Good lord, why would anyone harm a child like that?
ОтветитьGirls' clitoris is a penis and the same as men's. If the clitoris is cut away, the girls no longer feel anything. No more good sex!
ОтветитьWell done girl for being brave enough to speak out about this disgusting operation. So clearly some MEN believe that their GOD made a mistake when he created WOMAN..
Never mind some MEN, assisted by some women, feel confident enough to correct the mistake their GOD made when creating WOMEN. Mutilating a helpless, harmless female child should be considered a sinful crime by EVERYONE.!!!!
A man wants a whole woman for sex. These man that say they want a cut woman should do research
how damaging it is to a woman's whole body.
This is a global genocide of women.
Totally unnecessary both female and male cutting. We need to pray to God for guidance and not just listen
to what someone said. They could be very wrong and mislead us.
You are so brave and well spoken, so much admiration.
They should definitely teach about fgm in school😢 If id have known about fgm i would have known a doctor offering to perform labiaplasty on me as a 15 year old would cause me the same life long injuries and problems. Labiaplasty causes the same damage but is made to seem like a minor, harmless procedure. I had my labia amputated by NHS doctors in the UK. It makes me so angry that young women are raised to not know their own body to the point that they think their anatomy is wrong because they havent been taught it. Then professionals agree to chop it off. Sickening.
It's sick I would not want a women to be married to a person who has had this done .The poor children and the sick parents to put there children through this awful practice
ОтветитьI know people with this madness. This is ABUSE
ОтветитьI read somewhere years ago that the practice got even more common after aids started spreading. Alot of men in charge felt if they sew these girls up then they are less likely to spread the virus when raped or sold into marriage. Does anyone know anything about this?
ОтветитьI don't understand.
The BBC clearly thinks FGM of children is abhorrent, and should be criminalised. Yet the BBC thinks horrific gender surgery is fine?
All body midifications in children should be forbidden if they are not medically necessary 🙁
ОтветитьAnd the cutting of boys don't matter?
ОтветитьYep I was cut too. It's horrible. What a curse to live like this. I'm a male from America. We do it all the time to our baby boys. What a sick world we live in.
ОтветитьGet the guys on board....I ain't paying for that!
ОтветитьShe can go earn a living and pay for it herself...
ОтветитьAlready paying for the wedding...
ОтветитьIt still affect boys aswell to be cut
ОтветитьI find this bullshit that she said she doesn’t blame those who practise FGM but blames the west for not teaching how it’s wrong. Sorry, what???
ОтветитьScreaming - auntie witches!
ОтветитьIslamic death cult idol false god braunwashed ink on paper - allah cant mKe peolle right delusional cearh cult.
Ответитьwhat a great interviewer letting the person being interviewed speak and not making it about her own knowledge and skill *rare.
ОтветитьPeople don’t talk about this so much, lots of women can’t even try to talk about this, good to see her speak about this
Ответитьand yet it is practiced in Islam!
ОтветитьNot all cultures are equal
ОтветитьTotal have 3 wives but women cannot be trusred. Ahhhhhhh😡😡
ОтветитьFGM needs to be banned in every country. It should be considered child abuse.
ОтветитьVery Sad! Wish that markle lady would stand up for you!
ОтветитьHer accent ❤❤❤❤❤
South africa
These poor girls. Horror after horror. Lets change the language. Lets use the term , "I was MUTILATED". How can we get it to change?
ОтветитьYvette Cooper and her Misogynistic statement is very prevalent in this conversation but FGM couldn’t possibly be Misogynistic could it!
ОтветитьYvette Cooper and her Misogynistic statement is very prevalent in this conversation but FGM couldn’t possibly be Misogynistic could it!
ОтветитьIt’s such a shame the UK has indirectly inherited this problem due to mass migration lol migrants that 67% are claiming benefits too 🤦🏻♂️
Ответитьmessing with a fellow humnans ability to do what an adult human body can do is not to be messed with.......I hope that anyone who wants to mess with Childe's bodies and hormone blockers or cutting...I hope you all just stop this ridiculous nonsense.......we have zero right to mess with any person's stop giving hormone blockers and stop cutting girls cliitorises off
ОтветитьSo, you're outraged at the UK who in your opinion doesn't do enough (but where this was NEVER practised) but NOT at the culture and people who actually DO it to their children? Reverse racism at it's finest.
ОтветитьAm so sorry you went through this sending you love ❤️ and hugs ❤
ОтветитьAm a victim,,I live in shame,,can't allow anybody to look me down there
ОтветитьThis is not a "questionable" practice, it is ABUSE. Thank you for sharing your experiences 🙏 I think you're incredibly brave and inspirational ❤️
ОтветитьOprah windfrey did a show on this, I see she did nothing about it... except report it... what? If I had MONEY I would STOP THIS
Ответитьplease use desinfection spray for cuted genital it is very important to secure the cutting and to avoid pain and death
ОтветитьHer face resembles like Shamima Begum, her facial features and smile, also the her accent and way she talks.
ОтветитьHere's something that will really piss people off, but Marcello was far nicer than Ali and the accusations against him were way more inflated from people who wanted to see him as a bad guy and refused to show any nuance because all they see is almost a cartoon character of what they wanted to see.
Marcello spoke highly of his friends, cooked and cleaned for everyone, had a laugh during some of the trials, actually had funny and entertaining moments. But I felt like every word he said had to be looked at with a magnifying glass and people made assumptions on the subtext of the stuff he said, without taking a step back, to see the big picture.
Ali on the other hand was just cold and downright mean. Marcello had disagreements with people, sure, but those all ended in about 10 minutes and that was the end. Ali quite viciously targeted Khalid at the beginning for daring to apologise to people for not inviting them to a party. Then she went on to say how he's playing up to the cameras and every time she was confronted about it, she would basically ignore what Khalid was saying and declare herself correct or in Marcello's case, cry that he was trying to isolate her because he wanted to have a chat without other people being there.
And finally, Marcello fairly often said nice things about Ali, he said he liked her personality, he liked how outspoken she was (no, this is NOT contradicted by him saying he was uncomfortable being fully open with her as much as people want it to be), wrote that nice fan letter for her AND fought for her to get her message from home when Hanah was rightfully gonna give her nothing because she already had a word from home (I've not seen one person compliment Marcello for that). What nice things did Ali say about him? If anything. Other than condescending little comments about toxic masculinity and "Wow Marcello, you've really grown", like he's a dog or something.
The fact is Ali won because she wasn't Marcello. People got themselves so worked up by being part of this echochamber of how terrible he was without giving any examples, that they gaslighted themselves into thinking Ali was so good and blinded themselves to all of her terrible behaviours.
My heart ❤️ goes out to this woman. No one of any culture, race religion any person let alone a child
should never endure this. This is a crime
2 beautiful ladies
Ответить@jamnoise 72 hope this works!