How the DVSA are Trying to Increase the Driving Test Pass Rate in GB. Ready to Pass?

How the DVSA are Trying to Increase the Driving Test Pass Rate in GB. Ready to Pass?

Conquer Driving

1 год назад

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@labradormcgraw - 12.12.2023 15:18

Most informative. Thank you.

@paul1furby - 15.09.2023 00:16

Can you do a vid crash courses .

@paul1furby - 15.09.2023 00:12

I think the test instructors must be failing drivers so that it gains themselves more money . In my town there are only 2 test instructors and 1 of these instructors fails everybody , a of friend mine just took his test and passed because of course his driving and was not taken on the raod with the 1 instructor who fails everybody he tests . And that comment is made by myself all the drivers who took their test with mr moany as everyone calls him have failed.

@tsunika26 - 02.09.2023 07:15

I had 5 hours of lessons and passed with a near perfect score. Only 1 minor fault during parking. Never took a mock test either 😂 Only because I have ridden bikes my whole life so I was familiar with the road rules and how to use a clutch.

@yodings - 23.06.2023 11:06

I passed my test with no lessons, and no minors lol... Its really not that difficult...

@ivis9255 - 22.06.2023 23:27

I had a mock test and passed fine and then failed 3 times in real tests. Once drove close to the parked cars,once stopped at red lights when I was meant to go because it wasn't for me but got scared because people were waiting to pass, and once due to driving slowly. Didn't know at the time there was a lower speed limit or there should be a safe acceptable distance between cars,it wasn't until I watched your videos I learnt certain driving things to watch out for that could potentially fail you. Thank you. I've learnt a lot

@patriotav697 - 05.06.2023 06:39

There is no such thing as a backlog. There are enough examiners. Thus shows an old system waiting to crumble. Simple : when learner books a test, request for them to fill in the hours taken, minimum 40 hours including ready to pass test, this can beceasily done with a simple software.

@chrisogrady28 - 04.06.2023 23:20

It's good to have less shit people attempting tests, but really we need tests to be harder, the standard of driving on the roads is shocking, and the test should include motorway, and low grip conditions at a skid pan facility.
The main reason we don't do this though is because we need lots of numpties on the road to help pay the tax, if there were less people driving the entire infrastructure would be even less economically viable than it already is

@jamie_j0h - 22.05.2023 11:30

For a government department, I’ve found this campaign pretty impressive. Also, as of May 2023 the stats on the ready to pass website have been updated to April 202. I’m not really sure whether it’s fair to call that exact statement a guilt trip- ultimately it’s true with the current ridiculousness wait times.

@SinGames - 22.05.2023 04:14

I think the drivers are bad enough, I say we make people pass the test 2 times in a row just to filter out the many that are passing as a fluke.

@jcheyney9_293 - 09.05.2023 18:33

passed today with 35 minors! thanks bro

@skavellion2799 - 05.05.2023 01:20

Considering how people drive in the UK; NOT ENOUGH FAILS

@blekeke3455 - 22.04.2023 02:31

Many thanks for your videos. Yesterday I passed my practice test on the first try. God bless you

@beardyface8492 - 18.04.2023 11:07

How many lessons will you need?
Take your age, you'll typically need between that many & three times that many, depending how naturally driving comes to you.
Hope for the former, budget for the latter.

@Michursky - 28.03.2023 16:58

took 5 lessons, i wanted to do the test but the instructor tried to milk me more so i ditched him and took my own car to the test and passed.

@insha7556 - 17.03.2023 18:43

By that logic, you'll never be ready

@iamjimfan - 12.03.2023 00:12

I am not sure because my test has been cancelled because of strike 😅

@dwightmanne - 10.03.2023 12:24

Failed my first test for driving too slow. I didn't go above 40mph the entire time but I did every maneuver. Failed the second test because they said that I waited for someone at a T junction. Third test fail, i was so cocky i stalled. Lol.

It's ok to fail now and again. Because if they don't feel like you're a safe driver, they'll look for reasons to fail you.

So drive confidently and safely.

@Joshy04 - 07.03.2023 01:49

Government not giving 100% truth. Would have never thought

@khabibsson7122 - 03.03.2023 15:24

Test was going so smoothly, carried out a parallel park and emergency stop, on the way back 2mins from the test centre I failed on a roundabout with poor visibility, I crept forward and as I committed a driver came speeding past not slowing down at all, failed for not stopping

@MariusNinjai - 23.02.2023 06:38

Failing then having to wait such a long time for another test was my big source of stress and anxiety. Glad i passed first try almost failing at the end with parking Good luck to everyone taking tests

@lal2300 - 20.02.2023 19:57

They don’t actually want you to pass they want you to ‘PAY’ for another test! This is rip-off Britain don’t forget !

@trishan4720 - 17.02.2023 18:20

I failed my driving test today, and your word helped me alot,I was so sad😔 but thanks for the comforting words💚

@juancarlosjaramillopaz7013 - 09.02.2023 11:24

When the learning drive make mistake it's underpresure to try to pass the test I'm so confident drinving with my mother in law but the I have to do the test is feel so different is because I don't want to fail the test?

@juancarlosjaramillopaz7013 - 09.02.2023 11:07

How is possible my instructor tell me I'm no ready for the test but I think he only wants is make money bit I can't no going to do the test in my own car if is no possible how to buy a Car if I haven't pass my test driving I can't do anything I have to pay until he approve I'm ready is frustrating.

@humbertofossiliron373 - 08.02.2023 23:04

I probably didn't need any prompts from my driving instructor, but she did love to talk! I often made one or two silly mistakes, including stalling on two hill starts on my penultimate lesson. I had only completed one mock driving test, and failed with 4 serious faults. I had no idea if I would be able to control my nerves. My driving instructor said I was ready.

After 27.5 hours of lessons, and in my first ever driving test, I passed with just three minors.

@pjs6560 - 07.02.2023 11:51

past my test with only 18 hours of actual driving and just watching videos like these, keep up the great work.

@thatukguy156 - 25.01.2023 00:13

My test is in april and i’m deffo gunna fail

@patotooonlineministry1084 - 19.01.2023 03:44

I drive for years and when reached UK treated me as a learner. I humbled myself in learning ( took driving lessons ) as I love to study but when I took my practical driving test, I surprisingly failed. Now the question is, is DVSA rigged? Driving Lesson company milking on their customers? I hope the Government allows Recording Camera for both of the examiner and the examinee’s safety or proof of truth. It is useless to lodge a complain without an evidence.

@Sypheara - 19.01.2023 00:20

I disagree about pushing the test back in some cases for sure. In mine, they booked the wrong test center for me. I was then told six weeks before that my instructor couldn't take me.

So I've insured my own vehicle to take to the test - the fact that the instructor can't go all of 5 miles over the river, to sort me for my test, is a bit silly after the franchise booked it for me at the wrong place. I've done this as well because it makes test centre accessibility far easier - some test centres are way worse backlogged than others it seems because of this.

Moving the test back gives you another minimum 4-5 months wait here, anyway. With only two years on a theory test take the chance if you end up in my situation. You are better off imho trying it if you feel at all confident of passing it, treating it as a mock test, and going from there.

@Elvalenciiaa - 05.01.2023 21:54

Going for my third test in February and I’m more nervous than I was for my first. The pressure is too much 😅 especially when all you’re friends are passing.

@james_robertson - 05.01.2023 18:30

I failed for road rage, no minor faults but I failed for shouting at someone who was breaking heavily on an onramp. Likely failed because I used many insults that also probably offended the examiner.

@jacob1121 - 23.12.2022 23:28

The Swedish system works on a priority system, the first time you do the test your are prio 1, if you fail prio 2, 4 and so on.
This means that if you are a serial failer you will have to wait LONGER for each time you have failed your test.

Queue times used to be really bad like in the UK, but they have drastically improved the pass rates as a consequence of this change.

@thefallenwillriseagain1447 - 15.12.2022 18:16

Honestly this campaign worsened my driving anxiety so so much. I kept feeling like it was telling me I wasn't ready to pass, and it fed my anxiety - guilt tripped is the perfect description. The language used in the communications is very poorly done - my instructor would tell me how some people who think they can pass will find a way to take their test regardless, and won't change their minds until an examiner tells them they have failed. I was more than ready to take the test but the campaign made me doubt myself and second guess. Luckily my instructor kept believing in me and I passed first time. It took me over 100+ hours of lessons before I took my test and seeing those average figures made me feel like I would never pass, even though I was overprepared and it was my anxiety holding me back. In my opinion and experience as a student, this campaign does not help students learn to control nerves and makes it even worse for those who have driving anxiety. I'm glad that they are recognising the impact of nerves but doing some meditation before a test doesn't make anxiety magically disappear, and not every instructor knows about (or believes in!) mindfulness.

@goran3149 - 15.12.2022 14:56

Can't even book the test they won't even show or tell me what dates are available..

@gracethompson6926 - 14.12.2022 23:29

I have no family or friends to help me to drive, so I can only do professional lessons. It means I’ve had to do more lessons for a longer period of time, but I’m ok with that as long as I learn to drive safely and properly.

@korneliachmielewska1394 - 13.12.2022 23:08

I passed in August had to do it 5 times. Its crazy, but in all honesty just as any education system it doesn't prepare you fully for the real world. Parallel parking, what is the point of teaching me how to parallel park not between cars but behind one car. Never happens, sorry for those that are waiting behind me until I manage to get in but I'm getting better, done it in 1 go last week so proud:))
Not teaching what to do in case of an accident, not physically teaching what to do when the car skids, changing a wheel etc. I just feel there's so many more important things they could be teaching instead of being so picky on tinny thighs.
A tip to those trying to get tests, I was booking a test at whatever date than from time to time go on the dvla web and look to change the date pick all test centres and keep refreshing the page, if an early one comes be realllllly fast to click.That way you can move booking to earlier date. It worked for me, I did it in diff. centres maybe that's why I had to redo so many times but if you need it asap might be worth it.

@sjmclean0 - 13.12.2022 22:55

I failed a test last week because I was being followed too closely by a van, and he beeped his horn at me as a light changed to green. I interrupted his drive so failed.

@leebarrett7546 - 12.12.2022 10:30

The thing about 'taking a test when you are not ready' is a chicken and egg scenario. It undoubtedly contributes to the failure rate thus backlog but people do it because it's so hard to get a test date. If you feel you might not be ready but you can't get a test for another 6 months if you delay it you are heavily incentivized to just 'have a go' because the reward outweighs the risk.

@jdoyley1 - 11.12.2022 13:54

how many months delay in getting a later test date if the client isn't ready? How do they afford to keep up lessons until the new date? Do you stop lessons and start again closer to the new date? These problems we all face in balancing how to keep a client focussed on continued learning versus frustration at feeling forced to delay. Currently in London the next available dates are the end of MAY 2023. The DVSA laud recruiting 300 new examiners, they don't say how many they've lost during the pandemic. Also my local centre before covid carried out 5 or 6 tests per the given start time. Now, 2 or 3 max!!

@akpanekpo6025 - 10.12.2022 03:39

I got my licence in the UK in the 90s and now live in North America. I feel extremely lucky indeed, given the abysmal driving standard in Canada and the US. For whatever it's worth, my message to Brits is: do not drop your standards for any reason. You have no idea what you've got.

@mallowtonmouse - 09.12.2022 22:10

Youre right ive been pushing to take my test because i reached the average number of hours, but i realized i wasnt anywhere near ready!!

@andabossftw - 09.12.2022 19:52

I've got my third test next month quite far because it is difficult to find one in London. I have been test ready for around a year, failed my first for a major steering fault because the examiner thought I drove too close to a car on the left and tapped (not slammed on) the breaks, from what I understand a single instance of clearance should be a minor. My second test 5 months after the first was a fail because the examiner claimed I went on the wrong side of a road by a roundabout which made a car slow down which doesn't make sense as there's a kerb and bollard in the middle, aswell as their not being any cars on any of the roads leading to the roundabout. This is honestly just frustrating me as the two instructors I've had both think I'm a good test ready driver, aswell as driving my own car which I've never had any issues . I must add this examiner has a bad reputation with people locally for multiple reasons I don't need to mention but I think me coughing a lot in the car as I was recovering from the flu affected his decision making, especially as near the beginning of the test due to absent mindedness I used the wrong indicator, corrected it and it only got put as a minor. Now I'm doing my test around 2 hours away because I could find one in January, instead of at least May in London. The longer it is taking the more frustrating it is and makes me think about my theory test which expires in December 2023, which I really do not want to do again. All of this frustrates me because I am a good driver and better than a sizeable proportion who have passed (London drivers are awful) and I'm also a petrolhead so cars are my passion. Hopefully next time I pass

@_monti142 - 09.12.2022 03:14

one trick i learned is not worrying about the previous mistakes i did during the test

@Nav1g8r1 - 08.12.2022 01:55

I had a fail today because the examiner refused to let the pupil correct the reverse into the bay at the test centre. The pupil was really annoyed. 2 minors.

@-ZED- - 08.12.2022 01:26

My friend failed for "observations" he did a parallel park perfectly and carried out observations several times he just took long as there was traffic so he failed for observations then at the end of the test he didn't speak to the instructor he just legged it 🙄

@leo_warren - 07.12.2022 17:40

'If you're making silly mistakes, you're not ready' is something that especially bugs me as everyone makes silly mistakes, and as you learn to drive, you will see them anytime you're not in the driving seat; whilst it's not optimal, it's how you react and remain in control that should matter.
I think nerves are my main issue as I can drive fine with my instructor and other people but the pressure switches on with the examiner that I don't see any other time. The guilt trip is a very poor choice as there's no guarantee that the person who takes your test will be a carer or someone who desperately needs their license. With the current standards on the road and city standards, it seems very luck of the draw whether you'll have a smooth test or some muppet.

@Th3_Gael - 07.12.2022 10:40

It needs to be made harder, not easier.
15 minors and people still pass, no wonder the roads are full of useless drivers.

I also think if you fail 3 times you should be on public transport for a couple of years before you can try again

@agentfaz8759 - 07.12.2022 09:24

I failed my first test, however the examiner was very shady. When I questioned him, he said I failed due to someone else speeding past me when I was doing 30mph in a 30 zone.

They just want more money. Passed second time with 3 minors.
