Did Aliens Land in the Backyard of This Las Vegas Home?

Did Aliens Land in the Backyard of This Las Vegas Home?

Inside Edition

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@mauricejohnson7860 - 04.01.2024 05:13

Realy stop.cover up.still the world not ready for all of this.

@delitoofinedoe - 04.01.2024 04:19

A raccoon… I’m sure they would have known if they seen a damn rodent.. 🤦🏿‍♀️yall ain’t gonna believe it until you see for yourselves… that’ll be VERY soon. 😌

@captjohnson5452 - 30.12.2023 22:59

They saw something for sure. Why was the police video blacked out. Why did they put cameras up?

@GhostManMarshall - 28.12.2023 19:13

You can never tell when Daniel Negreanu is bluffing…

@MadeInJamdung - 28.12.2023 02:02

With an infinite universe, it is mathematically improbable and impossible for us to be the only form of life in it.

@CryptoX-kr3wu - 26.12.2023 23:04

At least the government didn’t just dismiss it as another one of their weather balloons.

@killjoycola - 25.12.2023 06:33


@michaellynch881 - 25.12.2023 01:35

If I were the Dad of the Family that saw the creatures and heard what that Alien sceptic said I'd STILL be trying to find that dude. What an Insult in combo's insult number 1: they probably saw raccoons or Coyotes thats LOW I'm a full grown man and cant see the difference between an Animal and a creature myself or no other most likely has never seen disgusting

@Sodainspace - 24.12.2023 09:38

I’m so glad inside edition followed up on this story

@user-xt4gk7pc3t - 22.12.2023 08:37

okay what you say about that flash on cop camera?

@Dead-Man-Walking3 - 19.12.2023 03:26

I was hit by a green ball of light ufo but was able to dodge a direct hit to my face in front of my brother in the wheelchair who has had other ufo experiences with different relatives my father and another time with my 2 cousins and other brother that is able to walk.... My only ufo experience worth mentioning was just myself and my brother on the wheelchair he pointed out at the sky and told me "hey bro turn around look at the sky" i was at the door about to use the key and go inside his apartment when he said that so if it was not for him i would of never seen any ufos i guess but i turned to look at him and i saw him using his left arm to point at the sky and before this we had been driving home from buying some food at the supermarket and he was driving with his hand controls and kept looking at the sky instead of the road and i emded up confronting him about it i said "hey why you looking at the sky instead of the road while your driving" and he responded "i think theres UFOs out tonight" and i replied " just look at the road while youre driving i dont want you to crash" and we get home i assemble his wheelchair and place it on his side of the vehicle and i asked him " let me see your keys to open your door meanwhile you transfer to your wheelchair from your truck" and he gave them to me and i walk up to the door and before i can unlock the doorknob with his keys he shouted that " hey bro turn around look at the sky" so in my head i was like " dont tell me its my first chance to see a UFO" so i quickly run back next to my brother and turn to look at the sky where he pointed with his index finger while on his wheelchair and i quickly counted 6 or 7 green orbs or balls of green light in the sky very far away and high up in the night sky about 10 or 11 pm and i cant believe what im seeing so i asked my brother "what is that" and he said "its ufos" and they looked like any stars would look but only green in color that was the main difference so at the time i was kind of a skeptic since i had never seen a UFO even though all the family stories about ufos and i said " Nah it cant be, it has to be Fireflies" and as soon as i said it the UFO right at my 12 o clock or directly infront of me teleported a couple of football fields away to the left side of the fleet and i was like "Wow it is UFOs" and it did that in less than a second and it set a pattern for the rest of the UFO fleet and 1 by 1 they copied that pattern but the 2nd ufo to teleport went to the right side and the 3rd to the left side and it began pretty slow and quickly it got really fast to the point it looked like Christmas lights flickering in the high night sky. So after this one UFO teleports right at my 12 o clock again or directly back infront of me and its the only one out of the fleet that stopped teleporting and was the single only UFO that stayed fixed in that single point in the sky and the rest of the fleet were still flickering changing places and thats when the single ufo that was fixed on one spot comes down just a knotch and stops again and is totally still in the same spot in the sky only a little bit lower now and all of a sudden it gets bigger but its still paralized in the same spot in the sky and that made me think "wow is this thing paralyzed or is it coming straight at me for me and gaining distance towards and against me?" So right away i get ready to react and i decided to stand my ground and not run and leave my brother there all alone and i decided to "mirror" the ufo and that i was at least gonna try to dodge it that i was not gonna stand idle and let it hit me so i wait like 4 or 5 second and now it was an arms distance at my fingertips and thats when i said a prayer on my mind "dear god help me dodge this green ball of light" and i also began to execute my strategy and i duck or lean my head and upper body to my right side since the ufo came at me from my left side almost as if it was aiming for my left eye or left side of my face and it skinned me as it passed me and i could not believe i had managed to dodge it since it had the speed of a bullet or cannon blast as it came down from the high night sky and i turn my face to see it hit the wall right behind me about 5 or 7 feet and i did the footwork to turn my whole body around as well and i see how it exploded on impact of the wall right behind me and it looked like a star exploding an arc came out of the point of impact green in color like a mini rainbow but only green and as it strexhed further out its light got dimmer and suddenly that arc whips itself into a dome of green light and it expands and gets bigger and bigger only stopping at the rooftop of the 2nd floor of our building and thats when i though " dont tell me its gonna pop like a bubble cus it stopped growing" and a second later it exploded all the green light became white bright light and i go from looking at the hoghest point of the green dome to looking straight in front of me and within the white light i saw a Golden Flame it was bigger than me about 6 feet in hieght and about 3 feet wide at the base and i saw this light for like 4 second and it all vanished and disappeared and i could see my yard again and the neighbors house and i remember my brother was there and i felt like i had lost my bearings and gobe crazy but i asked my brother "did you see that?!" And he said "yeah!" And I decided to test him so i asked "what was it?!" And he replied" you dodged a UFO!" So i quickly remember the rest of the UFO fleet and look back upon the sky and there was nothing there anymore they had all disappeared as well and i looked for like 10 seconds at the sky hoping to spot the other ufos still and the Night Sky just flashed white as if a satellite had taken a picture of the area but from outter space....... This took place in 2018 September 18 or 19 in South Central Los Angeles

@trapaneezus - 17.12.2023 02:42

Mick West is a completely unserious person. Raccoons? Come on.

@Fiddz - 14.12.2023 01:40

Wheres the video from the backyard? I bet some black op program contractor sent his boys to go collect it, ask your alexa bout it and it will say theirs no evidence that theres such things as aliens or flying saucers then ask alexa who do you contact if a flying saucer crashes on your property and she will tell you who to contact. In the end you cant trust anyone with such matters the government the police even congress is kept in the dark.

@charlesrandle3186 - 12.12.2023 20:58

FALLEN BEINGS......ETERNALLY DOOMED ENTITIES is what they saw................🌑🌑

@giusepperuggiero1151 - 12.12.2023 04:08

They had pic😢of the aliens now there gonna on u tube of course

@patriciaceballos1254 - 11.12.2023 10:02

Why no one show the falling pices???

@user-jp1rf2xd3b - 09.12.2023 14:04

Remind me to never read that science fiction writers novels

@nielsdorhout058 - 03.12.2023 21:43

So everybody is holding a phone 24/7 and there is no video of this?

@Melsincatuation - 01.12.2023 19:18

please...raccoons ..this family isn't stupid!! The house is actually right in the middle of a "ufo" highway going to Kingman AZ" this is NOT the first time a craft has crashed in the area. I have a connection to someone who is working on one of those beyond top secret programs... Which to me its impossible to keep something a secret for very long! I know..and I'm just a citizen.. The truth for everyone is on the way

@GiveYouOneGuess - 01.12.2023 15:28

Is this the full interview? I want to hear what they saw and where the ufo went!

@jonathanc9965 - 30.11.2023 18:22

Raccoon is the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard so raccoons fly around in flying saucers 😂

@Nicolecooper961 - 30.11.2023 02:13

I Believe The Family.👽

@rodbenjamin9909 - 28.11.2023 02:52

It was from earth. It was headed back to the ocean.

@johnbusby6654 - 27.11.2023 20:05

so in this day and age, none of them thought to take their phone out and record? 🤔🤣

@octaviusbrightwell6215 - 16.11.2023 21:44

A racoon smh...

@Sanity586 - 12.11.2023 02:11

No, nice try with the Raccoon theory.

@Mrs.BlessedMoore - 08.11.2023 00:52

Where is the original video because I remember seeing it but can’t find it!

@tysonas1 - 06.11.2023 01:54

They just want to party at party city USA; Vegas needs to send out a radio signal…all non earthlings get a 50% discount for a three night stay… space vehicle valet on car park top deck…$1000 in free chips, free security…protection from gvmt harassment

@yorkshiremanoutdoors9848 - 05.11.2023 11:03

@JZ-gr1tz - 04.11.2023 04:09

Why not

@artificial4612 - 03.11.2023 22:10

Oh yes, ofc it was a racoon crashing its spaceship in the backyard. Probably trying to steal something to please Mr. Star-Lord 😅

@ArtBellJr - 30.10.2023 05:39

Racoons in the desert not on my watch!

@martinkramer5829 - 27.10.2023 00:05

It could be an Air Force project or drone. The creatures witnessed maybe costumes since Halloween is approaching. Or it could be what they all believe.

@vmwindustries - 25.10.2023 18:52

I would love mkre information about this.

@duckfartnation7388 - 25.10.2023 07:05

Its all staged by the Elites

@JustSavwill - 22.10.2023 15:04

I believe that family.

@ryx5380 - 21.10.2023 23:15

Update please??

@satepestage3599 - 18.10.2023 22:36

literally the only thing they did was report it to the police.. They didn't post about it on social media etc. the story only got attention one month after the police report. It seems very legit

@Edin155 - 18.10.2023 12:47

He said a raccoon last time I checked raccoon’s don’t fall from the sky glowing blue😂😂

@bigt9374 - 17.10.2023 22:56

I guess mick West hasn't bothered to watch the video of the ETs in the boys back yard

@alientech5112 - 17.10.2023 05:06

A raccoon 🦝, Jesus Christ a weather balloon it's a better explanation.

@Joshua-bf3pb - 17.10.2023 03:41

Wow. To make the family look like liars on t.v
Is sad. They took a good story and made it look fake. Smh

@price724 - 15.10.2023 19:24

This is been covered up in collusion with all the major media, and the CIA

@TheRManProds - 15.10.2023 10:41

IT'S ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@denisafilip9193 - 15.10.2023 00:15


@DVincentW - 13.10.2023 14:48

OH yeah a racoon. Hes a racoon.

@Nenad-ICXC-Shuput-GFAMMA - 12.10.2023 16:40

No such things as Alians. Only Demons. Nothing new under the sun.

@jflsdknf - 08.10.2023 16:16

Racoons lol. Just like when they tried to say the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter aliens were owls.
