PG Stølen «The Land That I Desire» is a new country song from the album «Always Love Me» (2025). Life offers many variations. Often you are on your way to something, or you are on your way from something. 🤠
Sometimes it is challenging to know exactly what you are looking for. We have probably all felt the feeling of feeling strange and incredibly homesick, but at the same time not quite knowing how to "find home". Some people are looking all over the world, both far away and very close. It is said that you are probably on the right path when you "no longer look back". Maybe our most important scores on the "home scale" are security, belonging, care and love? Being closest to this perhaps feels best in a turbulent time and unpredictable world situation? Whether you feel far away or close in terms of "homesickness", I hope for all of us that we find the "know where I go" way. This week's song and video premiere is about something like this. The song is called "The Land That I Desire", and is on my new album "Always Love Me" !!
#CountryMusic #ClassicCountry #WesternVibes #CowboyLife #HomewardBound #FindingHome #TheLandThatIDesire
#Country_Music #New_country_music_with_lyrics