SCP-3348 │ Lost Dictionary │ Safe │ Serpents Hand SCP

SCP-3348 │ Lost Dictionary │ Safe │ Serpents Hand SCP


1 год назад

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Writing to torture you
Writing to torture you - 10.09.2023 21:38

I like to think in the middle of all these words is just “FUCK”

Jason Baugher
Jason Baugher - 06.09.2023 08:35

It seems wrong to pronounce Kaejnithionian with 5 syllables.

TheMorrigan - 05.09.2023 23:27

Maybe... it was lost for a reason? Dunno if I really like this sorta thing? I think I would put this book down, and walk away. Safe just means containable, I don't think I'd like this thing very much.

Owen Leal
Owen Leal - 22.08.2023 06:19

Its interesting that the couple in love instantly hated each other once the concept of love was removed from existence. Like, they didnt become neutral toward each other, they veered straight to mutual hatred and disgust.

MPH MPH - 17.08.2023 00:13

And never end a sentence with a preposition.

A Classic Guardsman
A Classic Guardsman - 26.07.2023 10:33

Does the book work on the interpretation of whoever spoke the word or the interpretation of the person with the most conmection to x? Did the scp destroy the two staplers because the speaker knew the subject owned them or because the subject believed she owns them?

Dave Paez
Dave Paez - 20.07.2023 06:57

So it's a troll book?

Leone Abbacchio
Leone Abbacchio - 17.07.2023 01:13

wondering if this can this be used to neutralize scp 96 or 682

Ethan Hocking
Ethan Hocking - 06.07.2023 11:17

I wonder if the word "Anomalous" is in there

Castor Bone
Castor Bone - 26.06.2023 19:55

This one is cool as hell! I'd love to know more about the Kaejnithonian (sp?) people.

The Danley Parable
The Danley Parable - 23.06.2023 23:24

I would love to see someone make a magic item or cursed item out of this scp

Nephiylus Spiteborn
Nephiylus Spiteborn - 11.06.2023 17:52

I wonder if they could use this to "cure" the hostility of extremely hostile SCPs. Would it prevent the Shy Guy from freaking out whenever someone sees him?

Dox Odd
Dox Odd - 10.06.2023 06:21

My favorite are the safe entities, especially the sentient ones.

Zak Peppers
Zak Peppers - 06.06.2023 02:45

Does the words spell out something with what is and isn't censored?

I'm high and tired, but so far I've caught the phrase "at Jericho" and "Guapo".

Larry the Hedgehog
Larry the Hedgehog - 06.06.2023 00:55

I am going to find this book so that I may make and consume as many forbidden radioactive apples as I can. Before they kill me.

Crayfish Craig
Crayfish Craig - 04.06.2023 16:15

It sounds like Hampton lost the ability to perceive 3348 as the scp he was in charge of.

Your Resident Ginger
Your Resident Ginger - 02.06.2023 14:05

God, all the things that have happened to D-class hasn’t bothered me as much as the removal of love. Like I know these folks are death row inmates who probably did horrible shit but damn, just deleting their love. Fuck. But it seems only the strange language they’re using is affected?

Noremac - 31.05.2023 19:15

It would have been cool if the way he got the book to the foundation was he said the word for uncontained, could have even had the book appeared turned to that page. Seems like a missed opportunity

Nangsanbhalang Blah
Nangsanbhalang Blah - 29.05.2023 10:39

I love how the testing log goes from "knoife dont work" to "lets give this person a reason to use a wheelchair" back to back.

Euroclydon FTW
Euroclydon FTW - 26.05.2023 01:45

The color red... What about blood?

Milesofgaming - 25.05.2023 23:21

Can you just go “penis” and everyone gets erectile dysfunction?

Daemongod - 25.05.2023 13:20

That "Love" test is horrible in so many ways. Love is the meaning of life. Even if you are in a cell or in pain. Knowing you can love and have love is all that gives suffering meaning. That is inhumane in a different way than many of the things ive read in scps

Joshua - 24.05.2023 20:40

This entry is incredibly fascinating. However, i think the experiments are too narrow and that may just be from the observation notes and observers. These words dont just remove and or destroy something with the pronounced word associated when spoken in that radius, but removed whatever it was entirely for anything affected. For instance "hostile"
After test and the subject being uncharacteristically cooperative, i bet if you put a gun in front of that same subject and told them to defend themselves, they wouldnt be able to. Or otehrwise, hunt an animal to feed itself. It has removed any shred of hostility, even within reason of survival from the subject. Imagine the multiple SCP testing with known Keter class subjects. Or at least, ones that can pronounce the word (or be within range of a D class who can) and that are not resistant to anomalous effects.

BruceNJeffAreMyFlies - 23.05.2023 10:01

Tip: When you read a new word, sound it out. Most of the Kaejnethionian words you attempted to pronounce were fundamentally wrong in that you kept placing the letters out of order.
Reading the word as a whole only works if it is a word you are familiar with. Otherwise, you end up getting the first and last letter correct whilst jumbling the letters between.

sbraypaynt - 23.05.2023 01:16

The love section reminded me of that fucking film Spiderhead and how physically sick I felt after watching it.

hennyblanc01 - 18.05.2023 04:26

not me memorizing the word for "bullets/projectiles" because you can never be too sure

Chance713 - 17.05.2023 20:29

Is this part of that secret library organization's lore?

EPöXY - 16.05.2023 20:54

I dig that apple graphic. I want it

Jordi_NL - 12.05.2023 18:35

I would like to propose 2 experiments.
1: When a SCP or SCP's have breached contained use the word "breached" when referring to the affected site.

2: The word "exists" when referring to SCP-001 "the scarlet king".

Alex - 11.05.2023 19:26

ah yes, when dragonborn desides to write his own journal...if this is not a nod to skyrim I dont know what it...

Greg Heyes
Greg Heyes - 11.05.2023 05:11

I wonder if they should have expanded the "red" entry to include the subject dropping dead whilst pustules appear under his skin:

The red in your blood cells is from Hemoglobin, the protein that allows them to bind with oxygen. If the blood cells lose their oxygen-binding capabilities, it'd cause the subject to die (unable to get oxygen to their cells), whilst suddenly having a lot of loose oxygen molecules in their arteries...

Lord Asshat
Lord Asshat - 09.05.2023 13:40

I just want to comment that I often get bored the keter SCPs (I still love them and some of my favorite videos of yours are on them), but these are the kinds of things I love SCP for

Username - 07.05.2023 20:47

So it's a spellbook.

Paolo Cerracchio
Paolo Cerracchio - 07.05.2023 12:25

I think this is one of the most interesting articles you covered in the last couple months, it's a shame that the visuals disagree. I also prefer scripts that stay under 25 mins for read outs, or I would be reading the wiki!

Mikubrot - 07.05.2023 09:34

ah, I love scps that arent world ending yet are still creepily eldritch in nature <3

Dirpman42 - 04.05.2023 23:26

You think they would teach that "hostile" word to every single guard. Anything breaking out going on a murder spree. 6 syllables and boom docile kittens.

the one the only Odin
the one the only Odin - 03.05.2023 14:25

Then this SCP shouldn definitely be Keter if its lost./J

A Damn Wizard
A Damn Wizard - 03.05.2023 06:12

Fools, it is a spell book. You just need wisdom to use it properly.
For instance: "Fall", should be translated as "Levitate" in any instance, where the object is falling.
"Rise" Should be the word used, for any object that is rising, to levitate it.

Tales from Under the Moon
Tales from Under the Moon - 01.05.2023 09:51

I wonder if that dictionary can remove SCP-682's malevolence.

Carl Nde
Carl Nde - 01.05.2023 02:53

ME TOO!! Need my work kept safe...although I have security contingency and fail-safe mechanism.... I can't be sure the "Data Thread" won't be "Morsulated l"..

Hardcore Hunter
Hardcore Hunter - 30.04.2023 09:59

A reminder that Safe is in relation to the items ability to be contained, not just its lethality or lack of.

Zombycow the jighole man
Zombycow the jighole man - 28.04.2023 15:36

a question about "red".
did it affect the color of their blood?

Dr. M Hyde
Dr. M Hyde - 26.04.2023 10:10

It could be useful, like imagine you have a containment breach and said the word for “hostile” or “confrontational” or “insubordinate” and just got the SCP in question to walk back to their cells. But that’s the “play with fire, burn the world” typa deal.

The Phantom Stinker
The Phantom Stinker - 26.04.2023 06:27

One last suer-dark implication: If the Kaejinithionian language was the common tongue of the Kaejinithionian people, that means the Kaejinithionian civilization annihilated itself.

The Phantom Stinker
The Phantom Stinker - 26.04.2023 06:17

Site XX head of security: "How could he have possibly known the location of one of the more secure facilities on Earth and so easily accessed it?"
Researcher: "Have you noticed the pages containing the words for 'ignorance' and 'incapacity' are earmarked?"

VICTORIOUZ DAYZ - 25.04.2023 08:56

We never had a chance

BigEd0088 - 24.04.2023 17:45

Wow, Information must really be dangerous, if even the serpents hand is willing to destroy it 😮
