Tiberius: The Forgotten DPS (Paladins)

Tiberius: The Forgotten DPS (Paladins)


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@thedarkl3982 - 06.12.2023 22:18

I dont Main ihm anymimore, gut i startet playing as Heu was Released Andy back then hey was My Main for 1,5 years

@marcroeffen4701 - 29.11.2023 08:33

Tib needs a actual first talent and aside of that just some extra love from the community.

As mentioned he is perfectly balanced and can be a lot of fun.

@starpower1884 - 27.11.2023 13:23

That's why I love my boy Tiberius, he doesn't get in no drama with anyone

@Steph1 - 27.11.2023 01:55

I’m surprised you don’t have a Patreon 😮

@tsuviii - 26.11.2023 06:01

i think they should make his projectiles be able to bounce between enemies like grohk, exept do like 200 less damage each hit

@whickybradfrads9673 - 26.11.2023 05:58

As a Tibs main I enjoy playing him. I would agree that his mobility skill could definitely be better with less start up lag. If I could change the first talent, maybe some life steal With maybe a 7-3 cooldown on his combant trance, increasing his damage out put. (Combat trance is a 14 sec cooldown!) But in the end of the day, he pretty good like you said! Just wish a few things were changed!

@antroneny - 26.11.2023 01:13

I like this type of videos

@desmondroyaltyfrye56 - 26.11.2023 01:06

Tib always slouches in his fighting form making him look shorter but when he stands straight, he’s his actual height of 6’4”.

@TKBrown - 25.11.2023 23:24

Your deck man... Oh jeebuz

@joaoalmeida5926 - 25.11.2023 03:40

tiberius and maeve have that "balanced" problem imo at least maeve is popular due to looks and stuff like that but I see her being less and less picked

@ruinition737 - 24.11.2023 23:14

Thanks for putting your build up that way. Made it super easy to see 🙏

@AnthonyAlexzander - 23.11.2023 11:40

Drogoz kill needs to be a short so I can rewatch it 200 times lol

@PotatoTheFish1226 - 23.11.2023 11:20

It’s so strange - when I come across videos by overwatch players like “let’s try paladins!” Almost always through their criticisms of the anti-heal, graphics, busted characters etc they end up going, “but I really liked the tiger guy!” And I don’t really play him so I’m just like wtf why does every overwatch player like tibby WHAT DOES HE HAVE

@ashzerodude - 22.11.2023 23:38

Just make him jump like Buck and he'd be 85% better.

I usually use his extra bounce talent because the sword throw I use for cool down reduction so I enjoy throwing it through groups of people vs at the floor or walls and his other talent? Is just extra wind up jumps? So I don't touch that.

Just make his first talent three charges of a stronger ult and improve his jumps and it should be a world of more fun

@XLORDPROPL - 22.11.2023 17:49

Yeah Mr.Chicken, 1775 dmg burst combo + 30% slow seems fair and balanced, 1350 dmg per second when you use "COMBAT TRANCE" too. (Viktor damage per second is 1400 but it's not that easy to hit)

@joeydidntask - 22.11.2023 17:00

Tiberius is a really balanced DPS. And by balanced, i mean it . Hes not strong, not weak, hes just allright and that has its caveats. Yet im lvl 61 with him

@anothergamingyoutuber - 22.11.2023 16:53

honestly I hope they don't rework the ulti or the dash, he's fine the way he is. The talent rework makes sense tho. I treat tibe ulti like a zhin ulti; either use it to confirm a kill in a 1v1 or use it for movement. And with how fast he gets his ult, the movement potential is so nice. He's honestly in a perfect state rn. He's the Maldamba of the dmg class. Other characters are just better, but if you main him, it's rewarding.

@mrbee8336 - 22.11.2023 16:13

Make a video on raum buffs please 😢

@Zebrix10 - 22.11.2023 15:45

On one map i was randomly shooting at wall abd actually dehorse's and killed only with rickochets and also for damage im tiberius main hes very cool and fun to play actually

@dungeaterfancam - 22.11.2023 13:42

I think Tib's ricochet talent should get like 80 extra damage per bounce

@Painjusu - 22.11.2023 12:22

Didnt watch Paladins bs in a while but holy that was some talk to fall asleep. Also using 10 swords in a full match help.

@chastokol9879 - 22.11.2023 11:18

I main Tiberius! Hopium for first talent rework and more air control for F as you said, haha! Also the thing about style you said is so true, i mainly play him because he is cool in every way, gameplay or character 😅
And dont even get me started on how badass I feel when I get overtime touch by ulting through the sky down on 5 enemies using RMB

@justinepaulcordovilla5852 - 22.11.2023 10:17

Andreeeeew!! You should use his heavy blade more! Hahaha

Im a Tiberius Main! His only problem is the short locks between his skills, like how it takes some time to channel the jump, or the in betweens of the charges of the ult. I guess they could buff the ult by giving him dr when landing after a whirling blade so he doesnt instantly die, idk i want him to be cc immune during some parts of the ult but i guess that would be too broken for my liking. In his current state though, his ult's best utility is not to damage but to use one-two charges of the ult so u can fly and reposition, then cancel to keep some ult charges. Also, the best thing about tiberius is his heavy blade, being such a nice combo after jumping or throwing main fire, and i never have to worry about andro reversal or tank's shields. So good.

@claymeistereu - 22.11.2023 04:28

I def made you play tib recently, sparked by some paladinsguru stats saying you haven't played him in months!

@EggMixValid - 22.11.2023 03:07

Tiberius is op LoL I played him for 3 matches and shredded it's not like there is much to talk about Tony da Tiger is jus op

@hd.astrixx5714 - 22.11.2023 03:00

tib is a cool playing character, with his projectiles,style, and good fast abilities

@paulieodrumgod - 22.11.2023 02:26

Predatory Instinct Should be in basekit (2 addition Chakram bounces) and replaced with an ult buff, like additional effects when he hits with dash.(300 shield per hit)

@devilchomps3295 - 22.11.2023 01:48

He's not popular cuz no one wants be caught playing a furry. He is super fun to play though! You feel so awesome popping drogozes from the sky and taking down champions

@cynicalnightmare1108 - 22.11.2023 01:25

I think a fair change for his first talent (the extra bounces on chakrams) would be to add extra damage to the shots per bounce (I have either 100 or 125 in mind, but that could be changed.) It would allow players to actually have a reason to go for bounce shots, plus makes Tib pretty dangerous when you're in tight spaces

@yabbadabbindude - 22.11.2023 00:42

They need to make his ult CC immune, at least then he'd have guaranteed value. His talents are meh and his cards are meh outside of the ones that give him bonus ult charge.

Also his reload is way too long, I know it's a pretty animation that evil mojo made but damn

@linuslp3096 - 22.11.2023 00:23

The Thumbnail is very cool...and the vid obviously

@sabrecde2130 - 22.11.2023 00:17

Hey does someone know How to solve the bugged horse when come back to spawn, bug dissapears AND start attacking without aim

@Joesieyu - 22.11.2023 00:15

I would love for his first talent to pierce enemies (not shields) while also still bouncing 5 times. That way You can use it in crowded rooms and flush people out effectively, ore to allow more AoE (sort of) in Tiberius' kit by attacking a line of opponents, maybe event hitting everyone twice if there's a wall behind them. admittedly, the explosion talent would get less use then... but still

@kylegmaster1869 - 22.11.2023 00:14

I guess.. hes just there.

@ChaoticAndEvil - 22.11.2023 00:09

Ultimate is bad and his F too, because it take full second just to prepare for a jump and all this time you stand still, so it can't be called an escape ability.

@SteveDarby-uy1tq - 21.11.2023 23:55

I main tiberius as well. Although ive only been playing a month and i suck lol. I actually try to play most of the cast. I do wanna get good though. Very fun game!!!

@michelsolon2937 - 21.11.2023 23:42

Make all his animations faster and buff his horrendous, slow, buggy ult

@pinkius - 21.11.2023 23:32

That first talent should also give additional bonus damage for reach ricochet you do, that way 2 more ricochets would make much more sense, and that talent will be very useful on maps with a lot of walls. Everything else is pretty nice on him

@Matfullgames - 21.11.2023 22:56

The main problem with him is that all of his skill are super clunky. Jump takes a century to go off and has absolutely no air control; main fire has a weird feeling when not using his Q and the reload cannot be interrupted by using other skils, which means that if you run out of Ammo when fighting someone, you can't even throw your sword to finish them off until the reload ends, if you are on high ping it can sometimes deal only the rebound damage even with direct hits; His sword also bugs out from time to time and keeps you stuck on the recall animation; Ultimate doesn't apply caut and doesn't have enough damage to kill someone fast enough while also putting you directly in line of fire since you have to get close, most of the time you will use to escape instead of dealing damage. Overall he is a good character with good damage output and can be really good on some maps, like Ice mines, but is held back by these issues.

@luciusmorgan-gt8hn - 21.11.2023 22:54

It’s funny, I just recently played Tiberius after literal years of not touching him! I was surprised when I got top damage and kills and got some very good value from his ult. I feel like he has good damage, a decent ult for stalling, and pretty decent cards and is overall a fun character to play

@Chun-believable - 21.11.2023 22:35

Did they nerf him at some point? Because I remember people complaining back then that he was annoying to play against and did crazy damage. And his default talent was a problem for some people too, in a small room it was driving people crazy. He got all kinds of the “you don’t even have to aim/braindead” comments.

@l0stbergfred - 21.11.2023 22:25

Forgotten? I main this guy since at least 3 years

@giacomoarduini5719 - 21.11.2023 22:04

I main tiberius and i love playing him but as soon as i go in comp, people dont like it.

@henriqueraimundodrummond6787 - 21.11.2023 22:04

Love your videos. thank you

@cynthiahunt4661 - 21.11.2023 21:52

I can't go two games without seeing a Tiberius top the leaderboard

@Makkushimu - 21.11.2023 21:29

Tibby main here. Wish pounce had some other effects, like a bit more air control and a quasi float mechanic ala Devil May Cry from shooting. First talent should be reworked into a mini ult, eg. a sword stance. Strictly melee.

@jeremyparker5800 - 21.11.2023 21:27

I play different champions I honestly don't know which one is my favorite at the moment
