The Tragedy of Anthem

The Tragedy of Anthem


4 года назад

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@NPC02006 - 16.02.2023 15:01

Gator don't play

@brovid-19 - 03.03.2023 03:53

so what kind of deal with satan did you make for that cool ass narration voice?

@brovid-19 - 03.03.2023 04:01

also, penis penis penis penis

@a.c.i7020 - 06.03.2023 19:21

I liked anthem :( I wish someone would fix it, you could churn a huge profit

@GrandMoffOfMars - 11.03.2023 18:16

I love anthem and still pick it up now and then. it has a very unique and excellent combat experience 😊

@rightinthedome9973 - 17.03.2023 23:48

Knew from the very first moment the game was gonna be bad. No idea how it has so much hype around it

@TheOneTrueNoName - 18.03.2023 05:55

Had such high hopes for Anthem

@PokeMaster22222 - 18.03.2023 09:15

...And "Anthem 2.0" got shit-canned by management. We'll never know if it would've managed to save this game, like the Final Fantasy 14 revamp did for that game, but...considering it's EA, probably not.

@quakzl - 04.04.2023 09:48

Next was cancelled

@DreadBoi504 - 07.04.2023 23:05

It had so much potential too. It really was a tragedy

@sethhowerton1489 - 21.04.2023 04:51

Next ended up getting canceled I think 😂

@omiNITROUS - 25.04.2023 06:05

i like to pretend that EA is the necromorph virus from dead space. they just convert game studios into a protein sludge to then be repurposed into live service corpses.

@jamesmc0716 - 15.05.2023 14:03

Fascinating video into how even a AAA studio can fuck up big time especially when they have grand visions of a game totally different to what they are used to.

@billydabz4247 - 18.05.2023 03:46

Ugh me and my best friend were so excited for this game for the longest time and it hurt so bad how bad it failed.

@GARBO96 - 21.05.2023 16:55

So far every failed video game sounds like management shouldn't be in management

@FearedTheFox - 12.06.2023 00:23

i was so ready to play this game a lot. ive wanted a game like this for so long. iron man style suits battling it out. i got it on ps4 played it for the first month or so.. then it just died.. i so wanted this game to succeed. but in the end. it just didn't survive.. such a sad death of a game that had potential.

@amezzeray2 - 23.06.2023 20:52

You know, for once, I don't blame EA here. Sure Frostbite is a huge issue but when they insist on a release after so many years of developments I think that is perfectly reasonable. They seem to be doing better lately so here's hoping DA4 isnt a total shitshow

@Slimwilly69 - 06.07.2023 05:35

The game wouldn’t let me progress, just the same damn mission every damn time, it’s gotta be a bug I swear

@franklintello9702 - 19.07.2023 08:02

The saddest part was that none of the trailer clips and tease never made it to the genre

@hanisramli6507 - 28.10.2023 14:45

Im so fucking hate bioware for this, not because the game is suck but because they abandon it. The game has all the potential to be good but they choose to run away with the money.

@IssaMerk - 03.11.2023 23:14

Anthem had SO MUCH POTENTIAL 😭 it still chaps my ass that this game failed. Games like Warframe has survived for 10 plus years with a truly SHIT company but this game failed with its multimillion dollar company 😂🤦🏻‍♂️

@assafsharabi7087 - 23.12.2023 18:56

This games gameplay was really good but the lack of content is crazy, i wish there was more multiplayer content like gta or something

@yasaipicles6295 - 03.01.2024 16:31

I still wish anthem 2.0 would come out... in ue5 this thing would be amazing.. but with an actual open world.. not this instance BS

@SKELLZIE - 09.02.2024 01:20

If you think about it the game was so good nobody knew what to do with it

@dirtyharry205 - 12.02.2024 16:30

Anthem had so much potential.

@dadzlmx5480 - 22.02.2024 04:54

I watch this video just now, I feel sadder than before... and nothing change for anthem... what a throw.

@qadrabdul-salaam2121 - 08.03.2024 02:23

Played this game, completed it and still don’t know what it’s about.

@DestindKnee - 18.03.2024 08:50


@dakotajames1233 - 23.03.2024 23:50

I was so hyped for this game.

@CaptainPilipinas - 24.03.2024 21:06

on description. you just Had to also mention about the main Destiny omniverses'/franchise's too, huh.


@n8n8n8n - 03.04.2024 12:39

How come there was the tragedy of the Anthem yet it's still not free on EA App?

@ChaseSchleich - 17.04.2024 08:11

EA forcing all of its studios to use Frostbite has always been baffling to me. It's such a terrible business decision, adding millions to development cost and years to development time as well as limiting the potential of their games which hurt reviews and sales. Making or leasing other engines isn't cheap, but it would have saved money and time.

@jacrispyjones5845 - 18.04.2024 07:13

EA: Hey bioware we want you to make destiny... BUT DONT YOU DARE MENTION DESTINY

@adityadas6638 - 17.05.2024 00:32

anthem should had been a single player narrative driven game

@jaredperkins6291 - 20.06.2024 08:15

This game was sooo beautiful, until you got 20 mins in..... kept it on my system hoping they would fix it , should have been single player

@mr.t0xic100 - 28.08.2024 00:31

“Bioware magic”

Hmmmm…. Seems like I’ve heard that lately…

Oh, yeah… “Bungie magic”

Christ, these jokes just write themselves

@Alice0519M - 28.08.2024 22:52

Harris Timothy Lopez Cynthia Brown Mary

@Bullet_Harmony - 26.09.2024 22:11

I am so fucking mad at EA for this. This game is so much fucking fun. The graphics are awesome. The gameplay is easy to get a hold of and honest in its approach.
Man they destroyed this game from top to bottom even the story was stellar and they just didn’t have the care or the ability to actually put %100 percent into the game. Fuckin sad.
RIP anthem. Ima play it till it doesn’t exist anymore.

@HolmesElla-n4g - 29.09.2024 08:53

Davis Ruth Jones Edward Clark Amy

@BeefGod1996 - 14.10.2024 06:33

Shame. I loved this game

@LCTesla - 25.10.2024 23:00

it's fr*ckin awesome don't diss this, seriously

@LCTesla - 25.10.2024 23:07

crunch makes better games. convince me otherwise.

@LCTesla - 25.10.2024 23:12

take ONE look at this game and justify what you've rejected... whatever the scene, you CAN'T

@deforesttappan6478 - 22.11.2024 06:52

Anthem in my opinion is a hidden gem!!! Stinks they cancelled it!!!

@JQDeathFromAbove96 - 29.11.2024 05:17

I still play this game because there isn’t anything like it. Glad I put in the tedious grind for Gold. Always gives me a smile looking at my gold javalins

@DagothDaddy - 12.01.2025 19:51

I'd love to see some indie devs take a crack at a game like Anthem. I know taking inspiration from failed games isn't super common but remember "Wow I think I could make a better Diablo 3." Spawed some of the best ARPGs we've seen.

@psyberdelicxp6042 - 27.02.2025 05:42

It's almost like Warframe, a game with similar theme and mechanics, that came out around the same time, and had a rough start...did well by staying out of the spotlight, keeping its head down and just chugging along. It's the only survivor from this period of ambitious sci fi looter shooters....I thought it looked cool, until I saw the EA logo. Never bothered looking into it..which sucks...cuz it looks really cool
