Controlling Yamaha MODX+ with Behringer FCB1010 foot controller

Controlling Yamaha MODX+ with Behringer FCB1010 foot controller

Splooty Vision

1 год назад

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@MD_is_me - 28.05.2024 23:16

Can you use it to control record/play transport functions???

@buxycat - 19.04.2024 22:14

Great explanation of the controller.
I have some questions please.
I had to stop playing saxophone a very long time ago because of multiple joint issues. I have a Yamaha WX-5 MIDFI wind controller, with VL70m tone generator. If I had a pedal for my foot to replace what I do with my jaw and foot switches to replace octave up and down, I might be able to play my wind controller again. Being able to add in playing with filters or loops is exciting.
How would I hook this all up?
I can get a wireless MIDI dongle for the WX-5 as the WX-5 can be powered from 6 AAAs.
I have zero experience with DAWs, I'm just starting to mess around with GarageBand on my iPad and I have a MacBook Pro.
I'd ideally like to use the WX-5 as a MIDI controller with (hopefully nothing more complex than) GarageBand (for now). I'd appreciate doing that with my lovely earbuds, which when used with iPad GarageBand has no noticeable latency.
I'm also wondering if there's enough space to use both pedals simultaneously, one per foot?
Would I be ok operating the FCB1010 sat at armchair height?

Many thanks for any advice from anyone.

@eDrumsInANutshell - 14.01.2024 03:50

Hi, that was great! Another MIDI nerd. I am a drummer using edrums since 2019 and grabbed a FCB1010. I always became jealous of our guitarist who used this thing to go through his amp presets back in 2014. I switch hihat to cowbell to stack or change the MIDI routing through Cantabile 4.0.
Anyway did you try to play notes, like kind of a bass pedal?

@pangeapm8253 - 20.11.2023 11:22

Can i control the keystep pro with it?

@thephoenixchant - 18.10.2023 21:18

Can one swap favourite sounds/splits in the Roland Juno DS using this pedalboard?

@johnmadere - 23.09.2023 23:16

Woo! I’m your 1,000th sub! And this is just what I’ve been looking for since my FCB1010 has just been taking up space in my music room. Ha.

@sergeyushakov8064 - 03.09.2023 04:14

Please tell me, will the controller work with Korg KronosX?

@user-ee1ku3nb2w - 06.07.2023 12:12

Great shoes!!

@paulchapman112 - 20.05.2023 02:45

Amazing control! Wow covers so much! Had no idea. Very well explained too, thanks.
