That is how you do a pro video, brother. Well done.
ОтветитьGlad someone finally did this comparison! I thought they would be that similar which is why I ended up going with the eleven rack for a fraction of the cost of the headrush. The only downside for me is being limited to only one distortion, reverb, delay, and one not so great and non-moveable noise gate per rig.
ОтветитьAnd I'd really like to see a comparison between the eleven rack/headrush and the Axe FX II. And another eleven vs helix. Also if you can talk about the difference in feel between the units. 🙏
Ответить with helix. Great video
ОтветитьThanks so much, really helps me wait for the price to drop, as I did the 11 rack, cool gear review
ОтветитьThis helped me a lot. I'm keeping my 11R. Excellent video my friend. My foot controller for my 11R is the Ground Control Pro. No regrets!
ОтветитьToo much goddamn tech and not enough fucking comparing.
ОтветитьOh shit shame you don't have more subs and views, would have been interesting to hear some proper comparisons, your video was good, subbed, in case you bring out anything else interesting
Ответитьloved this video. gonna subscribe for sure. do you have any of your eleven rack profiles up for download so i could check em out? also i would love to see videos on how you create your tones using all your gear. eleven rack head ruch etc...
ОтветитьGreat video! Be interested to get you take on using a IR loader on the 11R and compare difference with same IR on Headrush. Also I'm interested in you take on the Fractual. As the 11R is getting long in the tooth I'm right now looking at moving to Fractal AX8 or FM3, Headrush or maybe even Amplifire6.
ОтветитьThe HR sounded slightly more compressed than the 11R to me but I agree the cab models would be the big extra achieved by upgrading.
ОтветитьI just saw your video and it was great. I have a studio full of amps but needed something that could increase my production time. From my own Metal project to other projects which go from country to Jazz to R&B. But before spending the money on a Axe III and totally eliminating the tube amp I need to experiment. So, I bought a 11Rack. I did not like that you could not MIDI map the thing. And that you only have one chain, can't run a dual amp set up. But... After a few months of !@#$%^&*) I was getting something. Wow, I took and bought another 11Rack, took the G-Forces out of my old rack and... Wow! So, 11Rack(1) into G-Force(1) into the A side of a BBE 882 +++ 11Rack(2) into G-Force(2) into B side of a BBE 882 then run those into two separate channels on the board then into the DAW. Wow again. You can run a dual amp system and get incredible sounds. And, with one stomp on my MIDI controller I can go to Mesa M&V Distortion to Fender&Vox cleans. The real thrill was you can get these 11Racks for around $200. Sooooo... You need to run your 11Rack and Headrush into separate channels, mix them together on your board and you will be amazed. Note: You are so right the same amp sims will cancel each other out. But changing the phasing or EQing will solve that problem.
ОтветитьNice video. I own the pedal board and I'm very happy with it. It's engineered by the same designers that designed the Avid eleven rack. A better comparison would be better using the same name patch in both units playing through a guitar cab through the same Mic or mic setup. Then switch back and forth. Yes the Headrush sounds better because it has many years ahead of the Avid model technology. Impulse response is a new technology that the old Eleven Rack didn't have. The Headrush has updated more modern Mic simulation including a royer 118 ribbon. You'll get more from Headrush than the avid. Headrush pretty much is the New eleven rackbuilt into a pedal board. It emulates amps and cabs That weren't even invented yet when the avid was around. It's the New eleven designed by the same guys who designed it for avid.
ОтветитьWhat is the song name?
ОтветитьHeaps say headrush doesn't sound good,?