Next Avatar Changes Bending Forever

Next Avatar Changes Bending Forever


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James Paguip
James Paguip - 20.10.2023 00:42

I hope avatar legends of genii is good.

ImAsianStayAway - 19.10.2023 21:46

would be nice if the avatar and their friends used the old school bending rather than the new one and stuff if yk what i mean

Casual Crusader
Casual Crusader - 19.10.2023 20:49

the thing that made bending cool was that dudes have super cool martial arts battles while shooting stuff out their hands. having technology advance this fast in the universe made everything alot less cool

Luek Savage
Luek Savage - 19.10.2023 15:21

If it’s like the pic with guns and stuff it will flop

RustyNubs - 19.10.2023 11:20

I think if they skip into tech more in the future maybe people will stop relying on their bending to some degree maybe

Hinduism - 19.10.2023 00:26

I seriously still remember watching avatar when I was 4 years old at the time and the combat system was amazing still is to this day

stuart young
stuart young - 18.10.2023 16:27

Kora was rubbish......original still better all the stuff that they did unpurpose as u said modern that ruined it along with the fact that korra atill gets her ass kicked even in avatar state

Multi1 - 18.10.2023 07:50

If it's by the same writers as Korra, I am not looking forward to it.

Zee B.
Zee B. - 18.10.2023 01:09

If the next avatar is to be in the future then i want them to invent new bending ability styles.

TA3 UNKNOWNN - 17.10.2023 23:58

They went to bending rocks to bending lead, they ain't throwing pebbles They throwing bullets 😂. Can't wait for this Avatar x Boondocks crossover 🤣

ギーマ - 17.10.2023 22:10

I really miss the old bending coreography. Really feel like avatar works best on that not so evolved setting

Dorlan Tiu
Dorlan Tiu - 17.10.2023 22:04

Corrupted Avatar by Vaatu vs. Younger white lotus trying to master their own element who is trying to free Raava. Four characters with personalities similar to TMNT and a reincarnated powerless human Raava as their mentor.

Earthbender- leader and is the most reliable but bit of a hot head. Heaver smoker and drinker but specialize in bending combat, strategy and battle plan. Always in the frontline and carries an assault rifle powered by metal bending.
Airbender- Espionage expert. Suave personality and very quick on his feet. Care free personality but very deadly. Favorite weapon is dual pistols powered by airbending. Expertise parkour, blades and intel gathering.
Firebender- The tech expert. Uses his lightning and firebending to make weapons and fix circuitry. The youngest of the team but is the smartest. Good combat ability but his value come from heavy artillery.
Waterbender- Medic and sniper of the team. Does not talk and only communicates through sign language or emojis. Always has his trusty koalaotter with him and watches his 6. He can administer healing to his team with his rounds, can close and heal wounds but is very painful.

Christocanoid - 17.10.2023 17:14

This is wrong. We all already know that Korra was a bad move in most cases, but this? This is straight up, irrevocably wrong.

cybermdo1 - 17.10.2023 14:16

the world need hood avatar to step up but he vanished.

Showdown Time
Showdown Time - 17.10.2023 13:32

I’m going to rewatch kora and the og atla

Hi There
Hi There - 17.10.2023 10:21


Will Cline
Will Cline - 17.10.2023 04:08

I would like to hear a story about the first reincarnation of the avatar

Barry Saxton
Barry Saxton - 16.10.2023 21:40

Bending with guns......... That is so stupid 😡😡😡😡

Captain_fabiuccio - 16.10.2023 16:30

Yk the first idea was set in the future

Rendel - 16.10.2023 15:15

Dont like the idea of having such an advance technology, bending would be useless at that point and boring so probably gonna quit watching it just Watch flight on reels 😂 sad to see this amazing series taking a bad road

LunaSquib - 16.10.2023 15:13

I just kinda left the ATLA fandom after being innit since the beginning where new avatar videos were uploaded like once a year and I watched the old and new ones almost religiously
But now, idk it’s soo many new stuff and if they have guns as a new bending style! 😬

Btw I will never stop loving the original series

M33ZY - 16.10.2023 08:13

They should make an open world avatar game where u work to become the ultimate avatar

Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 16.10.2023 07:48

blicky bending would go crazy

HAPPYBARA - 16.10.2023 04:34

Maybe after 500 years some ancient sub bending techniques (except the lightnings and metal) and the avatar discovers them in some way or something

I also don’t know how will they manage the literal infinite energy and walking machinery

Camden Lane
Camden Lane - 16.10.2023 02:23

I can't find myself wanting to continue watching avatar if they make the bending more tech based. The entire essence of avatar feels like its being lost. The bending forms, the styles, etc. All the extra love that was put in by the initial creators to pair the bending styles with different martial styles that fit their character is lost when you start making everything tech based.

SteelGnat 7438
SteelGnat 7438 - 15.10.2023 18:52

I think maybe a like 1 cycle later would be great like its after the earth avatar and are next avatar is fire bender born in the fire nation that looks more like Akira or Ghost in a Shell Japan all the 1980s cyberpunk here their are robots power armour modern electronics and are avatar is more interested in Machines and electronics then actual avatar stuff and spirit work thing which is thr mindset of alot of people beside since alot of benders actually died the lat century because of a War between benders and none bender which was instigated by the red lotus since they see bender superiority and with modern times benders where mostly used for none combat thing since alot of the world was organise this conflict started the Earth kingdom civil war with several states carving their chunk of the main continent causing years or war and the outbreak of the bender none bender war with the benders who believe that benders should be the ones ruling took over Republic City and followers who want bending dominance tried to do a suprise coup de ta or rebellion against the authority of the other 4 nations with even a reincarnated dark avatar as the leader he even was the one who killed all the white lotus memebers and cause the earth kingdom war to see if the location of the light avatar reincarnation would either die or have no opportunity to awaken all of the nations will be in fighting against those who supported the red lotus and those who oppose them almost all of the benders here died even the air nomads where not spared as between more militantant air factions fighting and the red lotus destroying the airnation capital alot went into hiding or joined either side eventually the alliance of benders and none bender with hightech weapons would win with the secret help of the earth avatar since the dark avatar and the red lotus war ended with the red lotus wipeout and the dark avatars cycle being severed making sure that they dont reincarnate as a dark avatar the term avatar has left a bad taste in thr world mouth so the Earth avatar keeps their identity as the avatar secret from the public in the next few years people rebuilt and since alot of benders died alot of none benders took over reconstructions and governments like the fire nations now is what Japan is post WW2 in government the earth kingdom has become multiple independents Nations with diffrent governments Republic City has become like New York and Chicago combined but have similar government to HongKong you have an ID if you are a Bender yet you cannot use bending without a license the fore nation protagonist is very good with electricity that he short circuit machines he is like akira world is akira inspired

Caleb Pillai
Caleb Pillai - 14.10.2023 19:14

This is turning into boruto

Cedr Rou95
Cedr Rou95 - 14.10.2023 16:42

I never thought id skip an avatar season.

IkeVizual - 14.10.2023 14:24

My theory is it’s illegal to bend or maybe bending started to wean its way out of society where it becomes an ancient tradition or skills that unlock with practice but the knowledge has been long gone until the new avatar arises 😂😂

Nathan Playz
Nathan Playz - 14.10.2023 03:49

i thought they added gun bending due to thr thumbnail

Gold - 14.10.2023 01:11

I hope we'll get an Avatar that can bend every element, like how cool would it be for a blood-bending Avatar

Anjure_Danjure - 14.10.2023 00:41

i still own the kora game. and love it

Ade William
Ade William - 13.10.2023 21:47

9 min vid with 1 min ad. get that bag ig

Omario_boy08 - 13.10.2023 20:48

A cool idea for the show would be to make bending illegal and to make the avatar an outlaw. I think it could possibly be a good idea

shiguy - 13.10.2023 20:48

They got guns now wtf

ParsivalXP - 13.10.2023 10:32

I know he didnt talk about the thumbnail but imagine if you could bend yiur fire rapdily into small precision shots into a gun😂 thats wild or a waterbed could bend a stream of ice shards into there gun without even doing a martial art technqiue

Un Happe
Un Happe - 13.10.2023 06:23

avatar the last bullet in the chamber

Tiggertron - 12.10.2023 16:56

Avatar Generations... Red flag #1, why do you need to be 18+ to play a children's game? 2. What is being stored or taken from my phone in exchange, that a minor can't even access the game, in America, "due to international law"? Should I assume ALL personal information from my device just short of social security number?.. why so sketchy??

Akihisa - 12.10.2023 14:46

i think it will be more interesting if the next avatar world people forgot bending, similar like naruto they got an instant jutsu there so maybe in the next avatar they got instant bending from gun and rifle or whatever it is, and it become so chaotic and messed up bcs everyone got a weapon now and people got disconected from the tradition which make the avatar also forgotten and the bridge to the spirit world is broken.

TechnoGhost - 12.10.2023 10:26

finally, gun bending. something i relate to. i wonder if they got schools involved for this too… 🤔

Overlord James
Overlord James - 12.10.2023 10:02

a cyberpunk avatar, just would not be avatar to me. Korra already changed a lot of what made avatar feel special and magical for more over the top crazy BS and now we are going to have such advanced tech that bending is not even going to be special or cool anymore because it will be overshadowed by the advance technology. in a world where you can basically bend all four elements with technology, what use or even point is there to the avatar? and with most spirituality gone in the new age what is there for the avatar to bridge? (even though Korra just made spirits into pokemon instead of what they used to be)

xd_snarison _
xd_snarison _ - 11.10.2023 01:34

I will be so disappointed if it’s set in a cyber punk world

Bexrune🎼 - 10.10.2023 15:54

I feel like we need a Cartoon Network (lmao) that is just for cartoons like this yooooo and I’m not talking about adult swim

saber_lit1 - 10.10.2023 12:43

Blicky bending💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

Baraka Mwang'amba
Baraka Mwang'amba - 10.10.2023 02:19

Channeling their bending through guns is what I thought.

dennisoreo - 10.10.2023 02:07

i thought iroh invent the technique from studying waterbenders? didn't think it was exclusive to royalty

Slim Poole
Slim Poole - 10.10.2023 00:39

Rdc1 😂

Fourge - 09.10.2023 07:41

I finally downloaded Avatar Generations. And I’m glad I did! It’s actually pretty fun. Thanks for the recommendation @TheAvatarist!

Gabe Plays Music
Gabe Plays Music - 07.10.2023 07:36

Personally I believe the fan story "Legend of Genji" would've been much better. I was very sad that they canceled it though I understood I still wished they could've continued the project.
