Steam Deck Bumper Fix

Steam Deck Bumper Fix


1 год назад

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@Lastability - 18.10.2022 16:21

This was a tough fix but it was worth it since I didn't have to RMA my device. Let me know if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them.

@KittyPittyMeowmeow - 11.11.2023 19:26

Just wanted to say thank you so much! I had a non-responsive right bumper after having my steam deck for about a year (probably from playing so many games where you mash R1), and I followed your guide and fixed the issue almost entirely! I had to watch the follow QA video to know how to position the metal staple I was using instead, but everything went well after a few hours of disassembly and reassembly. Awesome vid :)

@GenjiBuranko - 07.11.2023 08:37

thx bro, but angle for the video is the worst

@raulardila5327 - 03.11.2023 23:03

Thanks for share! I did it and work like a charm!

@SilvioBolso - 13.09.2023 18:22

One question, about the bumper, what makes it "click"? The bumper itself or the button on the motherboard?

@larryli6439 - 03.09.2023 06:02

Thanks, that fixed it. For my case, trash bag ties worked better than paper clip. Cheers!

@adamscottlong - 30.08.2023 03:30

Used your instructions and had success 👍

@vitoramorim9361 - 28.08.2023 18:15

Nice video, some people including myself used a different sollution: making a paper or electric tape wedge to fill better the gap between the plastic bumper and the switch, it worked like a charm for me.

@organiccardboard - 13.08.2023 19:41

I really appreciate this fix video! Definitely depends on how much added depth your button needs as to how thick of a wire you use. I just needed a tiny bit of extra length so I used a twist tie wire and it works much better now! I tried a thick paper clip at first but it was way too much. Still isn't quite as good as my other button so I may just order a new plastic peice later but it's an awesome fix for the moment!

@Downphoenix - 07.08.2023 03:53

My left bumper has recently stopped working, wish me luck on trying to get it working again. 🤞

@flywheelshyster6549 - 31.07.2023 00:54

okay so this is not a just me issue. I literally hadn't played a single game when the left bumper started feeling weird

@Mikerxz - 28.06.2023 01:02

Thank you so much man, it worked perfectly!

@bghimself440 - 23.06.2023 11:26

Grrrrr, i have Dismantled the deck and i didnt know you should avoid doing it with a Micro SD inserted when i closed it back i notice the Micro SD was bent and it broke , i lost a Micro SD of 512GB , please guys take this in account ! Btw i tried to fix the bumper because my deck fell on it and now if you press it on the side it will not register, but im going to use other Button at the back since you can remap it easily .
Great Video anyway !

@rahul875 - 15.06.2023 20:27

Can u plz make video how to repair the steam deck R2 button

@rahul875 - 15.06.2023 12:28

My R2 button not working after fall from my hands

@g-falconx8500 - 14.06.2023 08:14

Hi so the problem is just the spring on R1?
Just that and so many parts to be removed.

@AlanLimen - 10.06.2023 18:40

Если тут есть русские, то мои советы по этому ремонту: в видео чел рекомендует скрепку, но у скрепки слишком толстый металл был, поэтому мне подошел кусочек проволоки, который я вытащил из кабеля витой пары - там один из 8 жил берешь и кусочек отламываешь, его легко оторвать и согнуть и он идеально по толщине подошел; второй совет это максимально аккуратно крутите винты на задней крышке, они из очень мягкого металла и очень легко стираются. А в целом удачного ремонта!

@hatchxable - 02.06.2023 22:14

My brothers SD lost tolerance on the left bumper after dropping it. We took it apart and I came up with the idea of screwing back the whole assembly pushing that board part upwards. It's been over a month and the fix is still work today.

Also my own deck is having the same problem with the same button, but I've never dropped it. I might try the same fix to if it works.

@isacclarke4818 - 30.04.2023 11:52

In case you don’t wanna RMA it nor fix it by yourself you can also change its functions to the buttons in the back «R4/R5 or L4/L5». You can do it while in a game, press STEAM button and a menu with all buttons will be displayed, there you can swap them. Sure it will be strange, but eventually you’ll get used to it. Hope this helps.

@williamgodfrey2355 - 13.04.2023 09:37

I'm sorry ur view is bloody horibaly ws unless information good video follow or anything I was horibal hard to watch see ect

@dominikzielinski5833 - 11.04.2023 19:08

really great, about 3-4h of work in my case but it was worth it;)

@samurai4663 - 30.03.2023 16:45

Welp. It's not that bad without an R1. I can still use the back buttons.

@messatsu1981 - 28.03.2023 19:59

Nice tutorial but u should zoom in...i cant see a shit

@rosinenbrot865 - 19.03.2023 16:19

I used a piece of staples, it's already the right shape. Paper clip was too thick.

Thank you for the mod.

@davidhursh2582 - 04.03.2023 22:15

I dropped my steam deck and just like that the edge of the bumper wasn't clicking, this worked like a charm, thank you!

@elliottwood5423 - 02.03.2023 09:26

I think the problem is just that the switch itself isn't secured in place very well and as you press the bumpers the switch moves a tiny bit downward until it doesn't make good contact with the bumpers.....which seems like a very flawed design choice

@justindejarnette6465 - 20.02.2023 05:24

That red and black wire i tore out of the white box . How do i fix that? lol. Im so ready to just smash this into the ground or start another episode of will it blend .

@exDOGE - 19.02.2023 04:02

my steam deck just fell into floor, no dent at all but somehow it made my right bumper breaks. I hope i can fix it without buying any new replaxement parts! oof the disassembly looks tough tho :(

@hydrocarrot229 - 12.02.2023 03:24

Thanks it worked. I didn’t want to wait for another RMA

@mitchell2719 - 09.02.2023 21:08

Just finished doing this, seems to work perfectly! I epoxied the wire in place and filed it to the right thickness

@sugarcane281 - 09.02.2023 15:57

I did an RMA for the left bumper being really lose and sticking up above the deck. The right side is perfect. This was after three days of receiving the deck. It came back a little fixed but still squishy and clearly just holding it is noticeable its not like the right side. So now after three weeks of RMA process it is ounce again lose. I dont even use this button often with the games I am currently playing mostly just to navigate menus, super disappointed.

@gabrielromao1 - 06.02.2023 15:09

Thanks! Going to try this this weekend. Hopefully it works because I live in an unsupported reagion by both ifixit and valve

@cjbtlr - 23.01.2023 01:07

I had this same issue. Any sort of shim works if someone doesn't have this same size paperclip. I used a long strip of that hard plastic packaging SD cards come in and ran it under the length of the button so it wouldn't really move. Same effect. Thanks for the video!

@senses71 - 17.01.2023 17:06

Extremely helpful video. I tried with paper clips for about 2 hours but couldn't get that method to work. Ended up snipping a ziptie the size of that cross on the button to secure. It Is a little tighter than what can be done with the paperclip but there's still just enough play and I'm fully functional again.

Just don't be a dumbass like me and make sure the micro SD card is removed from the slot when reinstalling the back plate.....Don't ask me how I know.

@TMaKaND - 15.01.2023 00:55

Holy shit my spring flew!

@labnux - 13.01.2023 06:51

Thankd for the idea! What I ended up doing though was remove only the trigger button, check with a few layers of paper what I needed, I then cut a small square of the tip of a plastic tie wrap, used tape, and stuck it against the button. Seems to be doing an excellent job.

@araujorm - 10.01.2023 05:12

@Lastability Thanks for this! Finally have my right bumper responding (used a staple). All the best

@doomtomb3 - 01.01.2023 00:24

I just did this mod/fix. I tried a thin paper clip, it just made it too stiff to press so I went with a staple as well, I think another commenter mentioned. Worked flawlessly!

@theiblockchef - 29.11.2022 05:49

My fix was easier... as soon as I loosened the screw that holds the shoulder button it started clicking correctly. Thanks so much for this video! It gave me confidence to take apart my Steam Deck. I may try to put in those fancy 🕹 joysticks 🕹 I've heard about, now.

@davidndounou - 21.11.2022 23:43


unfortunately it didn't fix my problem even though I get the perfect "click". Any ideas what the problem could be in my case?

@yanhliu214 - 14.11.2022 21:22

i fear that thing you put in will break the switch if click many time s.looks like this switch is weak

@skechergn - 14.11.2022 09:17

welp... glad to know it's a pretty simple fix. add me to the list of people who ran into this. My deck comes with me to work and gets toted around in it's case in a bag basically everywhere so it might be having a slightly rough life.

@Disco_Dan - 05.11.2022 08:22

Brand new deck and both my bumpers are "springy" and "mushy". Ordering the tools to open it up and try this fix. I saw someone on Reddit mention they did this same process by using small squares of electrical tape and layering it until it was thick enough to fit into this gap. That way you do not even need to remove the bumper to insert it in. Do you think that would work out as well?

Also my left trackpad, bottom left corner, has a small sticky sound when pressed all the way in and released. Curious if you have any idea what may be causing that?

I've already RMA'd my first SD, got it back with more problems. And now received a "new" replacement SD with some new issues. So your video is greatly appreciated as I'm taking matters into my own hands.

Thanks for the great video!

@jeffreywarf - 29.10.2022 03:39

Could you please show the paperclip bending process that you specifically did? it's all off-camera and then cuts to a barely-visible shot of the result so i'm having a hard time figuring out how to replicate that

Edit: I managed to do it! It was about a 2 hour process but it worked!

However... I had to use a staple instead of a paper clip. I tried to get small paper clips but they were still too thick to reinstall the board with the button just below the trigger and bumper

@luigipizzurno - 27.10.2022 00:08

What a god! I bought the steam deck 2nd hand and the seller didn’t specify that error, i Will use it like that until there is stock available for the right bumper, i hope all turns okay

@thedrizzle3268 - 22.10.2022 08:47

I was so afraid to break the plastic bumper at the end, you made it look so easy! Thanks!
