Which tire is best? Tires compared in Snowrunner

Which tire is best? Tires compared in Snowrunner

Zip Veil

3 года назад

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@SchazmenRassir - 11.10.2021 01:15

The highway tires are basically worthless. I don't see any reason to use them if you can get anything else.

@6rimR3ap3r - 17.01.2021 21:24

I would love to see the same setup on a dirt or rocky part, maybe climbing. Because to me it's most interesting if it's necessary at all to choose something else than mud makes sense at all, except for chains on ice.

@Baleent7 - 14.10.2020 16:01

Amazing, finally an objectively measured experiment!
Real good job!
Can you please do it with truck tires, and heavy tires as well? I am curious about the results.

@ArionEquus - 13.10.2020 22:50

Is there a reason that you didn't also test AS I?

@EdwardNigma950 - 11.10.2020 23:52

Very good, gj, mate!

@Zamalshkay - 11.10.2020 12:42

Lol this funny well done

@TheKincognito - 11.10.2020 11:05

great and informative Video mate! the commentaty is pure gold!

kinda reminded me of the Spongebob Episode where Rocky wins a Snail Race

@torytrae1974 - 11.10.2020 06:07

Nice one! sub.
