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@dimachelsky9184 - 09.04.2022 02:24

The fact that you drop your videos while I’m watching something else😂 great timing.

@rookiewilson2017 - 09.04.2022 02:31

I don’t think it’s a comparison any more. I give them so much credit for ultimately saving this game

@rogersmith4402 - 09.04.2022 02:49

I wish I had PC😄

@leahwinston1814 - 09.04.2022 08:22

Someone who plays DayZ, I adore Scum dearly

@jaredsmith9165 - 09.04.2022 10:21

Dang, maybe it’s time to invest

@johnrippley8851 - 09.04.2022 11:30

Just the way you said it “ SCUM MANAGED TO BRING WHAT DAYZ FAILED”

@wendalrae6044 - 09.04.2022 13:32

Nice intro bruh👊🏿

@makanziechandler9831 - 10.04.2022 09:39

I love Gamepires! Unconditionally❤️

@franklangs2787 - 10.04.2022 14:07

“Scum offered what DayZ couldn’t” agree✊🏻

@lanzroco2 - 19.04.2022 07:41

Thanks for the review. Its currently on sale where I am and I was contemplating on getting it

@pawelunikow1563 - 19.04.2022 19:34

Different games dayz Journey scum grinding

@FUT-Franklin - 25.04.2022 15:46

You fail to mention how much more demanding scum is on your PC compared to DayZ, Also Scum is more of a sandbox rather than a survival game in comparison to DayZ (Base game/ No mods) Moreover you say DayZ has more bugs than Scum.... Far from the truth, maybe that was the case a year or two back; but you should deffo give dayz another go considering the last 2 years of updates have been fixing the bugs

@TheFormActually - 27.04.2022 10:02

Scum is DayZ from wish

@SadSquidward420 - 28.04.2022 21:36

"Survival"? I wouldnt call that at the momment. It has so many things that can be ABUSED , that it breaks the immersion if that makes sense.

Night time , dying and respawning on top of your dead body etc

@Cokecakepopcorn - 30.04.2022 06:24

Lol no

@NOLA_playmaker - 30.04.2022 08:21

Scum has no controller support and is ridiculous with the reloading and having to urinate and shit. Kills the fun for me. It's still a game. DayZ looks like horse shit though lol

@clarkkent1177 - 03.05.2022 03:19

Scum wins hands down in my book.

@detachmentbravo2-6 - 04.05.2022 03:09

Son of Dayz lol! no comparison. I’m about to buy this tho I like how there bringing in vanilla traders and stuff everything Dayz can’t on console they need a console release for console gamers befor this one

@JamilMusicLoverSingleton - 04.05.2022 14:38

I had a 1.5 kd this season and tried to do a solo challenge from copper to platinum. I got mid gold 2 and called it quits lol. This game is too stressful and toxic and no team mates haves my IQ for this game. I just bought Rust last Thursday and its the best game I have ever played in my life no exaggeration and I have been gaming since 1999 when I was 3. Rust is the best game ever made to date. Everyone check it out. Your life will be better after playing that game. Youll wake up happy af and high every day from that game. Rust!!!👍🏾👍🏾 Been gaming over 20 years and this is the game. Finally, a unique game doing its own thing that has everything youd want in a game and not 100 percent sweat and try hard all the time. What a relief for my gaming life man. Casual and sweat, tactical, strategy, open world, fps, pvp, Everything in one game man

@trajan8474 - 07.05.2022 14:49

Since the majority of folks who play video games are casual players, SCUM is currently not a good option due to it's lack of gameplay adaptability. That's not me trying to speak for the majority, just an objective observation of reality since the majority of us have lives and responsibilities outside of the digital realm that greatly restrict our play time. Gamepires seem to believe that the survival playing demographic is some sort of homogeneous rabble of unwashed, blood thirsty bushwackers who consistently crave hArCoRe and rEaLiSm experiences and I believe the evidence for that is pretty obvious given the fact that SCUM often feels like an persistent, open world battle royale, unless of course you prefer PVE to PVP.

Anecdotally, I have convinced 6 friends over the last couple of years to give SCUM a try and out of those 6, 5 have stopped playing entirely for more or less the same reasons. One friend put it quite eloquently; "It's just a pain in the fucking ass to play!". We're talking about men who have hundreds or even thousands of hours in other survival games which, to me at least, says much about the current direction of this game in the eyes of most casual players. Constantly running out of stamina, having to satisfy the nutritional needs of our awkwardly moving and weird looking characters, frequently having to take a digital piss or shit in the bushes (dafuq?) and other creative curiosities that don't seem to contribute much toward an overall satisfying experience.

Perhaps another piece of evidence is the observable fact that SCUM is consistently tens of thousands of players behind DayZ, not to mention that DayZ recently peaked with an all time high number of players (thanks modding community!). A simple solution to all of this might be to give the players more options for customizing their own experiences in the context of pirvate servers and single player. For instance, allow players to either lessen or turn off all the silly and uninteresting mechanics that make their characters such a burden to handle. After all, it's a fookin video game boys, not a second life!

Hell, I'm not saying folks shouldn't have the option to have a hArDcOrE experience that the comparatively small but very loud minority of players seem to want and believe everyone should have as well but what I am saying is that a wider range of gameplay options would help SCUM appeal to a much bigger spectrum of players. When SCUM becomes moddable, I strongly suspect that we will see an emergence of what the survival community at large actually wants and not just what the limited vision of Gamepires has managed to produce so far. Time will tell.

@soulstripper - 09.05.2022 00:41

I have to agree with your opinions. Exactly why i love this Game SCUM.

@markhenderson8911 - 11.05.2022 05:20

If scum is so much better why is dayz's player count 3 times higher?

@stephaniephelps3556 - 12.05.2022 14:19

Good video

@P1DZz - 16.05.2022 11:22

100% better than Dayz. imagine Dayz without mods. it would be complete crap. wait till Scum bring in modders lol. no1 will turn on Dayz again

@graspingsenna6861 - 21.05.2022 12:31

game is bugged and quality of life is crap. ok it s early access but devs keep adding content ignoring major and minor bugs that totally broke and ruing game immersion and experience. game sold millions of copies , player base is 10k.

@Luthais - 28.05.2022 14:02

Your microphone quality went up 1000 %. Would really appreciate it if you share some info on getting your voice so crisp and clear.

@DrMurdercock - 31.05.2022 14:58

I remember playing DayZ on steam for free for a weekend. We probably put in like 16 hours. All we did was run and look in empty buildings.

@RicardoGomez-oz1cy - 31.05.2022 19:43

I think that's not Dayz Copy from, but Arma 3 Exile copy (but with bether things). Perfonally I prefer Dayz. I don't like a game that cause stress. But every peaple has his own favorite. Cheers to everyone.

@illusionnl9237 - 06.06.2022 14:33

oke cool.....(back to dayz it is)

@toper674 - 22.06.2022 20:54

i think u didnt play 0.6 where u have a lot fps drop for this i better pref dayz and btw im old scum player and i think i newer play scum again

@uShadowXD556 - 24.06.2022 06:16

No dayz is still better

@Three16HD - 24.06.2022 23:44

The safe zones blew my mom not gonna lie , the only thing this game is really lacking is more buildings to loot and higher player count and higher player count on servers

@whacc_ - 06.07.2022 01:45

If were even comparing a game that's still v0.7 early access to dayz then that says alot about how bad dayz really is. If it wasnt for the modding community in dayz the game would be dead long ago. Hats off to not the devs! Haha!

@qiks234 - 12.07.2022 18:15

The reason he keeps DayZ in the conversation, it's because Dayz still has a higher pop in there servers, moded and officials. There is no competition. It got over 1k hrs on both games. As of now I go back to DayZ. It has the "It" thing in game. Scum might have servers but most are most empty. The one that get 50% are the bot traders. The desync is bad, the gun mechanism is horrible. I ran around killing fully armored guys on official Scum with a 9m or 45 colt. I have I hopes for Scum one day but for right now DayZ is the game. No content guy can say otherwise just because he is a fan boy, hopping to change people's minds

@royrosado8195 - 15.07.2022 05:45

I just lost my car in dayz yesterday from a glitch again...worked for days to get it. I love dayz but it's these reasons I leave it for months and comeback later to have it happen again.

@karina4t - 18.07.2022 11:09

Great truthful video. I am a mod in Luthais streams, he has 5 servers pve pvp and the meat grinder the most hardcore server out there.. You can play solo, single player or create or join a Squad. Last streams the devs have dropped free keys for scum in the chat. They are amazing and last week they had a content creator/streamers, devs event. The community from Luthais is awesome like one big family. Come and say hi to me in his streams ☺... Tysm for this awesome video

@G00dapolloIv - 19.07.2022 06:01

TL;DR it doesn't beat Dayz, it's more like rust

@wmspoccha - 21.07.2022 05:26

Adding the plane & full powered indestructible 4WD in survival game is funny & stupid enough...i stay away from scum due to that. I've been a player since day-1 of scum, fyi

@AllTheSmoke90 - 21.07.2022 23:29

The learning curve on scum is waaaay steeper than DayZ

@lacai527 - 28.07.2022 07:14

Scam-Z is out i think its Deadside vs Scum now :D
Worst part in Dayz is that Bohemia has become almost EA level money grab.
Scum and Deadside is from small dedicated developer.

@diazclemenza3591 - 29.07.2022 00:09

I hope they will bring more animals i love hunting

@thisisnotpublic6569 - 10.08.2022 04:07

Did they revamp the crafting system? It was super bad in 2020. Hard to identify intermediate components (recipes) and requiring you to craft each of them before crafting the end product.
The micro-management aspect (listed as creativity here) is a big downside to me. Having to manage which foods you eat, urinate when you have a full bladder and such are just pretty bad. Some may call this immersion but those are not the "immersion" aspects I expect from a game - I want to be immersed in the gunplay, with good audio to detect enemies coming to me and such, not how many mangos I eat in a day :)

@shabazz717 - 12.08.2022 15:05

I purchased scum around 1 1/2 - 2 years ago. I stopped playing a while because it ran horribly. I just re downloaded it a few days ago and it runs very well now. I

@PringleHQ - 10.09.2022 00:48

the only thing that stop me from buying is the whole no co op gross

@markchristopher6889 - 27.09.2022 16:55

Can this be played on the ps5

@aneetlyfe3844 - 28.12.2022 17:44

Roolash hopefully you reply! I’ve noticed that your current opinions on SCUM are low! But since it’s on sale for 17 dollars I was thinking on getting it? I’m just really excited for this game. And I bought a PC specifically for it my first PC and now I see you no longer like it? So is it worth 17 dollars at least?
