Ruby on Rails 2.3 fixing the common in Gemfile Sqlite3 error (2019)

Ruby on Rails 2.3 fixing the common in Gemfile Sqlite3 error (2019)


5 лет назад

3,228 Просмотров

Updated video shows how to fix Gemfile Sqlite3,install and update bundle

Johns Hopkins University Ruby on Rails: An Introduction. Week1 a coursera course. The main objective is to fix the Gemfile Sqlite3 error.

The most important step: Go to This PC open your drive C and you should see the sites folder and open it. You will see the test_install file and open the Gemfile with sublime text and replace line 12 from gem 'sqlite' to gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.13' and press save!


#Ruby_on_Rails_2.3 #Gemfile_Sqlite3_error #Windows #Johns_Hopkins_University #2019 #Sqlite3 #Gemfile
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