How to track conversions with Pinterest Pixel and Google Tag Manager (a.k.a. Pinterest tag)

How to track conversions with Pinterest Pixel and Google Tag Manager (a.k.a. Pinterest tag)

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Al Shan Marketing - Catering Marketing Coach
Al Shan Marketing - Catering Marketing Coach - 02.09.2023 06:52

I followed your directions and the conversions is not showing up in my account? I see this error on the Pinterst Tag Helper Plug-in The Pinterest Tag version used is deprecated and will no longer send events.
v2 and v2.5 Pinterest Tags have been deprecated and will no longer send events.

Abel Murua
Abel Murua - 10.08.2023 17:32

Hi thank you very much for the video but do you have any for Checkout? (interest + google tag manager) with order_id, value, quantity, etc... thats the tricky one. I always get (with Pinterest Chrome Extension) the message that Order Id and Value are missing. I cant find the way to make a Checkout work . Even though I submitted the data as dataLayer. Thank you

Tyrelle Vitiello
Tyrelle Vitiello - 28.03.2023 23:20

Hello, thanks for the insight! Question: My campaign's objective conversion is Checkout, but although there haven't yet been any Checkout events attributed, there is an order value of $977 attributed to 'Total order value (Page visit)'. Why might this be?

wazzupkids - 27.12.2022 16:15

Hi Sir, How to do in Checkout Event?

S - 21.11.2022 07:13

Event code for checkout and add to cart for pinterest I got the message unhealthy tag ???

Tomas Gertus
Tomas Gertus - 18.08.2022 11:52

Great video. Thanks!

Al Naeem
Al Naeem - 16.08.2022 06:31

Very much helpful man

Schobi Adel
Schobi Adel - 28.06.2022 14:32

Awesome Video. Very helpful! Thank you for your efforts.

Khoa Bui
Khoa Bui - 19.05.2022 12:44

Hello, I have a question, is this video talking about the topic "Enable optional Enhanced match" in Pinterest?

krissymoi - 21.03.2022 18:41

I'm a little clueless on pinterest checkout tag unhealthy product ID, Currency, value is in the red with x. That's the only thing I can't seem to get to work the checkout even how do I fire that.

Nature's Scenic Views
Nature's Scenic Views - 27.02.2022 13:08

But if I have an amazon affiliate website and I want to track who clicked on my affiliate links and visited amazon, How can I track this? Need reply?

Robiul Islam
Robiul Islam - 05.12.2021 20:09

Julius Thank you so much for your crucial Video tutorial.

Burak Ciralar
Burak Ciralar - 15.11.2021 15:09

Can you add more than 1 lead types as conversions? I have 4 different forms on a website with different conversions values..

777 PADEL - 31.08.2021 17:28

dope video
