wailing Caverns and Deadmines, but it would be cool to credit them. Also, I have to disagree - Molten Core is very fun.

Matthias Rauert
Matthias Rauert - 22.03.2023 19:30

Damn who likes Gnomeregan and hates Uldaman ur crazy man.

ruffle bottom
ruffle bottom - 22.03.2023 12:20

Was good until you said Uldaman, that was like top 5 dungeons such an amazing and beautiful dungeon, faction unique bosses, epic bosses with great lore, epic end boss, free plate goblin rocket helmet. Then sunken temple fun? You mean the final dungeon they rushed out of development in a week that nobody ever runs and is literally a long hallway filled with monsters? What the hell

NotTheWheel - 22.03.2023 09:58

That's a fair list I happen to like ZG cuz I like jungles. Hakkar. And the special mounts.

Susie Zhang
Susie Zhang - 22.03.2023 06:17

My biggest accomplishment was outhealing a 8 piece tier 2 holy priest on the sapphiron fight with high +healing and 3 piece tier 3 and sniping the top heals spot

Ryder CM
Ryder CM - 21.03.2023 19:30

Ulda is one of my favourites 😅
