How Shadowlands Went From Saving WoW To Killing It

How Shadowlands Went From Saving WoW To Killing It

Asmongold TV

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@CoversIncorporated - 10.12.2023 02:10

Honestly I kinda miss the days that the next thing could be literally whatever Vs a grand scale narrative, I feel like it gave the devs a better stage to focus on fun gameplay first

@mitchellcleveland6182 - 09.12.2023 20:21

I swear to God, like 80% of his videos is just shiting on wow.

@seanh7322 - 07.12.2023 02:34

Warhammer 40k also changes super slowly.

@DillonMeyer - 05.12.2023 23:04

It's weird. With each expansion, it always starts great, and ends poorly.
It's like they don't know how to properly close out a story, or send it in a direction that's positive anymore.

For me, it started in MoP. The world was beautiful at first, a wonderous place to explore and an awesome thematic of a Journey to the West stylized expansion. And then they decided to Destroy Half the Map for story purpose, irreversibly changing the landscape. They did this again in Legion, and it seems like a recurring thing now after the giant fucking sword that's just chilling.

No wonder people are flocking to the 'old days' of the game, hoping to see the world before these irreversible changes.

@GloomGenetics - 05.12.2023 07:38

the Jailer was mind controlling the devs to steal and drink breast Milk.

@worldgate989 - 26.11.2023 19:33

Bro, I don't want to sit here for 4 hours watching cut scenes. I know other people don't want it either. :p

@worldgate989 - 26.11.2023 19:23

Kiljaeden chose the thug life.... -- i almost spit out my old fashion when i heard that.

@spectated8159 - 04.11.2023 23:21

I come bearing news from 1 Year in the future. Everything sucks, go back.

@purpletylenol7787 - 01.11.2023 18:59

Same happenned with Brazil and Bolsonari

@yep8058 - 07.10.2023 20:13

The problem with WoW is that Vanilla to Wrath was literally the World of "Warcraft" aka the RTS game. Everything past Wrath of the Lich King was no longer part of the RTS story and therefore partiall made up stories and premises. That is why WoW was so massively successful in the beginning and why player numbers dropped hard with release of Cataclysm. It is also why Classic remains more popular than retail. It is because the Warcraft RTS has always had a bigger lingering impact than all that made up shit that came after.

@scottbuck1572 - 26.09.2023 03:46

Asmond is on it with the Rings I love it

@mattmcnicholas2452 - 17.08.2023 03:37

It was Celebrimbor who asked for Galadriels haiir

@ion1984 - 16.08.2023 09:20

Mr Asmon do you think you could make a video about GDKP and botting problems, gold problems and how it ruins classic wow? both wotlk and perma-vanilla... like how the botting and the instant p2w gdkp raids at 60/80 completely defeat the purpose of what used to be the journey to endgame? i mean there are tons of talking points for this from botting to blizzards lack of enforcement and unwilliingness to devote even the smallest amount of resources to controling botting and how people who are looking for that real experience of 5 mans > early raids > endgame raids are again being forced to look to private servers for a real experience? I just came back to WotLK recently to level my druid to 80 and be ready for cata (havent played since vanilla) and am just shocked by how normalized and complacent everyone is with GDKP. i dont understand how quickly the community has become OK with p2w mechanics ... if blizz had announced the ability to purchase tier gear and raid gear and mounts with credit cards in vanilla, the community would have eaten them alive. but now it's just part of the game and everyone seems okay with it. its just so disappointing man it seems like everything blizzard touches these days turns to shit.

@bigbramble - 31.07.2023 08:30

The story of shadowlands was; sad robot, right?

@SlyTV - 27.07.2023 15:35

I really don't get why blizzards doesn't do more cinematics they sure have enought money for them and let's face it blizzard cinematics are actually one of if not the best out there

@lucasalcoba63 - 22.06.2023 23:37

I knew this was going to shit as soon as metzen left.

@PaddyRoon7 - 19.06.2023 19:22

Can you guys actually think of any decent story ideas to fix the Sword in Silithus?

I'm struggling to think of any cool events that could come from dealing with the sword. I think it would just be a long questline involving a bunch of manpower and construction in order to remove it. Either that or just get the Kirin Tor to teleport it into space, Dalaran style. Nothing that interesting, story wise.

Maybe in a future expansion a cult could form in Silithus dedicated to the return of Sargeras, they would build their temple around the sword. That's not really that interesting or memorable, but it would give us a reason to address it.

@PaddyRoon7 - 19.06.2023 18:31

Legion's extremely simple tagline of "Defeat the Burning Legion" allowed for them to actually tell some damn stories.

Illidan and Velen's conflict over faith vs self-determination, Anduin's realization that he doesn't have to be the same as his father, the Nightfallen's struggle with Magic addiction.

All of these are real stories with central themes, characters going through inner conflicts, and satisfying resolutions.

@merchz2 - 23.05.2023 23:19

Why is all of wurcraft fans so sad? Is maybe all playur man-child

@kaizerizer2051 - 02.05.2023 01:24

The jailer did all this for the reason that he either learned about the threat of the Abyss that would swallow both the great beyond darkness and the Dark Lands, or he learned about another threat, but I think it was the Abyss.

Zovaal could not tell anyone about anything because he could know how they would react to this, and therefore he could try to solve everything quietly and on his own, secretly from everyone, until it no longer matters. But all the leaders of the Covenant found out what he was up to and eliminated him, which Zovaal knew from the very beginning.

In the case of Sargeras, he himself told everything to his brothers and sister, hoping for help and understanding, but did not receive it and then killed them all, and in the case of Zovaal, he knew that it was impossible to tell anyone, and yet the brothers and sisters revealed him and in in some sense, it was THEY who eliminated him, not HE them, as it was with Sargeras.

Zovaal as an Arbiter, after many ages of his duty, could understand that the best way to save all things from the all-consuming threat of the Void Lords would not be faith in living beings, in their intelligence and their potential (which they never use correctly) but submission all sentient beings to Zovaal's own will, in order to control their minds in order to control their bodies and thoughts, so that in the end they do what Zovaal needs to protect them all from oblivion from the Void Lords.

Zovaal could understand that to rely on mortals and believe in their potential - to educate them, to direct them in the right direction is simply pointless, not all mortals will understand why it is necessary to do this or something else, not everyone will want to follow the right paths and ways to achieve success in something, besides, many just want power, etc., so in a sense, the "divided space" really will not stand against the common threat.

That is why Zovaal wanted to subordinate all living life and souls to his will, not only to more successfully defeat the coming devouring of the abyss, but also to save the bodies and, most importantly, the souls of mortals in integrity, so that later they would again quietly exist, for Zovaal would return control over them to them. themselves after the threat is defeated

@lunitamaria89 - 26.04.2023 16:35

I have played WoW since maybe a year after inception, but played Warcraft 3 (didnt play the previous ones) and the lore was what hooked me to it, even though i didn't know know any English's i learned it just so i could follow the story. So m any years later i ended up leaving after shadowlands because Sylvanas was one my favorite characters and they just butchered what she was all about (yeah yeah she was a total psycho but i loved her regardless) And one way FF14 got me is their amazing story telling, yeah you cant really mindlessly level because you have to pay attention ( i mean you dont have to) but i wanted to, in any case, im so glad i finished the MSQ up to date, that game made me cry and laugh and i don't regret a single moment!!!!

@ZergS4uc3 - 12.04.2023 12:50

wows story cant improve since they keep retconning the past, if you cant respect what came before then they cant build on anything. i think they should remove lfr and mythic from the game, make lfr run normal mode but with less loot, have heroic be a little harder the gameplay should be tighter and not such a catering to the 1% of the playerbase. they need to have combat and questing not be a be all end all, crafting should be a full avenue to play and not a side bit but have it be possible to also be a side bit, something that should be doable but also be all consuming if thats what you want. like imagine if they made mining much more indepth to where people could dig into content, like the dwarves digging too deep in moria. i think warcrafts huge issue is it went for a playerbase they werent aiming for in the beginning, warcraft was the casuals mmo in its original time, they game doesnt need to be hard or super difficult, i still think ulduar did difficulty correctly let the players decide if they want to make it harder and then reward them for it, also not all raids need to be 25man maybe having a less cookie cutter approach to size as it used to be would let the devs mess with things they havent been able to. hell maybe we could get patches with more then one raid or dungeon again, icc was the last time i can remember us getting more then one piece of content, maybe making item level matter less and put back in the rpg elements of interesting items that you keep for certain weird situations, like the stopwatch trinkets should have a legit reason to exist for that quick speed boost, make the game to where you can go 1-60 anywhere and not in a linear do this then this method, like imagine if new players could just jump into dragonlands from the get go, having new content be 1 to max level would alleviate so much and they could update the old world to reflect the changes and add in bronze dragons to send people back to snapshots of the world, like there is no reason why they dont still have so much old content in game, timewalking exists and they need to utilize it better, hell time travel exists and they havent utilized it well at all, only good thing we got out of it was chromie.

@krazzbayley - 11.04.2023 14:21

What many people don't know Vanilla wow was actually "Warcraft 3"

@anxietyfox4322 - 26.03.2023 22:07

One way of making the storytelling work better in WoW would be if the devs treated the player as an outsider who doesn't get the full picture. If we were there just to see glimpses of a story that's unfolding without us being present at every turn, it would all work out for the better. It's such a shame that some people actually want to be The Champion who has to be present for every single thing that happens in this world, it really makes the whole story just feel like ass-patting for the players instead of an actual story that would take place whether we were there or not. Everything happens just for the player, so the world feels dead and empty.

@christianolsson2898 - 14.03.2023 13:59

The moment WoW unhooked from the Warcraft universe and went into Marvel levels of neo-cosmo-heroics... Bleh. I still play vanilla WoW and WC3 and I love it lol.

@wolfmirebacta8710 - 11.03.2023 20:19

Guild Wars 2 narrative points moves slower. Some times takes years

@meh78336 - 03.03.2023 15:44

BFA missed the most important story line, Jaina being court martialled by the alliance for deserting when the Legion invasion began. Just because she came back to save them at the undercity means nothing, that should have been a plus in her favour but she should have been punished for desertion and that's on top of her trial by her own people.

@0hvist - 07.02.2023 02:22

We could have easily retuned the Introductory to Shadowlands by adding in two Playable Races that have a connection with traveling to-and-back from the Afterlife or even adding in the much-desired Necromancer Class to the game. Races and a Class that fit in with the theme most other Expansions offered: BC Gave us the Draenei and Blood Elves since Outland was the last place we saw Kael'thas Sunstrider at. Wrath gave us Death Knights because we're fighting against The Lich King. Cataclysm broke apart the world and in that calamity caused the Worgen and Goblins to emerge. Mists of Pandaria gave us the Pandaren and the Monks because they're a part of the mysterious lands of Pandaria. Legion gave us the Demon Hunters because of the third invasion of the Burning Legion on Azeroth and that we had to release Illidan Stormrage and his Demon Hunters to take the fight to them. BfA saw The Fourth War come into full-swing and the Alliance and Horde had to go recruit new allies with the Zandalari and Kul Tirans or call upon old allegiances to fight for them.

The only other Expansion in WoW that didn't offer up anything new to the mix was Warlords of Draenor... Let that sink in. Shadowlands is tied with WoD for the least amount of stuff added in to the base game: a grand total of 0.

@danterik9781 - 06.12.2022 00:08

We shouldve just gotten a Warcraft 4
Or that the entire story just ended at Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne. The ending was so badass and bittersweet, it would've been so epic and remembered as one of the best endings ever if it ended there, with Arthas sitting on his throne, achieving what he set out to achieve, to become king and to save his kingdom throughout any means.

@dominickj9710 - 28.11.2022 21:36

BFA was the worst. We waited months with no content and then they ended the xpac with just the start of the next xpac. Felt like we wasted so much time prepping for the end goal but it was a fake out

@valkyriesardo278 - 27.11.2022 12:12

It isn't just that the pacing is glacial, but what little story they offered in SL was full of holes, contradictions, and irrational nonsense. It was even retroactively bad for it negated some of the better storytelling from previous xpacs. It was far too WOKE for players who aren't terrified by testosterone. All the action centered on the female NPCs. Our male heroes were either ineffectual or awaiting rescue. Worst of all for me, is the story centered on Sylvanas, a character I have always disliked and had hoped would disappear a few expansions ago. I canceled my subs when they had Varian's son trail after her into the Maw like some lost puppy.

@SirMo - 22.11.2022 01:07

Returning WoW player after taking a hiatus since WoD. I haven't completed the journey of Shadowlands yet, I have just gotten to the point where I've picked a covenant and going through all the quests. I really think the zones are awesome so far. I particularly love the art style. Voice acting is also pretty good. And so far the story is not that bad to me. I enjoyed the story and the mood in Revendreth the most. But each zone is unique and quite different to what I was used to. The quests are much less tedious than they used to be. I played WoW since the release. I think the game mechanics and puzzles are so much better now. The graphics really look awesome as well.

The biggest issue I have is that the cut scenes happen in raids. And you can't watch them because you fall behind. I feel that's kind of stupid and breaks the immersion for me. Like you should see the cut scenes after you finish the Raid. I had to skip every single cut scene I've unlocked so far.

@boblatte123 - 15.11.2022 10:23

am i the only one that actually kinda liked shadowlands? it was definitely a huge step from bfa, the gameplay was geniunely fun imo. and ive never cared about lore in mmo's and ive been playing the game my entire life, and idgaf still

@doommuffinz5276 - 31.10.2022 10:09

Wait a minute... Didnt the pandas say that they wouldnt kill an old god, only imprison it because killing it causes giant scares on the land like the sha-ified place or whatever? How did they kill 5-head Nzoth?

@henrikhumle7255 - 28.10.2022 15:33

If you want everything to be in the game, then you want the game to be bad. Because there's no way they can actually covey all of that in the game. There's simply no way that they can explore the inner being and sentiments of a character like Arthas, Sylvanas, Thrall or Jaina, without doing it outside of the main game. you can't fit 3-500 pages worth of exposition about a character and their motivations into the game. The characters wouldn't be anywhere near what they are, if they weren't expanded upon outside of the game. No other game can do it either. It's not how videogames, as a form of media, are built to function.

But major, expansion-defining plot point, SHOULD definitely be in the game. You shouldn't be starting the expansion and wondering wtf is going on.

@johnsith9057 - 16.10.2022 16:20

i wish wow was a fun social game still

@nathaniel_pardue - 11.10.2022 15:45

Legion was where I tapped out. My paladins story was complete, I did everything, got all the mage towers, mounts, and mythic raids. I never got Aggramars sword, but I am okay with that. They've just ruined everything I loved about WarCraft.

They ruined WC3, they ruined the story, and they've continually made a worse product every WoW expansion.

@neurogamer4554 - 10.10.2022 06:45

"I cannot think of a narrative that has a slower moving narrative than World of Warcraft"

Bruh, as a Warhammer fan WoW's narrative feels breakneck.

@raptorxrise5386 - 06.10.2022 00:47

The absolute irony of asmon calling out people who dont know the lore xD

@nix6466 - 04.10.2022 13:18

sometimes i dont feel like anduin is still a child XD

@bunbun6219 - 01.10.2022 19:38

1000th comment

@litebkt - 27.09.2022 07:57

I don’t care much about the story. I like that there is one but it neither makes nor breaks the fun for me. What I didn’t like about Shadowlands was being forced to play in hell.

@thellamapool2328 - 25.09.2022 08:57

A WoW plot point is like Gendry on a boat.. this will pay off… in 4 years.

@litebkt - 17.09.2022 09:23

I have a hard time connecting any lore to what I am doing in the game. The two things seem quite disconnected.

@DadBodFit - 16.09.2022 17:01

Wow was best when it was a sandbox esq open adventure exploration MMO. Not a story driven roller coaster

@mattsmokes2505 - 15.09.2022 07:25

legion was the best wow expansion

@akantorixful - 14.09.2022 21:13

Holy true.

I unironically NEED lore videos because it takes so many years for a cliffhanger to be revealed and i just forget
