My Spiritual Master Osho Rajneesh Advised Me to Say 'Yes' to Life

My Spiritual Master Osho Rajneesh Advised Me to Say 'Yes' to Life


3 года назад

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@ibperson7765 - 21.11.2020 02:12

I have been spending more and more time AS the awareness itself. Even the perceiver I set up is partially artificial, but the Awareness is not. I have not seen or heard that teaching not sure if correct. I know the ego is fake. It is not real. The body-mind is not a source, not an independent ontology. It is not so much whether it is “who I am” or not; it is whether it is an independent thing separate from all there is. When the mind identifies as the mind it is not wrong. The problem is it identifies as a solidly existing agent. Identifying with something, saying this or that is me, is just sayng it exists and has independence and has control, and saying that is what should be focused on and cared about and protected and relied on to get what is wanted. All there is is all there is. There is no me in there at all actually. And saying this is me is saying Im gonna focus on that and care about it (which implies it has existence). Anyway, I learned (and realized) letting go of the me is letting go of a lie. Nothing is actually being killed. It is letting go of a disease. It is not a loss. Defending the lie of ego as agent is a MISPLACED survival mechanism. The mechanism is meant to protect the continuation of the biology from bodily death. Not to protect fantasy ideas in the mind that actually keep the body-mind from healing. Hearing osho say he is dangerous and then you saying we go against our survival mechanism (I know what you meant and mean, just saying how it affected me) had a surprisingly deep impact and made me worry whether something actually is dying (not just a lie dying) and get scared. And then mad. If I can get back to that and then somehow stop believing altogether that I exist then NOTHING REAL will die. There is no reason to defend a destructive lie. Frankly I dont think of lies as “dying” anyway. Beliefs and habits of mind and of consciousness change. They are not living animals.

@BeauInGrace - 29.11.2020 13:22

Namaskaram Vishrant ☺️🙏🏽 Your interview with Osho led me on to here 🙏🏽

@amarray8163 - 02.12.2020 02:17


@fideliaamezhinimjob812 - 24.12.2020 05:20

Wow... thanks for sharing

@arielspeering6897 - 04.12.2021 09:10

Yes :)

@varshapatwari3028 - 15.12.2021 20:20

Beautiful! ❤

@chipmunk9784 - 04.02.2023 15:28

Thank you🙏❤️
