Tailscale on a Synology NAS - Secure Remote Connection without Port Forwarding or Firewall Rules

Tailscale on a Synology NAS - Secure Remote Connection without Port Forwarding or Firewall Rules


1 год назад

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q8_vip2 - 27.09.2023 21:06

when i enter the ip , just nothing loading

Jon kelly
Jon kelly - 09.09.2023 15:40

You mention security at the end - where can I find instructions for adding such security - e.g. you mentioned Lets Encrypt?

Peter - 08.09.2023 14:11

how can I map the NAS in the file explorer? I can't see it when the devices are discovered.

aryo - 24.08.2023 03:00

does it need to be the same google account to access the NAS? or can other person using other google account access my NAS as long as they know my NAS' IP?

Sourabh's VLogs
Sourabh's VLogs - 08.08.2023 19:52

I installed and configured it on my NAS, iPhone nad Laptop.
I can access my NAS on iPhone using Tailscale IP or hostname in public network. No issue al all.
But I am not able to use it for Synology Photos or any other app. It just gives security warning and donesn't work.

Hernan Echevarria
Hernan Echevarria - 29.07.2023 10:35

From your other videos I had the idea that a NAS could be a substitute for Google Photos and Drive. But yesterday I found a Reddit post with all the security warnings and saying that your NAS shouldn't be exposed to the internet. My idea was to share storage space and photos with family in different countries. And now, I find that this is a big risk not only for the NAS but for all the devices on your network. I feel frustrated and disappointed. If all this is not possible, a NAS is not for me; I prefer Google in that case. Your videos are great but I got the wrong impression from them and I think you should emphasise the problems of exposing the NAS much more. Sorry if I got the wrong ideas and I would love you to correct me and tell me that I am wrong so I can have a bit hope. Thanks for your videos

uenmedia - 22.06.2023 18:22

Are you serious really?? What did you talk all those time? None sense really and explanation was really worse on here seen!!!!

Ariel Grass M.D, An., RAPM fellow
Ariel Grass M.D, An., RAPM fellow - 11.06.2023 23:10

If you limit the access to the port-forwarded portas to your mobile devices public IP address alone, why would it be risky to open ports this way, blocking all other IP addresses??

Tetra84 - 08.05.2023 23:58

great guide! do you know how we can use Tailscale in conjunction with hyperbackup/vault to do secure connections to other Synology NAS's?

rishi pareek
rishi pareek - 19.04.2023 12:08

can we remote ssh with it ?

cesiumion - 16.04.2023 23:32

how would synology photos, video or music etc services work if used with openvpn?

Mark Dart
Mark Dart - 14.04.2023 08:45

Thanks for the video I was starting to research solutiosn for my upcoming starlink connection. I have synology NAS which I am currently running open vpn and doing some port forwarding to my Virtual machines hosted on Synology NAS. The virtual machines are server 2003 and also investigating using XP 32 bit due to an old 32bit program I need to run. The issue with this is trying to get Tailscale installed on these machines. Is there a solution that you can think of that I can run on NAS that will give access to all my internal network when connected

Samir Macwan
Samir Macwan - 25.03.2023 20:22

I have Tailscale app on my phone running.
Somehow my Synology-one-drive and Synology-photo-app does not work when I am outside the network.
I can open browser and login to my Synology web interface.
Anything I am missing?
I tried to put correct addresses in both apps as per tailscale.

Paul Marriott
Paul Marriott - 19.03.2023 19:50

How does Tailscale compare with Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel and/or Twingate??

Brandon C
Brandon C - 09.03.2023 14:22

Is the connection slow for you when using as a exit node. Mine is slow

Jason Luong
Jason Luong - 10.02.2023 21:42

Does Tailscale run on all Synology NAses or just the higher end models with the x86 CPU?

Jason Luong
Jason Luong - 10.02.2023 21:31

Within a few years, opening a port and port-forwarding for any outside access to your internal network is synonymous with using fax machines and having your password "password".

David Laplant
David Laplant - 06.02.2023 00:33

Is this possible on a Qnap aswell?

Chris McLean
Chris McLean - 30.01.2023 16:02

Surprisingly straight forward 👍
