The Narcissism Doctor: "1 In 6 People Are Narcissists!" How To Spot Them & Can They Change?

The Narcissism Doctor: "1 In 6 People Are Narcissists!" How To Spot Them & Can They Change?

The Diary Of A CEO

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@TheDiaryOfACEO - 29.02.2024 11:01

Can I ask you all a favour? If you enjoy this episode, could you please hit the like button 👍🏾 it helps us massively. Appreciate you all! 🙏🏽

@ArchYeomans - 07.03.2024 11:15

How do I make my narcissism work in my favor against other narcissists?

@meredithheath5272 - 07.03.2024 10:44

Indeed - I have heard this about the U.K. - that that country has taken steps to address, through Public Policy, psychological abuse, and has Included this abuse within the realm of Domestic Violence. The U.S. is FAR behind in considerating tthe many tactics of abuse. Even Swatting (which I also endured) and is beginning to be against the law in many states, now, has very light punishment.
These tactics should be tiered, just like a speeding ticket, in the U.S. is: If someone is going over 20 miles/ per hour over the speed limit, there is a certain amount for the fine; if someone has gone over 35 miles over the speed limit, the fine is higher than if someone has "only" gone over 20 miles over the speed limit...and so on. The same with Domestic Violence. - punishment should be tiered - and warrant far more hefty fines.

@Trisof88 - 07.03.2024 10:23

So many are narcissists, but the government-controlled media puts out false information about the numbers being low to not make the general public panic

@zweisteinya - 07.03.2024 10:06

6 in 6 of the-rapists are narcs

@meredithheath5272 - 07.03.2024 09:51

Thank You, Dr Ramani!!! And Host!
I cannot add to the heart felt accolades warranted towards Dr. Ramani - a National Treasure ❤❤❤
(Also, Dr. Carter, and Andrew on his Channel "Narc Daily"❤)

@volkerd714 - 07.03.2024 09:29

1 in 6..... and/but very CLUSTERED in certain areas. Families, Friend groups, CEOs, Prestigious Colleges, Politicians, Managers, Doctors, Professors...ALL positions of power (even in social service organizations), Musicians (esp band leaders), Artists, Actors, Models ...what other areas?

@thelastninja4825 - 07.03.2024 09:15

Maybe before COVID, its now 50/50

@sherrybowers530 - 07.03.2024 09:08

I was a highly successful woman. 2 years after marriage to narcissist, I am broken. Kicked him out. But still can't function.

@johntandy8918 - 07.03.2024 08:49

Just please stop lol, the narcissists are telling us how to spot narcissists, I’m not going to ruin your authority (doctor, degree,phd, upper middle class… whatever ) in fact you said narcissists have to have the last word we will see ❤️🙏

@CT2507 - 07.03.2024 08:24

So, if one in six people are narcissistic then the other 5 are what, altruistic? Who put others needs before their own? Bullshit. Everyone is narcissistic to a lesser or greater degree. I don't know anyone who isn't. It's just that some have better control over their behavior, and some just don't care.

@ChristianaBonelliSmith-mo1ox - 07.03.2024 08:04


@ChristianaBonelliSmith-mo1ox - 07.03.2024 08:03

You made some great points here as I started to call it strategic. Everything and anything they can dig up in you from way before you ever met them. Then manipulatively use it as every means to control you, threaten you, destroy your reputation, threaten you and your relationship with your kids etc. I love your description of the Gaslighting like indoctrination. I have called it the stockhome syndrome in comments before trying to explain what you are explaining.

@marilynpalmer2728 - 07.03.2024 07:45

After much heartache i have come to the conclusion that my daughter is a narcissist. She won't listen to me so how can i hope for her to have councilling

@ChristianaBonelliSmith-mo1ox - 07.03.2024 07:12

It's exhausting dealing with Narcissistic Abuse. It's like a daily stalk home syndrome. I use to feel my heart jump when I saw him coming down the driveway. Didn't know what kind of mood he was going to be in. With my mother I never knew if she was going to flip out on me. I walked on egg shells. With another relationship my last one I became scared for my own safety. That's how bad that one was.

@SODOT-sv5gt - 07.03.2024 07:02


@ChristianaBonelliSmith-mo1ox - 07.03.2024 07:00

Absolutely Dr Ramani and thank you for that defensive beginning for those like myself who have come to a point in life where you certain ppl don't understand your own story of Narcissistic Abuse and the eventual Dismissal and Devaluation that feels like another betrayal

@benjaminross9373 - 07.03.2024 06:59

how can a personality disorder first develop from refused mother love or something, and then become unchangeable?! if narcissism first developed from various options, why could it not be reversed in some aspects later often, because it would be a too stresseful experience?! and not about Dr. Ramini, She is okay and has a profession and an important topic, but for many others with even more status seemingly, it is not envy anymore, i just feel threatened when You often see what is behind?! narcissism is perhaps egoism while not leaving other people alone, along with lies and manipulation perhaps the biggest problem, was it really narcissism or stressful maniipulation from early on?! shaking people up in every behaviour aspect for profit?! egoism itself would not be that bad as long as it involved others not that much?!

@LouieG7777 - 07.03.2024 06:49

On about April of 2023, I partook of the 🏜️ 🐸 and days after that session I realized that I had been a narcissist prick to my wife and kids for years. It was like I was made aware of how much of a piece of 💩 I was and felt so much shame, regret, guilt, and remorse - so much that it has been difficult to forgive myself. I have learned and practiced empathy and have never been happier in my life. I hate that old person I was and never want to meet him again.

@carolinepark4033 - 07.03.2024 06:19

Thank you so much for differentiating types of narcissism. The ‘vulnerable’ (aka covert/collapsed) narcissist is an absolute pro at playing victim: Throwing a grenade in the room and then ‘who me?’ They will go to the grave being unaccountable for everything. Scape-goating, denying, gas-lighting, selling their fake sob story to your entire circle of acquaintance to punish you as soon as you pull down their mask.
14 yrs no contact and finally free of the abuse of my mother.

@jeslin3 - 07.03.2024 06:08

Thank you Steven and Dr Ramani for this colaborative interview 🙏

@ambersapphire6743 - 07.03.2024 05:29

What i went thru at an ex-work place... now makes sense...

@greener9115 - 07.03.2024 05:18

We should've been wiser than kinder 😅

@greener9115 - 07.03.2024 05:12

The way I see 👀 it 4/6 ppl are narcissist. Not 1 in 6. These mf are like roaches

@shiva369 - 07.03.2024 04:47

I wish I could've heard this while my father was still alive. I feel like he got away with so much.

@2flowertwo537 - 07.03.2024 04:07

Maybe CPTSD can be misattributed to narcissism?

@PurpleGold. - 07.03.2024 03:00

My ex who was a narcissistic deviant was so bad in bed (with his micro-penis) and huge fat gut hanging over his micro-member that he would hump me like a chihuahua dog and finish in a few trusts often “missing the entrance”. 😂

@IanM-id8or - 07.03.2024 02:47

Sam Vaknin would disagree about who is the world's leading expert on narcissism - but then, he is a self-confessed narcissist.

TBH I prefer Dr Ramani - 'cos she's not a narcissist ;-)

@user-nm6bs9ru6x - 07.03.2024 02:40

Just had a confrontation with someone who has an inflated sense of superiority. This was on the verge of violence. I know where the cameras are in the building so I let her vent and exhibit aggressive behavior. Then I told management and asked them to view the video. Find ways to document this behavior because it is everywhere. Use your cellphone camera and encourage others to take multiple videos and take it to management. Expose them.!

@TotoResale - 07.03.2024 02:03

She should be a part time actor too....her expressions are so good

@paulstuart551 - 07.03.2024 02:00

I had a mother who was a malignant narcissist who belittled, would divide & conquer by false stories, go into sudden rages & play the victim as she pushed family away (including her mother who was wealthy, she blackmailed her over care then isolated & neglected her). All of her children developed various types from vulnerable to covert, I kept trying to make excuses for their behaviour but their traits are fixed & they don't want to change. I stupidly chose narcissistic partners, I thought love was something complicated that you had to earn & overlooked the kind simple relationships as shallow. In each case I kept my authenticity & called out the more controlling behaviours & ignored others which made them angry because truth made them look at their behaviour. In the end I found strict boundaries & removing them from my life was the only solution. it is pointless to maintain any contact as they don't want to change. I noticed that they are only superficially open to strangers, my mother used to freeze when you hugged her. Her final punishment was to leave us all out of her will. Dr Ramani is very insightful into their manipulations.

@trisha7913 - 07.03.2024 01:29

All our leaders in America are narcissists

@eloisefourie4848 - 07.03.2024 01:24

I cannot wait to read your book, you have made me look back at my life and take control over what has happened to me, I see things clearly now!!! Thank you Dr Ramani!!!!!!❤❤❤

@itsarsa262 - 07.03.2024 01:24

I have hard time believing 1 in 6 people are narcissist. Dr. Ramani is clinical psychologist working in Miami. So maybe this case in Miami or USA. Clinical psychologist can be biased, if she has not done research then take it with grain of salt.

@profitprophet6418 - 07.03.2024 00:41

i was the assistant to a film Director for 23 years. i went on to support other directors and creatives in my own business. The first 3 years was working business wise, but ended up affecting my family again.

@ac9938 - 07.03.2024 00:30

I am a super empath and attract a lot of Narcissism people. Throughout the years, I had moments where I was able to get a breakthrough from a few Narcisstic person but it did not last long and infact once I was able to break through to the Narcisstic person, they ended up getting more angry at me. It has been the weirdest experience I have ever experienced because once I was able to get through to the person, their eyes went black and went back to their split personality and their physical facial features changed as well. I think that people with this disorder do not change unfortunately.

@MelVin245 - 07.03.2024 00:00

Dominant, angry, low empathy, charming, charismatic, manipulative, fantastic

@abethecop1 - 06.03.2024 23:55

We have to learn how to spot them because ironically narcissists don’t show up in mirrors, as they’re incapable of self-reflection ;)

@lightfaeries7 - 06.03.2024 23:38


@samanthajane11.11 - 06.03.2024 22:46

You can feel that they just dont care. Its a nasty icky feeling

@Jasmin-uc4en - 06.03.2024 22:25

It is kind of my biggest fear, that I could be a narcissist ...

@GiantSlayer-rr1vu - 06.03.2024 22:14

Definitely, a cult leader with that covert religious narcissist I was with. She wanted to get me quick. then hear came the devalue, disrespect, dishonor, disloyalty, degrading, and discard. lying, cheating, and the web of deception. I am a new subscriber. thank you for sharing. Dr Ramani thank you soooooo much. a strange paradox of a nice and nasty person ( in an elderly woman voice)

@bonniekesic8040 - 06.03.2024 22:08

I broke my ankle in 3 places this last summer. My 44 yr old son acted liked it killed him to even help me. He said he was working 8 hr shifts and was watching his ex gfs dog. Keep in mind I couldn't get out of bed for 3 days before I had surgery. Then hospitalized, then rehab facility for 2 weeks. He just didn't help me.

@johnwrickel - 06.03.2024 22:01

🦄 Dolt by John Rickel 🦄

@admiralrohan - 06.03.2024 21:36

Be independent. Specially don't depend on a narcissist.

@luclucyt5426 - 06.03.2024 21:31

I am watching from Athens, Greece. Thank you for the quality of your interviews, your curiosity, the amazing questions you make and for the quality of your guests. Thanks a million

@R1v3rfl0w5 - 06.03.2024 21:18

7 in 7 people are people! Human Beings!!!
