Windows User Tries New M1 Max Macbook Pro: First 24 Hours

Windows User Tries New M1 Max Macbook Pro: First 24 Hours


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Roddy - 30.09.2023 16:19

I’m a Mac user and transfer speeds have never occurred to me 🤷‍♀️it tells me how long it’s gonna take, that’s good enough for me! 😂

S P H - 30.09.2023 16:17

i updated my apple watch the other day and came across apple not showing the transfer speed at all
i didnt notice it but this video pointed it out and it was pretty weird to me aswell

indung triatmojo
indung triatmojo - 30.09.2023 13:57

I've recently started to use macbook, maybe almost a year...before that I used windows for 20 years. Now, I am an apple fanboy lol...except when I feel like gaming rotl

nathan ruben
nathan ruben - 29.09.2023 06:57

When I was young, I could never afford mac. I switched to linux. Possibly best decision I have made. I improved myself immensely. Now I can not even bare, either windows or macs. I have a custom destop, as the way I wanted, taskbar as the way I wanted. Linux is in itself THE BEST development environment. I just laugh problems that mentiıned here. What a joke. Anyhow, currently, win11 beats the crap out of mac in terms of usability. I really do not understand people pouring 2000$ for inferior ram, cpu, non upgraple, non repariable machine. Apple make sure that no one touches their products. I have recehtly retired two 13-15 years old dell labtops. I have upgraded their rams, disks etc. I have changed screens, cleaned fans, changed termal paste several times. I changed bios battery. They are still running good, but I just god bored. I challenge anybody other than profissionals do similar things in macbooks.

BrutalHawk - 29.09.2023 03:47

for all the praise i have to give to the macbook what i do consider the best laptop you can get. It so sad that basic functions are just not there. Windows is getting alot of hate but i have never had to buy or even download apps to make my pc work how i want it to since windows 8.1
the fact that you need two buttons for alot of basic stuff like delete forward blows my mind. not seeing transfer speed blows my mind again.
macbook is the best money can buy but the software out of the box is holding this thing back. And that's so sad because all the syncing and airdropping and ecosystem stuff is amazing.

You can defend apple all you want but if i told you, you have to buy an app to be able to use multiple fingers on your touchpad on windows you would put windows in the ground.

Carguy23 - 29.09.2023 03:20

As a person who switched from a Windows PC to a MAC, I feel your pain, when I first got it and was transferring files, I was looking for the transfer speeds and read the same article that you did. after a year of owning, it I got used to not seeing it, but still wished it was there.

Temu Djin
Temu Djin - 28.09.2023 22:06

Don’t care about transfer speed is like don’t care about how much percent of battery you have and just have the status. Maybe this is something you need if you have many external storages and need to copy many files and want to know if this is really usb3 or something. But even then is the only thing I want to know is how long it will take.

Mayne Michael
Mayne Michael - 28.09.2023 17:12

So you never heard about Onedrive from Microsoft.😂

nah bro
nah bro - 28.09.2023 04:31

My guy i can hear your alienware fan in the background, i know that pain i have an m17 r4 and it gets super loud

Jorge Rivera
Jorge Rivera - 28.09.2023 01:28

I use both, Mac good for proper work and Windows for proper gaming

Ndogara kuMbare
Ndogara kuMbare - 27.09.2023 23:00

Just bought a Mac today and I can honestly say Windows is just better for me

JayPong - 26.09.2023 19:20

Man this is me right now with my m2 mb pro... It's my first mac os device but it is sooooo confusing.... Gotta watch some tutorials and download some programs to make this easier

Vranesh - 25.09.2023 22:15

Ive had 4 Macs and a few windows laptops for the last 15 years. Whenever I switched back to windows machines, mainly for gaming, ended up coming back to Macs, especially now that I have powerful battle station desktop at home. The M1 Pro (16 inch base model) is the first laptop that I've had in years that I don't think I will upgrade anytime soon, unless it breaks. I love mine. Period.

Rishang Prashnani
Rishang Prashnani - 24.09.2023 23:30

one issue which I found after recently moving to mac is that cmd+tab doesn't open the app if you have minimized it or closed it. It only works if you have hid the window using cmd+H. And using cmd+h everytime is frustrating.
I found a solution to that with using better touch tool. basically I mapped cmd+h to three finger swipe down. this function mimics windows swipe down to minimize. This way cmd+tab works fine and I don't have to keep the window showing behind for it to work.

Also I found one more software "touch tab" which mimics two finger swipe left or right to switch between the apps. this app is great.

Now I definitely love my mac- the power, the speed and the battery life. great laptop

Tumi - 24.09.2023 04:30

bro is actually the white lebron

SecretOfMonkeyIsland - 23.09.2023 13:09

Back in 2019 i did the same as you and tried out a brand new Mac Pro laptop having been a Windows user for all my life, i thought to myself "I can adjust, how hard can it be, i love iPhones and iPads". After 14 days (The length of the moneyback period) i decided to return the laptop for all the frustrating reasons you mention in this video, there were many great things with the laptop (All of which you cover) but the bad bits just outweighed the good by a massive amount. As a C# developer (By trade) and as a long term Windows user the machine just didnt suit my needs, i wanted to love it ... but i just couldnt. It the laptop had been cheap i could have accepted some of the faults and lived with them but at £2,500 (2019) it needed to be perfect.

Haris Ahmad
Haris Ahmad - 23.09.2023 08:04

Thought this was a bald Magnus Carlsen from the thumbnail, don't know what I was expecting but I am now sad that there was no bald Magnus in this vid.

WB - 21.09.2023 22:41

Two most frustrating things in macOS
1- dock
2- drag/drop animation

SoonerBorn - 20.09.2023 17:46

OK right off the bat I am suspicious of how good you are at using windows and windows laptops because any modern laptop comes out of sleep immediately and no you don’t have to use a password. Most laptops have touch ID or you can use a four digit passcode.

This guy is only using junker windows laptops because I can tell you that any modern gaming laptop with 240 Hz screen is equal to or better than the screen on these MacBooks.

SoonerBorn - 20.09.2023 17:38

People who truly use their computers and are power users, and know what they’re doing will never accept macOS because it is utter trash for anything other than video editing, office and looking at social media. That’s it

Cryptolorian - 18.09.2023 22:30

MacOS makes no sense in a world where Windows exists. I plugged in my 2012 Retina MacBook Pro, and it was a sweet reminder to never buy a MacBook again. Sure, I love the M1/M2 chips and applaud Apple for what they have achieved and the hardware overall is stunning including the displays and trackpads, but man MacOS just plain sucks and makes no sense to me.

Tristan Bailey
Tristan Bailey - 17.09.2023 11:54

For transfer speed. Built in app “activity monitor” will show speed or memory use etc so you could use that. I also have a menu bar tool that is telling me up and down speed but mostly I don’t worry once set up.

Hunt Original Music
Hunt Original Music - 17.09.2023 03:09

If you still like PC, use a Linux OS. Even Microsoft do not use Windows internally.

Condor Iris
Condor Iris - 17.09.2023 01:53

Apple products are usually good, but i am happy there is a competition.

JR - 16.09.2023 21:25

Of all of the things that MacOS does differently or worse than windows… transfer speeds of file transfers is the one that almost makes you rage quit 😂 I mimic almost everything you have experienced here, as a a software dev who dual owns windows and mac devices. The double click to maximise inconsistency is probably my biggest gripe, but I also bought magnet this week and it is a much better experience!!

theTomRadziwill - 16.09.2023 10:16

He posted in Facebook? oO

DaKrawnik420 - 15.09.2023 19:25

Great looking hardware, but trash software.

Avaya dev Rajbanshi
Avaya dev Rajbanshi - 13.09.2023 16:22

windows are like having many girlfriends and enjoying with them BUT macs are like having a beautiful wife in the home.

GameHero80 - 12.09.2023 09:06

you just don't know how to use macOS.

beinghappyiseasy - 11.09.2023 19:48

regardless of the transfer speed been shown or not, it will take as long as it will take if you can see it or not! im really interested if Mac is viable for me and you mae this a big issue!!

Felipe Velasquez
Felipe Velasquez - 11.09.2023 18:34

TRL Limitless music

Lord_Ishamael - 11.09.2023 05:49

Mans needs to learn gestures XD

Greg Peterson
Greg Peterson - 11.09.2023 03:31

for me:
1) the black rectangle on the top, what a stupid concept
2) Alt-tab doesn't open minimized apps, yet shows them to select...
3) Closing an app with [x] doesn't really close it...

Louis Lafontaine
Louis Lafontaine - 10.09.2023 17:40

The Dock is convenient but has limitations. It can become very busy. For years I have used Dragthing, which is a Dock on stereoïdes but it’s no longer working with M1 chips and recent OS so, I replaced it with iCollections. Not as easy to setup as Dragthing but once setup, it’s doing the job. So I place the Dock on the left and iCollection on the botton. The nice thing is that it handles multiple tabs. Tabs can contains, files, apps, folders, links, etc. I have a tab for regular apps, one for web apps, one for graphic jobs, one tab for my main types of documents folders and so on. At the end, I can store hundreds of elements (which are shortcuts) without having anything cluttered. Something the Dock can’t offer. Both Dock and iCollection are spring loaded so they show only when mouse is near.

Louis Lafontaine
Louis Lafontaine - 10.09.2023 17:32

As an all time Mac user, I would like that right-clicking on the Desktop would give me the choice to Open a new Finder window, like the Finder top menu allows. I can only create a new Folder, not a new Finder window. I don’t understand why it’s not there.

Neel's World
Neel's World - 10.09.2023 16:06

Fn + Delete to delete forward!

M Ibanobu
M Ibanobu - 10.09.2023 03:27


News that matter
News that matter - 10.09.2023 03:10

You can't compare laptop hardware made by various manufacturers to Apple and say it's a windows. We have to stick to os vs os.noy software vs hardware. Track pad on Apple is the best. You are correct.

Oscar Lopez
Oscar Lopez - 09.09.2023 02:22

I have a 2015 imac with both macOS Monterey and windows 10.. my only gripe is software support for macos which is why i got windows 10 for some steam games.. otherwise id rather be in macos cause i genuinely feel like im getting seamless experience (of course both come with their own cons I just love the aesthetic in macOS)

arvin Sharma
arvin Sharma - 04.09.2023 16:51

You really spoke for me Same thoughts as I had while switching from Windows to mac,
Switching to a Mac for its hardware perks like battery life, display, and sound quality can be enticing. However, the Mac software user experience may not satisfy those who thrive on seamless app integration and extensive customization options. Windows often offers more flexibility for users who frequently work across applications and enjoy tailoring their environment to specific needs.

Guitar Jams
Guitar Jams - 04.09.2023 07:26

I love my MacBook M1 Max. The last 3 versions of windows would crackle sound in my speakers when I run tasks or browsed the web. It was not my computer because it happened on 3 different computers and 3 different versions of windows. .

Sheralyn Caupain
Sheralyn Caupain - 02.09.2023 22:44

I purchased my MacBook Air 15” a few hours ago and i’m going through major Windows withdrawals 😭 I miss my Lenovo so bad.. I’m confused and don’t get anything about the software

TyD Shiin
TyD Shiin - 02.09.2023 08:23

Apple fanboys saying that you should not have to see the transfer speed because it is not windows tells about how tech savvy they are

MagicalCritical - 29.08.2023 03:47

you bought 200% battery life. 200% display quality, 200% design quality for..... um..... 800% of price.... GOOD JOB :D "Very powerful laptop...." Yes, for 10x of the price you can expect that.

But when you try to attach a, nice mechanical keyboard ---> dongle, you cannot use a simple mouse ----> dongle (or use some high end mouse i.e. MX Master 3-4). What I can say is, if you use only the touchpad exclusively, you use your computer in a wrong way. So you spend thous of dollars to be "efficient", but when it comes to the mouse you just throwing away your efficiency (well, im a vim and "unix movement" fan, but when you have to do azure devops all day, you cannot avoid the mouse). You want a high quality mic? ----> dongle. XLR? What? hmmm...... You want to use an audio interface? ----> dongle. HDMI DP? ---> dongles, adapters, spec cables..... So they rip you off another thou just to be able to connect your everyday items to it. Repair Policy? This is not a machine where you can buy a display replacement for about 100$ and you can replace it within 5 min. No Lenovo style docks....

Battery wise it is suffice if it lasts for an hour. Maybe just me, but i am annoyed by "low battery notifications". Even If I have to put the laptop on recharge once a day....

I dont accept a job where they try to force on me this apple shit (or JIRA). Even windows workflow is better on its own way.

bikeman - 28.08.2023 18:13

You, know that dock can be set to auto hide. Also, turn on 'magnification' on the dock items - makes it easier to navigate through them.

There's no such thing as "multiple instances" of an app. They are multiple windows of the same app.

Most end users don't care about low level information like file transfer speeds. They care about when the transfer is expected to complete. If you suspect the hardware is not providing the promised performance, use specific monitoring tools to troubleshoot. I am a software developer and yes, I don't care about transfer speeds. It's a distracting detail.

Frantisek Skuta
Frantisek Skuta - 28.08.2023 00:02

This isn't windows user. he goes back and forth between win and mac.. wtf

M S - 27.08.2023 18:02

Can someone explain to me the sense in which desktop icons are written from right to left since in our culture they read from left to right?
After all, this is pure nonsense.

M S - 27.08.2023 17:56

I have an Air M1. As hardware it's the best laptop I've had. However, MacOS is a very unfunny joke.
The intuitiveness and usability of the interface on this system is virtually non-existent.
File handling is a joke.
Multitasking support is a joke
