Microsoft Ends Mixed Reality Support: Is the Future of VR Looking Grim?

Microsoft Ends Mixed Reality Support: Is the Future of VR Looking Grim?


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@feepants4495 - 15.01.2024 05:21

Damn, i thought this would be a cheap option. the next one up is double the price. No use in buying it anymore?

@BDawgStudio - 06.01.2024 18:50

Whats the future of my HP reverb g2?

@the.littlest.toaster - 30.12.2023 21:43

I tired to tell people vr is dead the hype for apples vr died so fast. Niche product for a smaller user base. Me personally i don't want to strap anything to my head it's already heavy enough on its own.

@dsoprano13 - 30.12.2023 20:37

I think it's a big mistake on their end. But what I think Mixed Reality needed was a hero product. It was mostly marketed as a software ecosystem and I don't think that's exciting to consumers. They needed to push some kind of consumer Hololens or make a Surface headset. Something that users can easily identify.

@xXRenaxChanXx - 30.12.2023 09:58

It has nothing to do with consumer interest and everything to do with greedy executives and shareholders being obsessed with profits. They want every product to produce near infinite money and throw a fit when it doesn't.

@Bredtoaster - 29.12.2023 19:27

It's so sad.. Just make the software open source. But they probably won't. I still have one and it works perfectly, it's dumb that they can just decide to nuke the hardware.

@orincat92 - 29.12.2023 17:26

i just upgraded from the lenovo explorer to a quest 2 with plans to sell the lenovo- guess that's not gonna happen lol.

@gabriels.carrionvivar5060 - 29.12.2023 12:30

My HK invoke and all Microsoft duo. I’ll just stick to apple

@freescape08 - 28.12.2023 18:25

I was honestly just looking at the used market for Samsung's wmr Odyssey+. Glad i didn't waste that money.

@DavidWeddell - 28.12.2023 12:01

Maybe if the mixed reality headsets had more integration with games like Call of Duty , Halo, Fallout and so on but it would appear game’s developer showing no interest in the tech

@gNeric - 28.12.2023 03:25

i just bought my reverb g2 a year ago so it very much sucks it might be e-waste in another year

@LaczPro - 28.12.2023 01:54

That's the exact feeling I had when Stadia was phased out. The controller was amazing (I'm still using one to this day) and so, I bought one just after the announcement, hoping one day it was going to be unlocked or something. We kinda get that from Google getting Bluetooth connection enabled (while losing its WiFi), but it's limited until this December 31st.

I don't know if I want to spend on a VR headset for Windows now like I did with my Stadia controller, even though I'm such a fan of what Microsoft does (and even though they always need to mess up sometimes many times), unless there's something available for playing with those, keeping them out of landfills.

@PSYCHOV3N0M - 28.12.2023 00:25

VR/AR/MR headsets/smart glasses will never become mainstream like iPods and smartphones for the simple fact that not everyone wants to wear something on their face and/or have a display so close to their eyes.

I say that as a VR/AR/MR enthusiast.

I love 3D and have no problem wearing glasses to enjoy 3D movies. That doesn't mean that most people agree with me.

Glasses-free 3D OLED monitors and TV's need to come out and drop in price before 3D becomes popular again to the masses.

@Acethunderjolt - 27.12.2023 23:22

i mean in theory it should work forever just cant delete the program

@iglapsu88 - 27.12.2023 21:06

Just give it time. Niche for sure and may always be for consumers. If it takes off, it will likely be an enterprise setting.

@MyLeoOne - 27.12.2023 20:16

I waited so long for a new generation of windows mixed reality headsets to get into vr because I didn't want to give meta my money ... Guess I'll have to just get a quest if I want to get into this without spending 1000€ for an index

@allanlmb37 - 27.12.2023 20:02

Just my opinion.....but i think VR and AR/XR largely remain solutions to problems that dont exist. At least for now. The tech just isnt there to make it compelling enough outside of gaming. And even with gaming (an audience you think would be really into it) there is a tepid response. The Occulus and PSVR2 just arent that big. The sales numbers are not big. The form factors also just dont help. Headsets are just too much. Most people will just not strap these things onto their heads outside of a few experiences where the novelty wears off quickly. And that includes the Apple Vision Pro. I just cant see lots of people strapping what looks like large ski goggles onto their head with a soap on a rope battery to do things they could just do on a screen in front of them. Whether that be a phone, a tablet, or a TV. Thats why the Apple Vision Pro just baffles me. Its such a solution to a problem that doesnt exist. Why does anyone need to strap something onto their head to use IOS when they can just do it on whatever Apple device is already in front of them? 🤷🤷🤷🤷.

I truly believe that until they can put all that tech into something that actually does look like a stylish pair of glasses.....that is light, comfortable to wear, and will never get the mainstream onboard.

@BrianGlaze - 27.12.2023 19:52

I think part of the solution to this type of problem is to educate consumers on how to give feedback to companies about what you want or like. The amount of people I talk to that never have the thought cross their mind that they can give feedback is astounding. Starting conversations only has upside. The worst thing is that you're ignored. I've reached out to businesses and told them what I'm interested in directly and I've gotten responses. It's easier than ever now with social media. Not saying it is the consumer's responsibility, because I agree with the responsibility laying with executive leadership.

@conchobar - 27.12.2023 19:38

Microsoft did this with Windows Media Center. They built it out just enough to lure in enthusiasts, then kill it off.

@ggnext5944 - 27.12.2023 18:06

I'm putting it out there: "Baldurs Gate 3 augmented reality"
3D D&D at a table with your friends.

@megadeth8592 - 27.12.2023 16:46

this just reminds me of Zune all over again..... makes me sad

@OktaFierce - 27.12.2023 16:18

Haven't been able to use my Acer since I got a 5600G chip. Only get 14-2 error. No driver support.

@enihi - 27.12.2023 14:14

All this wasted potential!
I'm seeing parallels to Android Desktop not becoming a huge thing.

@vincelongman3264 - 27.12.2023 13:03

Unfortunately yet another thing that Microsoft has half-assed and later killed. But VR/AR/MR will live on. The Quest 2/3 is still selling well, and its only gonna grow

@pkerry12 - 27.12.2023 11:50

i warned every one when these first came out that Microsoft will give up on it or it will fail. Just like the holo lens and various other projects they do every thing they do always fails the only thing that doesnt' is windows. Thta still keeps them a float.

@Charles-Darwin - 27.12.2023 06:29

VR seems like the last card when a lull in innovation is rounding over. Unless meta with their shiny new vr/ar labs can work some magic... it's adeu until next time ig.

@Xalies - 27.12.2023 05:55

Of course if it's not viable you can't expect offical BUT the hardware is there and you have the tools/softtware, what is the harm to release it to the wilds.... and let the public keep it alive

@thejackofclubs - 27.12.2023 05:53

i got a quest 2 a couple years ago. i hated the facebookyness and my pc was not vr ready, but ive been very happy with it. i wanted a vr headset since the dk1 but never got one, even looked at the $99 wmr headsets. its sad to say, but i trust meta to stick with it, they update it with major features every month and even got valve to invest in it. steam link on it is great. its always a question of how long a connected device will be supported and can operate. the worst feeling is knowing you wasted your money. hell, i almost bought a rift s. everyone said the pico 4 would crush the quest 2 and then bytedance announced the pico 5 was canceled. meta and valve might be the only companies i trust to buy a vr headset from.

@GreenBlueWalkthrough - 27.12.2023 05:37

I mean it is also odd for Microsoft to do that... yes they do drop support for hardwear like google... Like windows 11 won't support most PCs for exemple despite being a glofied Windows 10 update... But Micorsoft never drops suport for spgames/softwear atleast mahjor releases like Lgeo island which their is a windows 10 update fixing an issue with suppprt.... And all but 3 xbox games can be played on the latest xbox and mybe PC in the future... No other console company is that way... But yeah I don't get why Microsoft did not build up their VR softwear to be just a thing windows doies like internet and 2D printer support.

@SpicysaucedHD - 27.12.2023 05:32

My thoughts: Simple. As long as I have to put that kind of contraption on my head, it's not gonna happen. What we need are VR capable devices that are as convenient as a phone (meaning: light, small, actually useful, cheap). Add to that: Cost. I play flight sims. To have the same visual fidelity in VR that I have now in "2D", I'd need a 4080 or better, in addition to the initial cost of the headset itself.
Regarding VR, we are in what's equivalent to the C64 era of computing.
Its just a nono. For now.

@coolerking7427 - 27.12.2023 04:51

More Tech Waste.

@coolerking7427 - 27.12.2023 04:51

This is why I use Linux.

@SeanAdams001 - 27.12.2023 04:50

Lack of vision at the top. That part. Microsoft won several times over the years in markets they no longer compete in now. They just never committed to releasing the best version of the products they chose to cancel despite the fact that the market told them exactly what they wanted in the product for them to jump all in.

@davidburns8113 - 27.12.2023 04:41

This stuff drives me crazy. What is the big empowering thing VR let's us do? The most attractive thing I've seen in wearable eye tech is wearable monitors. How does VR allow us to be more productive? They keep transitioning VR to enterprise solutions but seriously can I do more excel in VR or just a bigger wider monitor?

@isaacvale918 - 27.12.2023 04:11

I love buying a stupid expemsive piece of tech, and suddenly having the ability to even use it taken away.

@RichardRatner.1972 - 27.12.2023 04:01

Hey Juan. Thanks for all your videos this year 🙏 Big love to you & the family, Happy New Year, kindest regards, Richard U.K.

@bricequirl - 27.12.2023 03:56

Super disappointed 😞. Love Windows MR & Steam VR. Invested in the HP Reverb G2, which is great hardware for the software. If something never really succeed, how can it fail? Wish Microsoft could just continue to let it exist...but we're all familiar w/ M$'s moto: if it doesn't turn a profit, then it gets the 🪓.

@ghayes220 - 27.12.2023 03:27

Hoping Microsoft is NOT following in Google's footsteps, long term.

@TechySpeaking - 27.12.2023 03:24

Is this the same or different from Hololens?

@simster2759 - 27.12.2023 03:19

Still using my lenovo explorer i dont reslly use it enough to justify an upgrade/replacement but will also be very sad to lose it just because software is yoinked. Still runs super hot and beat Saber playable enough to have a game here and there

@GH0STST4RSCR34M - 27.12.2023 03:14

Tbf, most people didn't even knew that Microsoft made a consumer mixed reality headset.

Edit: It might just be where I live. But - I've never seen Microsoft marketing their consumer-level mixed reality headset anywhere - not even in their own physical Microsoft stores (when they were a thing a few years ago) had these. So, I would take the blame on Microsoft for not marketting and having these in store's.

@charlescdt6509 - 27.12.2023 03:10

Not a shock with Panos gone. Sadly here in the US no one really buys it unless it has a fruit logo on it and are told its cool.

@goldenbullhorn - 27.12.2023 02:59

I think this whole windows 3D/mixed reality saga failed miserably, but I am forever grateful that this initiative lead to powerpoint having the ability to insert 3D object and do basic animation. As a mechanical engineering student, this is a humongous win.

@or888 - 27.12.2023 02:40

So frustrating, i have my Lenovo Explorer VR set that still works perfectly! Hopefully the userbase will be able to circumvent this EOL. I don't understand why they have to PULL all the support from windows, instead of just not updating it anymore.

@YOWTUNUP - 27.12.2023 02:27

gta6 will not be on pc
