WP Optimize WordPress Plugin 2024 Tutorial  Best Settings in 5 Minutes

WP Optimize WordPress Plugin 2024 Tutorial Best Settings in 5 Minutes

WP Wiki - Digital Web Tutor

3 года назад

35,833 Просмотров

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Unity BR
Unity BR - 19.02.2023 20:38

Thanks, Mobile 68->95 and PC 91->100 😍

milka kaurin
milka kaurin - 22.09.2023 15:57


evangelos tsirigotis
evangelos tsirigotis - 22.05.2023 18:23

PageSpeed Insights writes -The unload event does not fire reliably and listening for the event can prevent browser optimizations such as back/forward caching. Use pagehide or visibilitychange instead. Learn more about unloading event wait functions WHERE YOU FIND HOW DO I DISABLE IT?

Mehrdad Crypto
Mehrdad Crypto - 04.02.2023 05:56

hello! After activating this plugin, if we encounter an error, can we return to our previous settings?

camilla remneblad
camilla remneblad - 21.11.2022 04:20

I followed your steps but didn't do anything in the image section because I have Smush to compress images. Now after installing WP Optimize all my images are gone. What happened? and how can I get them back?

Alfred ELSAT
Alfred ELSAT - 31.10.2022 00:10

Hi what about to use redis or memcache with this plug-in?

Akuila Sounds
Akuila Sounds - 13.09.2022 12:20

Thank you a lot for your explanations! They were very helpful 🙏

Muhammad Ikhmal bin Zulkifli
Muhammad Ikhmal bin Zulkifli - 16.08.2022 17:28

This steps has increased my page speed in Desktop, but, it reduced for my mobile

Veronica Gavril
Veronica Gavril - 19.01.2022 22:01

Hi!!! What exactly did I enabled that my font with motions dissapeared on the landing page, plsss?

Thales Araujo
Thales Araujo - 16.12.2021 15:32

Definitly the best turorial i've seen for wordpress optimization! My numbers on desktop: google pagespeed rank got from 53 to 93! gt metrix: from D to A! But... on mobile devices my google pagespeed didn't actually changed from 18 - 20, so i enabled "generate separate file for mobile devices" on cache settings and this took me from rank 20 to 44 (best so far). Thank you very much for this turorial!

Mohd Fardeen
Mohd Fardeen - 29.11.2021 11:31

An unexpected error occurred whilel preload

Mohd Fardeen
Mohd Fardeen - 29.11.2021 11:31

Hi I watched this video & this was really helpful for me. But in one of my website after purge cache i am unable to follow the following procedure ...I am unable to understand how to solve it..Will you help me?

Pik Bo 100
Pik Bo 100 - 29.09.2021 19:45

An unexpected response was received. this error have when trying to run the preload

Praharsh Tripathi
Praharsh Tripathi - 10.09.2021 14:10

In Static file header setting it is asking for Expiration time in days and hours. What is preferred timing I should give?

Mr Templ
Mr Templ - 04.08.2021 19:12

What would be the tips for configuring caching for woocomerce?

Anonymous Person
Anonymous Person - 15.06.2021 21:40

Why does minifying change my font?

Ricardo Jones
Ricardo Jones - 29.05.2021 15:01

How to best minify css with wp optinize
