Guitar Pro 8 Overview - Should You Buy?.... YES!!!

Guitar Pro 8 Overview - Should You Buy?.... YES!!!

Levi Clay

2 года назад

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@satrianirocks - 17.08.2023 05:03

Tap rhythm notation? Is it possible? What I mean is could the rhythm notation be analyzed by clicking a mouse/hitting a key/picking notes to a click-track?

@kashewsbasschannel3752 - 04.08.2023 18:07

Hi thanks for the video, I’m considering getting the new version. I have a question if you don’t mind. You mentioned putting the track of a recorded song on guitar pro to follow along transcriptions. That is a cool feature but what happens if the band waves or, not following a metronome in the original recording? How do you get the transcriptions to follow the original track? A good example of this is Money by Pink Floyd. It starts at around 130 bpm and during the solos it speeds up to 160 or even 170. Can you sync the song with the transcriptions? Thanks.

@hazelisaacs2201 - 01.07.2023 10:11

The font/ size of printed notes on guitarPro has always been frustrating when musescore & sibelius quality print is much better (but those others have their frustrations especially with transposition & cost)

@walkmetothemoon - 24.06.2023 12:10

Been using GP since version 3. Stayed on 5.2 for many years. Will definitely have a look at 8, looks promising.

@egrintarg230 - 01.06.2023 00:09

I loved GP 6. I recently upgraded my tower only to find that it was outdated. GP 8 looks even better. Pro Tools is cool too.

@dramastudiobordeaux8058 - 12.05.2023 15:12

I bought the "Guided Practice Routines for Guitar" - Foundation Level from FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES. The audio is not available. If I had of known, I wouldn't have bought it. Can you contact the publishers plz. Tell Them to upload the audio files. Poor form.


message me - I'll contact them.

@SxSxG666 - 28.01.2023 22:41

Transcribe and Guitar Pro are also my both most used programs. I'm still using GP6 and unfortunately it's buggy and laggy like hell. I liked number 5 the most just because it did what I needed and it was a lot more stable. Still thinking about to get GP8. But to be honest I am still pissed off about the bad quality control and bug fixing of GP6.

@danmillward7358 - 06.01.2023 14:19

There is nothing that can beat GP for guitarist who are wishing to learn or write music.....but with so many awesome sample based guitar vsts that really sound close to the real thing....i cant understand why guitar pro insist on trying to make their synth engine better when they could simply...have GP as a plugin in a door and you could route out the midi from GP and slap one of those sample base guitar...bass...drum....piano eps...organs...synth ect....and really get something good going.

@philippeabed5917 - 04.01.2023 06:06

Hey Levi, I'm certain this topic has been beaten to death, I can't for the life of me figure out how to convert and import a PDF into Guitar Pro 8. My online scavenge has been to no avail. Tips would be welcome and appreciated. Thank you.

@LonnieGardner - 04.01.2023 03:45

I already had 7.5 so I just needed to upgrade to 8 for about half price.

@Santi-pm9hq - 24.11.2022 04:46

Lot of people use GP to compose, hope someday they can launch drumpacks and chords pkgs, like composing packages were we can improvise too.

@0000song0000 - 16.11.2022 22:10

The coolest part of Guitar Pro, is that you can make "mock" backtracks easier than with any DAW (for people whose first-instrument is guitar)

@kyfisher3662 - 14.11.2022 18:48

i have heard a few people say that Dorico is a bit harder to learn but far superior for guitar tabs than guitar pro, whats your take on this?

@worshipwino204 - 08.11.2022 00:55

I'm a very proficient bassist that needs to learn reading as top priority. Would this software be good for that besides all the other options I could use in the future?

@Kelly-iv4go - 02.11.2022 19:49


@atakurt6055 - 29.10.2022 23:46

can we finally use page breaks or is that still a no?

@connorcarbon - 23.10.2022 09:37

show us you using the fucking program puusaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy you won't because you got paid to stare at the website and pretend it's good without showing the actual program in use which is exactly the problem with Arobas ever since Guitar Pro 6: they think they can just "symbolically represent their way through it" instead of making sure the updates to their program are as functionally useful as 5.2

@IamtheI - 13.10.2022 17:27


@thomasrobertson4213 - 02.10.2022 09:57

Truly shows the value of honest negative reviews…. After your panning of the previous version I say this review and bought the new version immediately and couldn’t be happier with it.

@chrisdaneguitar - 29.09.2022 18:07

Do they have a page turner feature via footwswitch

@CubbyVanLife - 26.09.2022 17:50

Any idea if the latest ios maoble app is compatible with GP8?

@vladrad4008 - 09.09.2022 09:40

Hello Levi, Sorry for bothering you, but like to ask your advice in the issue not directly, but in a way related to the content of this your video -Hope you might advise - I have a number of acoustic guitar played sketches, which I couldn't replay on electric to finish the Projects, as stroke paralyzed the my left hand - so the only way I am thinking - is to convert those into midi to play either through either GTR or any synth VST instruments, keeping/saving the original idea of. Have tried some audio->MIDI convertors like Jam Origin MIDI Guitar or internal Ableton Live one - doesn't give the acceptable results ! Might you give any advice ? Would appreciate that very much !!!

@Warlock_UK - 01.09.2022 20:59

I always felt that version 5 was the best version and 6 was terrible to use in comparison... Like, if you copy a guitar part to another channel it'd often screw the fingering positions up, among other annoying things... but I'm actually tempted with 8.

@flake8382 - 01.09.2022 12:17

As someone who has written an entire Melodic Prog EP in GP... YES.

The control over note duration, offset, voume... incredible.

Ditto for tuning the percussion.

@troykurz9615 - 20.08.2022 18:44

I just started using it, and at 52 years old, I'm finally putting it all together. And this software is what I needed 30 years ago!

@JosephGallagher - 08.08.2022 02:17

Perfect timing

@SUPERGOOSE-LLC - 27.07.2022 03:02

Does anyone know if they fixed the problem with repeats and play back? Guitar pro 7.6 just ignores repeat symbols plow straight through.

@sonzato - 20.07.2022 01:57

Anyone here know about Tux Guitar? Wondering how it would fair against this software, since it's free

@KRHUL1 - 10.07.2022 12:24

My biggest bugbear was adding chords, then if I change key the chords didn’t. Has this been fixed?

@kyfisher3662 - 09.07.2022 17:43

never delete an email with a verification fee for guitar pro because there website removes them and itll be gone forever

@dancurtis461 - 07.07.2022 22:59

Everything looks great, I'll use your link. btw is it possible to move the transport controls? top center is inconvenient.

@Terminus_El_Camino - 26.06.2022 21:37

I barely use a fraction of the functions of GP7, so this version will probably not be of much utility to me.

@anthonydahl5998 - 26.06.2022 16:41

Hey great video will surely get the upgrade! Been using this software from the 4th version and always loved it. Just out of curiousity, you said you raged about the gp 7th version, what made you change your mind on this version (8th)?

@stephenlindsay3792 - 26.06.2022 03:10

I cant find the function to mix the drumkit

@wilksy2008 - 25.06.2022 19:22

Oh man… I remember composing using G.P6 and having to create multiple drum tracks to I could EQ, Pan, etc. One of the biggest time-sinks right there lmao! 👌🏼 This is a very noteworthy feature next to the audio track/embedding feature!!

@robertbesen7455 - 25.06.2022 18:15

Thanks for posting this. I have one question if you don't mind. Can legato slides be adjusted the way bends can be adjusted? I would like the slide to start on the bead, not near the end of the beat. Previous versions of GP can't do this. Thanks!

@navrasicsi - 25.06.2022 17:11

Does GuitarPro 8 have an alternative mode for editing the drum tracks i.e. a "piano roll"? If yes, I upgrade immediately.
I hate creating the drum track with standard sheet music notation. It's fine for other instruments, but do to some reason I don't like it for the drums.

@mullandglow - 25.06.2022 15:19

I've been using GP since 5 and the entire time all I've wanted is the abilty to quickly and easily write polymeters. Kust to set time signature separately between tracks at the same tempo, I know I'm not the only one who wants it, if that has somehow snuck its way into 8 I would love to know.

@virtualunreality8326 - 25.06.2022 10:22

I don't know any guitarists who use sheet music anymore... maybe I'm in a minority?

@crazyfirstblood - 21.06.2022 14:53

Hello, nice Channel I´ve just discovered. Question, may I? The audio input is great but what would be greater is if you can recored such things like vocals. Is this posible.? As a song writter I´d love to add lyrics/Vocals to the song created. I Know there are DAWS for this but as a guitar player only I write all tracks from bass to piano with tabs and create whole song but lackin vocals. If i wanted vocals id have to export song to daw and then back agian to use this cool feater to transcribe, Thank you and soyy for my English.. SIMON .. SPAIN

@McGreasyjesus - 20.06.2022 04:38

bought with your link as well!

@wandajames143 - 19.06.2022 12:35

When I save it still saves as gp7 why?

@scottjones6624 - 18.06.2022 20:29

Wonderful video on the new version! Has GP made it possible yet to enter lyrics NOT synchronized to the notes displayed? In other words, being able to space the words however you want? This comes up when writing a guitar song that just has the fingerpicking TAB patterns and not a specific melody line. Many of us want to place lyric words where we want in the score. Thoughts?

@Semtex777 - 15.06.2022 11:56

What is missing for me is a sequencer like input for drums, like the Drum Editor of Cubase with the diamonds and each piece of the kit placed vertically. I would be much faster for composing rhythms.

@morbidcorpse5954 - 15.06.2022 03:38

Please sir, be the first to answer my wishes. Does it offer VST support for Drums: Superior Drummer, Kvlt Drums, Addictive Etc? Been waiting for 10 years.

@adolfopetrowsky1796 - 12.06.2022 07:02

HI, I tried to download the crack but the web say that it was erased, I like to know where download it and specifically how to crack it in details?? ´pleasee

@MaxNiessl - 07.06.2022 15:25

I don't know how I've missed this for a month! Being able to synchronise the notation to an audio file directly in Guitar Pro is godsent. When transcribing songs that haven't been recorded to a metronome, I always had to manually sync the metronome in my DAW and transcribe the tempo changes back to Guitar Pro to make them display evenly in a video (which can produce a lot of mistakes that you have to search for endlessly). And Guitar Pro hadn't allowed float values in BPM figures (like 135.13 BPM), so it was especially challenging. All my problems have been solved!

@dericdomino - 05.06.2022 17:38

guitar pro has been around for a long time why does it still sound like a cheap electric piano

@autobotsNdecepticons - 25.05.2022 04:01

My gripes with Guitar Pro as of v7.5, besides issues with Power Tab and midi import not coming out as originally transcribed and an incomplete manual/help file, are it really needs a realtime MIDI input option. With as much MIDI sequencer software as there is now, you'd think they could just get one ready-made off the shelf and integrate it into Guitar Pro without writing it all from scratch. And the way changing a sound patch in v7.5 is really awkward when you want to audition various sounds. You can enter any MSB and LSB number, but not a Program Change--for that, you apparently have to use their dropdown menus to select a preset, then change the MSB and LSB to what you want. That's a real pain when you're working with outboard hardware as a synth/tone generator and have no way to select the patches but via MIDI.

Overall I think they focus too much on getting Guitar Pro to be the synth and too little on just making it work really well as a transcription program and interface for any midi-capable hardware and software you already have. It's real nifty what you can make it do, but cool or "realistic" sounds are not what I look for in transcription software.

Anyway, what's really amazing is how well Power Tab has held up since 1998. While it's limited, it still works (albeit with quirks) in every Windows version since, and the note entry is easy and certain shortcuts like single chord copying are great. Tux Guitar seems pretty decent but I haven't used it enough to compare to Guitar Pro. MuseScore is still a work in progress. E.g., I can't get the MIDI input to work in Win10 at all, and I did not find the editing particularly speedy, so I just gave up and put it on the backburner. I haven't tested Sibelius or Finale in years, but when I did I found their note entry and such awkward and cumbersome, and the price excessive if you're not transcribing as a full-time job.
