Fujifilm XT5 - The PERFECT Camera with One MAJOR Issue!?

Fujifilm XT5 - The PERFECT Camera with One MAJOR Issue!?

Stefano Lombardo

1 год назад

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@Theasaurous - 10.10.2023 20:21

Love all you info info, thoughts, and the general exposure to different models and brands, have also always had a curiosity about Fujifilm. Always seems like the people that have them are BIG fans! The film recipes thing I actually found out about from Taha in convo the other week, I couldn't believe I had no idea, but thought it was the coolest for certain instances of just wanting to take photos, back to basics, street, or thinking travel in the past. I would have loved that and how compact it is. The firmware update is actually a reminder that I should check that for my own cameras too haha thanks! ALSO ALSO your Ethereal presets look wicked, great work!

@mex5341 - 11.10.2023 00:35

If Fuji had made good autofocus and IBIS, it would have been an excellent camera. But they can't do this
I have their newest camera xc20 and everything is fine, but AF and Ibis after Sony cameras are simply not usable(

@selishots - 11.10.2023 01:48

I use Fuji and Sony ans the low light performance has never bothered me on the fuji

@Mikelee1324 - 11.10.2023 14:21

Exactly the video I wanted. I’ve been looking at getting the XT5!

@DimmyV - 12.10.2023 23:45

Nice video Stefano, make a strong case for full frame. Can you get your hands on the 6700?

@jtes1442 - 13.10.2023 07:56

The XT5 is a photo first camera. Fuji promoted it as such.

@ben-benedict - 14.10.2023 17:02

Thanks for your video. I think ,On Fuji xt5, xh2, xs 20 Autofocus is totally fine and usable. Not as reliable as Sony and canon though , but still very capable and improved .
Of course it’s not pleasant to accustom to it for somebody who came from Sony and canon. But if a person can’t use a recent Fuji camera mentioned above because of « bad » autofocus there is a skill problem not AF performance issue .

@jg_jgjg - 18.10.2023 02:21

Typical Sony shill: the camera made me think. Therefore bad.

@aldrey1407 - 19.10.2023 03:14

I love the review! And my apologies for my fellow fuji users who got offended on some painful truth. Its true AF and low light performance is not the best in Fuji XT5 BUT that actually gives the feeling of being in the moment by not just fully relying on your gear. I love the experience and lessons my Fuji XT5 gives me everytime.

And one question, the 56mm you used was the new released or the old one? Coz the old one is really SLOW...

@nicholascorby3109 - 20.10.2023 10:33

Auto focus is the deal breaker with the Fuji XT5. Even after the firmware update.

@sarathprasad191 - 22.10.2023 11:06

Is fujifilm camera good or bad compared to sony camera?

@Vlad-up2pj - 22.10.2023 19:16

Would you recommend a landscape camera that can also take excellent videos in 4k 25/30 fps? the budget (body only) if APS-C maximum €1,600, if full-frame maximum €1,000/1,200 ... I was thinking a Canon RP, or Fujifilm XT-30 / XT-30 II, or a Sony A6700 .... Which of these would you recommend?

@forclients5988 - 22.10.2023 21:14

Why a company in 2023 can't perfect the autofocus is beyond my imagination

@forclients5988 - 22.10.2023 21:16

They're never going to send you a camera again

@Framesbyfrisby - 24.10.2023 09:54

There are some Apsc misconceptions here but point was still made. Great video!

@94Ninsound94 - 24.10.2023 13:03

The low lights photo at ISO 1000 aren’t even that noisy, and the noise blend in a way it’s not even an issue. Of course the performance of a Sony A7 IV is better in low light but it’s not remotely that bad in what you show.

@jamesss1953 - 26.10.2023 10:25

Good review and thank you. I’m a new X-T5 owner / user. I moved over from Nikon (I’ve previously had/used D850 and lately Z7 II) and I print my own. The quality and sharpness and detail on my A2 max prints - I’m very satisfied and don’t note any difference in my prints.

@westdk6705 - 31.10.2023 00:14

Fujifilm has no issues!!!!!

@SuperJackjackie - 26.11.2023 13:30

I concur entirely with your assessment that the autofocus can be less dependable in low-light conditions.

My photography journey initially revolved around film, which led me to acquire the XT5 for different reasons. My early exposure to photography was through my mother, who shared her deep passion for the craft during my upbringing. Once I had the means, I decided to gift her a Fuji XT1 as a token of my appreciation. More recently, I purchased two XT5 cameras, one for her and one for myself, intending to spend more quality time together. She graciously imparted the art of manual film photography to me, and we've been thoroughly enjoying the tactile experience of the XT5's manual mode. We often experiment with vintage and budget-friendly lenses, primarily exploring the realm of film-style photography. My mother's enthusiasm for the camera is quite evident, especially when we explore lush flower gardens and other picturesque settings.

However, in my professional capacity as a property valuer and part-time real estate photographer, I continue to rely on my trusted Sony A7R3 and M4 cameras, which have consistently delivered outstanding results. While I do acknowledge that the XT5 may hold appeal for certain professional photographers or videographers, and I'm aware that some portrait and event/wedding photographers opt for a complete Fuji setup, in my own professional sphere, Sony and Canon, unfortunately, remain the dominant players.

@michelecintramika8482 - 03.12.2023 05:31

Fuji cameras are too expensive for an APSC sensor. Sony A7C is cheaper than a Fuji X-T5. And it has the same price as an A7CII.

@jeki6035 - 22.12.2023 06:48

Is it true the build quality is not as good as previous XT iterations

@jayc9184 - 22.12.2023 20:37

The biggest issue is it's not an A9iii

@carldaniel3155 - 23.12.2023 22:13

X-T5 AF FIX : If you use S mode i.e. single AF and turn off face/eye detection + small green focus box. The AF is incredibly precise (fast also) and 100% accurate. For low light change camera setting from 40mp L 3:2 to M 3:2 = 20Mp noise is now improved, not an issue. My Canon R6 max setting in 20MP so not an issue for for resolution.

@marc202i - 05.01.2024 20:30

Thanks for the video.
I'm tempted to grab either X-T4 or this X-T5, already have A7IV and A6600
Who would you compare low light performance (photo only) between xt5 and a6600

@Lorenzo_Melocchi - 06.01.2024 22:29

If you give a Sony shooter a Fuji camera and vice versa they are not going to like it. It’s just a different brand (monster vs small) and a different use.

@iam_nick - 23.01.2024 12:09

Focusing issue has sort of fixed and down to your settings and lens, and I have to say this isn’t a camera for videoing.

@lknamistoausturbjar-julius1511 - 25.01.2024 13:58

A new update have improved the autofocus on the T5

@AlmondFarming - 26.01.2024 22:48

Autofocus in XT5 is not the best but more than acceptable in most cases.

@showmoon - 31.01.2024 15:00

IF you want to shoot perfect shot in the low light with Fuji x t 5 then you MUST have 1.4 aperture Fujifilm or alternatives. Then you can capture fantastic sharp images.

@just_eirik - 05.02.2024 18:51

Im so glad more people are "discovering" the dials. The fact that you can adjust settings without even turning the camera on, is so nice.

@mattmuscat7934 - 09.02.2024 16:06

If you could just have one camera for mainly portrait and food photography, what would it be?

@ZeitouniJad - 13.02.2024 18:28

The autofocus is very good , check your settings and update the firmware.

@mattcero1 - 26.02.2024 20:10

A box with "FUJIFILM" all over it is just asking to get taken by porch pirates. How dumb is that?

@micronesia3797 - 27.02.2024 15:03

Really useful information in this video, thank you.

@JohnHolby-e3l - 02.03.2024 00:41

A very annoying voice! Hurting my ears!

@eliaspap8708 - 25.03.2024 00:31

Excellent review. Fuji makes plenty other models for the content creators with the Flip screens XS20, XH2s XH2 and there is also the previous model Xt4 and so on. After the XT4 went to the flipy screen a lot of photographers weren’t happy and it just doesn’t work for us. So glad Fuji listens to its customers and implemented the original screen from the XT3. We’re not all content creators that film themselves Fuji is going to sell a tone if these.

@walknwander - 17.05.2024 06:33

Thanks bud, I was debating this or A7cii and I think the low light performance is the difference. New sub!

@86BBUB - 17.05.2024 18:26

Now for the math - FF is only 1.6X "better" than APS when it comes to ISO. Sony's don't operate differently.

@ilyaphoto - 09.06.2024 23:39

You are absolutely wrong , do not confused people please !!!

@mrjayhawker - 29.06.2024 00:17

Ciao Stefano, any thoughts on the camera body temperature when navigating the menus and shooting stills/videos? Mine (bought new last month) seems to get warm after minimal use , like 10-20 mins between menu settings and shooting) but I don't know if this is just me overreacting. Have you ever had any issues related to this?

@TuckerNebel - 27.08.2024 09:18

Awesome video. Just subbed and liked.

I’m on the fence jumping to Fuji from Sony but have really enjoyed how good my AF is. My biggest reason is for getting color as I take the shot and less post work.

I did want to ask you though, where did you get the Sigma hat? I have a lot of Sigma glass for my Sony.

@Obraklasiko - 31.08.2024 05:10

Im adding grain on all my photos. So grain is not a downside for me. 😂

@beverlyhillscop90210 - 30.01.2025 00:17

I love this camera, the only thing that annoys me is that I constantly moved the dial to switch to film mode or change the shooting setting below the ISO. Now I got used to it tho.

@StefanoLombardoYT - 11.10.2023 07:52

What are your thoughts on the Fujifilm XT5?
