How To Make A Herbal Tincture And Why You Should Never Use Cheap Vodka - Medicinal Friday

How To Make A Herbal Tincture And Why You Should Never Use Cheap Vodka - Medicinal Friday

Team Benson's Desert Garden

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Moniwoniwu1 - 17.09.2023 17:54

I just bought a bottle of everclear 🫤

Mrs Fairley
Mrs Fairley - 08.09.2023 06:21

What’s better…using alcohol or extra virgin olive oil?? Does it even matter?

Torgy’s Arts & Creative Journals
Torgy’s Arts & Creative Journals - 02.09.2023 19:59

Is Tito’s good? Distilled 6 times

freetobe15 - 31.08.2023 08:59

Wow, great information that not a lot of people are sharing! Thank you!

Phillip Castle
Phillip Castle - 11.08.2023 07:04

Guess supposed to use Hennessey

Ashley Bell
Ashley Bell - 11.08.2023 03:43

is titos okay to use ?

Preacher Man
Preacher Man - 06.08.2023 02:54

You know much more about vodka than I do. No doubt about it. I haven't drunk any since my teens. That was cheap junk. One thing I do remember is that once the cap was removed poured and replaced, it tasted very gross if not used soon. The exposure to air must have caused oxidation and that would upset my stomach in small amounts. I make tinctures for personal use, but decided against vodka for that reason. My dropper would be opened frequently when needed. I found that Ever clear is more refined although not Non GMO or organic. I can't find an alternative. Friendly correction about Activated Charcoal. It was traditionally used to absorb toxins. It's still used in water filters. You rinse it upon purchase and use to remove chemicals from tap water. You can tell the difference. It will not impart flavor, nor cause vomiting. What someone mistakenly told you was what's called an emetic. That is a vomit inducing compound like mustard powder. That's a different mechanism for removing toxins from the stomach when you eat something toxic. Activated Charcoal is available to you in better supplement stores. I Have a bottle on hand in case a family member gets sick.

Nigel Farrow
Nigel Farrow - 03.08.2023 13:33

I feel stupid for watching this clueless person describe such a crap spirit like vodka

Erietta Ioanna Florou
Erietta Ioanna Florou - 20.07.2023 17:56

Hi there again, just wondering when you say filtrated do you mean the filtration process or the distillation process? They’re different and I know that people get them confused sometimes, so just wondering which one is the most important that we need to look out for when choosing a spirit for tinctures? Thank you in advance!

Chuck Thompson
Chuck Thompson - 17.07.2023 23:10

It makes me cringe whenever I see or hear any herbalist say use Vodka, good or bad. Use rum, use whiskey, use brandy, use whatever spirit you like. A good spirit base can greatly increase the pleasure of your tincture. I use all kinds of spirits for making tinctures. I don't use Vodka. Remember, you are the one consuming what you make. Make it your way.

Erietta Ioanna Florou
Erietta Ioanna Florou - 09.07.2023 17:38

Is there a vodka you would recommend that we could find in Europe? Pinnacle and pau are American and it’s not as easy to find them in the UK and they can be a bit pricey as well. What are your thoughts in using Smirnoff vodka? It’s filtered 10 times but I don’t think they use limestone to filter it

Dr. Loren Gilbert-Smith
Dr. Loren Gilbert-Smith - 06.07.2023 23:04

Thank you for taking the time to explain. I accidentally knocked my bottle of Everclear off the shelf before I opened it. I was about to go to the liquor store.

Olivia plants
Olivia plants - 01.07.2023 19:31

I believe Charcoal is given for certain overdoses or poisonings to prevent absorption into the body. Vomiting can be a side effect but is not the intended action.

Dawn Chopp
Dawn Chopp - 29.06.2023 23:20

what are your thoughts on foodgrade ethanol?

Antonio Girley
Antonio Girley - 23.06.2023 18:30

You went in on that Cheep Vodka 😂
However I do appreciate it.
Can you list the brands of vodka to buy?

Erietta Ioanna Florou
Erietta Ioanna Florou - 04.06.2023 14:18

Super useful information! Thank you for that! One question, I’ve heard different opinions as to where to store your tinctures as it’s being made, some people say dry cool and dark place and some say next to a window, why are there different opinions son this? Does it depend on the herb you’re making a tincture out of? Thank you in advance!

Karen Leach
Karen Leach - 25.05.2023 19:29

Great informative video! I am about to make a tincture for the first time. I have my herbs and I just need the vodka so your video was perfect timing. I will look for Pinnacle.

Natural Principles
Natural Principles - 22.05.2023 08:53

Hi, what's the music playing in the background? Thanks :)))

Lorraine Steps
Lorraine Steps - 15.05.2023 06:23

Isnt a "tincture " make with alcohol? The others are called something different and do not last as long?

Dan Wiley
Dan Wiley - 12.05.2023 01:55

Man this is just gravy! Thanks jumpin mama! 🎉🎉🎉

TwistHerMind - 09.05.2023 18:36

Why not use 99% rubbing alcohol? (Assuming u wont consume it)

Rene Wyckoff
Rene Wyckoff - 01.05.2023 00:33

Thank you for your careful explanation dear. Just to help a little, charcoal doesn't always induce vomiting. Folks take capsules for gastritis and inner cleansing. Agape love ❤️

Melody Voss
Melody Voss - 25.04.2023 04:29

Hmmm I use Smirnoff Vodka bc it’s filtered 10x and in my price range

E Wood
E Wood - 15.04.2023 03:00

I used 40% enchanted rock Texas vodka today with fresh horehound. I sure hope it’s strong enough. 😢

Mare - 13.04.2023 21:59

This is a wonderful articulation. Highly recommend Meili Vodka, it’s sourced from mountain spring water, in a beautiful recycled glass bottle and it’s really inexpensive! 🤙

Yashar - 09.04.2023 08:52

Can you use Rum?

Brandon Gilhooly
Brandon Gilhooly - 01.04.2023 19:02

Good info thank you. Regarding the vodka you can take cheap Vodka and run it thru a brita water jug/filter several times and it will help remove impurities without removing the alcohol. I have "some experience" in the area :)

Charles Chreptak
Charles Chreptak - 20.03.2023 07:22

Nice vid, just please dont use any type of Vodka. Use only food grade 190 o 200 Ethanol. Your yield will be immensely better and way less impurities. Just remove the alcohol with a water bath if using for children. Peace to you!

YHUH#1 - 19.03.2023 03:28

With all do respect, in regards to the quality of the vodka, I don’t think the people of Appalachia could afford expensive vodka way back when so they used moonshine.

Sari Israel
Sari Israel - 07.03.2023 05:33

what are the names of the vodka you suggested?

jordymakes - 06.03.2023 21:34

i have a bottle of kozuba 80 proof potato vodka that says distilled 6x . can someone tell me is that adequate ?

Haylee Mohr
Haylee Mohr - 31.01.2023 12:43

I noticed you said children should drink water after taking any tinctures. Does the same go for adults? Also how many droppers of each tincture would you recommend is a serving size? Thank you for your contribution’s🙏🏽

E - 22.01.2023 01:57

Thank you!

Kay Lashea
Kay Lashea - 24.12.2022 04:14

I thought you were supposed to store it in a cool dark place? Is that when it’s done infusing?

Brigitte Bonnette
Brigitte Bonnette - 01.12.2022 23:32

EVERYTHING is FULL of Impurities

Medistation . You are 1!
Medistation . You are 1! - 19.11.2022 08:29

I won an award on a lil competition in LA and I did It With a big bottle of takka , I haber never heard pf putting It on the Window por the sun, youre supposed to put It in a dark place and if you put It on the Freezer It becomes way stronger

Garden State Sow and Sew
Garden State Sow and Sew - 02.11.2022 11:07

Thank you ❤ love it

Big Neecee
Big Neecee - 01.11.2022 19:19

I’m so glad that I watched this video before making my very first tincture. I purchased 2 large bottles of the cheap vodka based on another video that I watched 😂😂😂😂😂😂. However, I know someone that will be excited to drink it. 😂😂😂Lol. Tiffany, you always do a wonderful job of explaining every detail. Thanks for this wonderful video.

Roosevelt Day
Roosevelt Day - 28.10.2022 12:07

Sea moss, bee pollen, red crushed peppers, clove bud tinctures is just a few... I'm really get'n into the tincture Energi

Roosevelt Day
Roosevelt Day - 28.10.2022 12:00

Thank you for this informative video quite helpful...🔥💪🏿💯♥️🎯

2knowisPower - 24.10.2022 04:39

so are you saying i should throw out the tinctures i made with everclear and water at 50/50 ratio not including my herbs?

ViewNic - 19.10.2022 17:48

Thank you - this was so helpful. I'm about to make my first tincture and I would not have thought about the vodka quality (not a vodka drinker!) I look forward to learning more.

Mary Stephens
Mary Stephens - 13.09.2022 18:11

How much water do you mix with the lemon balm/vodka mixture once in the tincture? Or do you keep the full vodka and herb mixture in the tincture and put drops of that in water?

Mary Stephens
Mary Stephens - 13.09.2022 18:10

Does the vodka cause the mason jar lid to corrode?

shiva koliar
shiva koliar - 25.08.2022 17:51

How To Live In Harmony With Nature And Reduce Pollution


1. Many Production  Which We Do Not Need Actually For Human Beings Has To Be Stopped

We manufacture so many products and it is creating pollution. So if we minimise our products, pollution would be less.

We produce so many things which we do not need, like cold drinks, leather products, potato wafers, chips, fruit juices, chocolates, biscuits, pickles, ice creams, etc.

Cold drinks, fruit juices, pickles, ice creams, etc. Should be cooked at home only.

If we stopped producing this things which are not required for humans, so much pollution could be reduced.

If we colour the clothes pollution occurs. So if we don't colour our clothes, the pollution resulting from colouring the clothes can be stopped. Let everything remain in natural colour.


2. We Should Cook Foods In Its Natural Form

We can cook rice and wheat in our homes and eat it. Rice and Wheat is produced in farms. Then it is packed and transported to big warehouses, then wholesalers buy from them and supply to retail shops.

But if a manufacturing company makes bread from rice and wheat, then to make bread a manufacturing company has to be set up, machines and working staffs are needed. When a company is built many other things are also needed. Then at last a plastic pack is required to pack the breads.

So if we start cooking eatable things in its natural form then we do not need many companies like bread manufacturing company, tomato ketchup, noodles, fruit jam, pizza, burger, etc., the things required for the company and the plastic pack, paper box pack and glass bottles. If done like this, so many companies will not be required and hence less pollution for the world.

Also we could save our money like this. If you buy a packet of bread, it would cost you more money than if you cook wheat and rice in home.

Previously before industrial revolution, we didn't have technology, but our foods were rich with nutrients. Now we have technology, but technology is polluting our foods and our foods are not rich with nutrients, and because of that also we have health problems.

If this is done, then many jobs would be lost. For that many peoples should do farming and they should be given loans if they do not have enough money to start farming on their own.

Food, Medicines, Surgeries and Education's should be made free to the world till the world settles down with farming. After that food, medicines, surgeries and education's should be stopped free to the world.

Many people should study botany subject so that they have knowledge of plants and they should do farming.

Is their any another solution, that humans won't lose jobs and also pollution would decrease. Humans have to take this step certainly instead of going on polluting the earth, making wildlife extinct and also mass extinctions of humans in future.


3. Electricity Pollution

We create electricity from many types of sources like coal, water, etc., but it creates pollution. If electricity created from windmill and solar energy then no pollution occurs in the creation process. But still to manufacture windmill and solar machines pollution would occur.

As I previously said that if we shut down many manufacturing companies which are producing things which are not needed for humans, then the world would not require so much electricity. If less electricity required, then less pollution generated.


4. Could We Stop Drinking Cow's and Buffalo's Milk

Whatever vitamins and nutrients we get from milk, if we can get it from other eatable things, then we can stop drinking cow's and buffalo's milk. As milk has to be packed in glass bottles and plastic packs and then transported to places. All of this can be stopped.

For infants whose mother's have died or mother's who cannot breast feed their infants, only for them cow's and buffalo's milk should be given. We use milk in tea and coffee. Instead of milk we must use lime with tea and coffee or just plain tea and coffee. A lime should be cut into a few pieces and cooked with tea and coffee or something else can be used instead of lime.


5. How Much Should Be The World's Population

Every place should have a single house. No buildings, everything ground floor. If we do this and the whole lands of our planet earth would be occupied one day with homes, farms, forests, schools, hospitals, etc., then we would come to know how much our planet earth can have maximum population.

Once the population is determined, then we have to maintain that population. For example if our earth can have a population of 10 billion peoples, then when the population reaches 10 billion, then everyone should have only one child till the population reaches 9 billion peoples. As if we have only one child then the population decreases. When population is 9 billion peoples, then everyone should have 2 children's till the population reaches 10 billion peoples. After that again we should have only one child. In this way population can be maintained.

Erika Tep Ruiz
Erika Tep Ruiz - 24.08.2022 23:23

I make homemade wine from organic fruits from my garden. I also grow lots of herbs. When I make wine I make it wild fermentation, I dont use any yeast, just organic cane sugar, because I didn't have time to strain it before it gets too strong. Now I have a few gallons of strong wine, my question is. Can I use this wine to make tincture?

J Denton
J Denton - 14.08.2022 21:50

Excellent, excellent video! I truly appreciate your thorough explanation of making tinctures. You are YAH sent. Thank you!

#slapitortrashitDC - 19.07.2022 08:50

Your tincture is not going be as strong vodka has more of a water content… bad idea, use grain alcohol if available

Tara McPhillips
Tara McPhillips - 04.05.2022 02:22

Thank you.

Sherrell Harrod
Sherrell Harrod - 28.04.2022 01:36

I;m so proud to see young women of color explore natural holistic ways of healing . I pray that as a collective we can come together and reach one and teach one on how to improve their health mind body and spirit for the African American inner city communities.
