The claim that “Islam is a Religion of Peace” is abundant, and it has been the mantra of “moderate Muslims” for eons. In this video, I’m going to try and demonstrate why the facts simply don’t support this assertion, and in doing so, reveal Islam for the violent and oppressive religion that it is. This is, Islam is a Religion of Peace – Debunked!
Here’s a syllogistic presentation of this argument (for clarity purposes):
• Peace is defined as a lack of conflict and a freedom from fear of violence.
• Islam acts according to and in seek of, peace.
• Therefore, Islam is a religion of peace.
In my opinion, when someone employs this argument the first thing to do is to identify exactly how they’re defining the word “peace”. The reason being is that there are two versions of this argument; the first is one in which the proponent is sincerely asserting that Islam is a religion of peace as defined colloquially, and the second is one in which the proponent is periodically using an Islamic definition of the word “peace”. Hence, this is why it’s important to get them to define “peace” from the outset.
To debunk the second version first, because, you know, screw logic, it’s important that we first understand what exactly Islam means within the Islamic world. The word “Islam” is derived from the Arabic word “salaam”, a word literally meaning “peace”, and Islam as a religious practice refers to a person submitting herself or himself to the will of Allah in order to seek eternal peace and tranquility.
Or to put it more bluntly, in the Islamic world, Islam is the definition of peace, and therefore Islam is, by definition, a religion of peace. Now if this isn’t an obvious example of Circular Reasoning, I don’t know what is…
What’s more is that when the proponents of this argument use the colloquial definition of the word “peace” within their first and third premises, but use the Islamic definition of the word “peace” for their second premise, they’re actually committing a classic Equivocation Fallacy.
But what about those who sincerely believe that Islam is a religion of peace as defined colloquially?
Well, to be brief (there is a word-count on descriptions).
Proponents of this argument assert that the countless atrocities that have been committed in the name of Islam are the exclusive acts of fanatics, extremists and militants taking Islamic teaching out of context… However this is flat out nonsense. See my video on “Criticizing Islam is Islamophobia – Debunked” for more details, or whiteness the opinions of “moderate” Muslims on topics such as homosexual rights, the rights of woman, the punishment for apostasy etc.,
A second assertion that the advocates of this argument make is that we must judge Islamic history by the standards of civilization of its time (not by our own standards). But this is nonsense, as, for one, Islam has always claimed to be the final and unalterable revelation from the almighty, and that by extension its teachings are final. According to Islam, all of Muhammad’s actions were moral and to now claim otherwise is a giant contradiction.
Finally, some assert that Christianity is also not a religion of peace… that while this is true, is irrelevant.
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As always, thanks you kindly for the view, and I hope that this video will help you defeat those who would use the argument that Islam is a Religion of Peace against you.
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