Warehouse Resistance | A Half Life 1 Animation Film (Gmod)

Warehouse Resistance | A Half Life 1 Animation Film (Gmod)


3 года назад

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Yves Heinrich
Yves Heinrich - 17.09.2023 17:09

Shepard and Barney looking from afar, saying: amateurs.

Kevin Baris
Kevin Baris - 17.09.2023 14:03

A nicely done ambush set by the Black Mesa Security team.

Mark Nobody
Mark Nobody - 11.09.2023 03:31

The black masa guards tactics are run and gun also steal equipment just to survive the assault but the HECU are fully trained soldiers that has better equipment and shooting accurate under pressure therefore not wasting any ammo, lasting longer but the Black masa guards did very well

El Sótano de Chaz
El Sótano de Chaz - 23.08.2023 23:28

Black Mesa Security Guards were extremely effective given the circumstances and the firepower they had at their disposition. The HECU squad lost at least 6 guys while the BMSG lost 3 or so guys (not counting the civies). I counted at least 3 BMSG surviving the encounter, if not more. Just goes to show how useful is the element of surprise.

Lexi uwu
Lexi uwu - 18.08.2023 12:59

I personally like to believe that during the last hours of the incident when soldiers were literally getting left behind to fend for themselves and their main objective was pretty much pointless, that all the remaining humans stranded (both HECU and Black Mesa personnel) probably would've teamed up realistically speaking, after the HECU followed all those orders to silence and kill, just to be silence and killed themselves by being left behind would probably make them wake up and see the bigger picture in their current situation

Which is why i like to believe after their unseen brawl at the end there, they realize they need each other more than ever

Jake G
Jake G - 10.08.2023 07:38

I didn't know Gordon Freeman was a security guard at Black Mesa!

Bob-11 - 05.08.2023 17:53

This is a very good animation!

Jimster - 27.07.2023 09:44

I'd like to imagine that ending like the ending of the intro the battlefield 1 because in lore there's really no reason they should be fighting the military probably could've got this all under control if they worked with the personnel.

Curseadito - 13.05.2023 06:14

Realmente Black Mesa me da miedo de algun modo, su atmósfera me hace sentir aun mas triste y con miedo algo que no me pasa en el juego original, ver el miedo de las personas y el evidente descontrol de todo es.. abrazador? Tambien el pensar que realmente dentro de Half Life es malo (de los humanos) cada uno defiende lo que se le ordene o piense y eso.. me encanta y ver como los guardias en esta animación estan tan balanceados con los militares, es algo que si defiendo y justificó

Razgriz❶ - 19.04.2023 08:55

You know, makes me wonder just how much of a fight the security guards really did put up. Blue Shift showed Barney can take them on. I like to think some of the security guards around Black Mesa had former military training and were the ones that lasted longer throughout the incident, hell some probably escaped in their own way like Barney. If I remember, the announcement system did report heavy resistance from the scientists. Though it was most likely referring to Gordon, but I like to think it was also referring to the various BM personnel who knew how to fight back.

Johnny le Gameur
Johnny le Gameur - 15.04.2023 16:05

What happens next ?

David of the forest
David of the forest - 15.04.2023 05:31

that was awesome

guy - 15.04.2023 00:42

it's kinda janky but aight

Amel - 14.04.2023 20:29

I know it's been a while, but could you give us a body count of the HECU and staff? Really curious since I noticed a lot of background deaths that weren't focused on.

Razgriz❶ - 14.04.2023 03:09

"Heh... y..you should see the other guy.."

ARF Trooper
ARF Trooper - 13.04.2023 09:55

This was very well made!

Stop Motion Hub
Stop Motion Hub - 08.04.2023 09:13

how did you make this in Gmod?

MickeeYoofers - 02.04.2023 08:47

We need more fucking agony screams for these marines.

Hans - 29.03.2023 08:30

wonderfull word'' i am still here dipshit''

Eidon Everchoosen
Eidon Everchoosen - 24.03.2023 03:18

It's a good thing the hev is near full armor as it's why I feel gordon freeman survived far longer then most did.

Phil Smith
Phil Smith - 17.03.2023 15:25

Amazing animation! It really hits home how the HECU, guards and scientists were all just normal people doing their job: the Marines are told the scientists deliberately caused the incident and they are to eliminate them and the guards and scientist think the Marines are some sort of death squad...neither side realised they were being played by other powers in the shadows 😕

nürnberg 破壊
nürnberg 破壊 - 16.03.2023 22:16

HL1? that's BM my dude

FDN - 07.03.2023 14:24

This is simply hands down fantastic. One of best screen plays/plots ive seen. I love that even though it is a hopeless situation for the Black Mesa Security Force, trying to mount a defence while trying to protect the scientists simultaneously, they still manage to conduct a VERY affective counter attack. A great David vs Goliath moment if ever i saw one. Truly remarkable!

Хэнк - 26.02.2023 19:33

Whaaa??? Is that smh tool??? Looks brilliant

Vortigaunt - 26.02.2023 00:36

I enjoy the fact that one of the scientists took a pistol and began to fight back instead of just standing around or running into the open to get shot. They’re cowards for sure, but they’re extremely smart as well. They’d understand that they would have to contribute to the fight, as they’re risking death either way, just one way is assured.

Also, I think it would’ve been a bit cool if like one of the Xenian teleportation portals opened up between them to show that in the end, the real enemy is the aliens

Rorschach - 18.02.2023 20:35

Orgullo peruano

alan wolker
alan wolker - 17.02.2023 17:33

Lo mejor es que esto puede ser canon

XIANG DAO - 08.02.2023 07:03

HECU find freeman murderer mission

Unknown - 14.01.2023 14:04

Amazing work again.
I just can't ever get over the cliché plot of HL1 and the military actively attacking BM staff. It makes no sense if you were to apply a sort of "IRL" logic but I guess "movie/game plot logic" will have to do here.
(I doubt the US military would slaughter its own citizens or foreign citizens at BM and the 'witness sterilization thing' makes also little sense because then you'd have to kill all the Marines as well?)

Catmanmlio / Lunny77
Catmanmlio / Lunny77 - 07.01.2023 21:21

My head canon for the end:
The Marine and the Guard both agree to stop fighting and collect the dead, then likely fight after words

someguy - 28.12.2022 05:50

This is really accurate when it came to real life, HECU Is actual heavily trained military operatives, The scientists is innocent and tries to keep the peace, The security guards are good opponents for the HECU I mean duh they are trained security personnel, they did a very good job at fighting back against the HECU, And Gordon? He does not have his usual plot armor, he does not have his HEV Suit on, He did not have a bundle of firearms and experimental weapons, he just has a normal Glock 17, But even though he did not all of that stuff, The animator showed a good job of what Gordon’s personality is since he fought back, He was the second person to fight back against the HECU, and he was the only scientist that actually fought back and not just run away or panic, though he died in the process, because there’s no plot armor and he isn’t a heavily trained military operative, He is just like the same old guy in the original BM Incident.

tanking beast
tanking beast - 14.12.2022 07:27

If I'm not wrong, the security guards only lost one guy. The others were injured while a whole HECU squad was wiped out.

tanking beast
tanking beast - 13.12.2022 02:02

This is very good. I love that the security guards are actually shown being competent fighters with training versus being cannon fodder most of the time.

Jellydinosaurs - 01.12.2022 02:32

I mean, the MP5's bullets has gotta be the least accurate. how do they even hit anything with that amount of recoil and spread?

Sandia 29
Sandia 29 - 22.11.2022 06:29


T Zero
T Zero - 19.11.2022 01:51

muuy bueno

VaciliNikoMavich - 22.10.2022 14:45

Spectacular, balanced and well animated ^_^

WinXP_SP1 - 08.10.2022 03:39

I want more.

Black Metal Cat
Black Metal Cat - 07.10.2022 08:30

So, this is very good! Can you make part 2?)

Whateverguy - 30.09.2022 22:56

HOLY SHIT. The loud fukin noise the guns produce and incoherent screaming and yelling really adds to the chaos that are the scenes. Even if the camera shows quick snips and unfocused shots it all just adds up! It's chaotic! It works! I am 2 years late to this but man did I miss this! Good stuff!

creppypastero - 26.09.2022 23:59

I was surprised to see the behavior of the HECU as they assault a mini base of the black mesa team, reminding me that they behaved almost the same as the combination when they went to assault Resistance bases and that each person more or less took the role of the character for example those of the HECU took the role of the combine that assaulted Resistance bases killing the citizens who would be the scientists without being able to defend themselves and the members of the Resistance who would be the security guards protecting the HECU scientists.

Markus Halberstram
Markus Halberstram - 25.09.2022 01:21

Can't believe this has existed for a year without me seeing it. Wonderful animation, fucking excellent

ZeroA0G🍪 - 21.09.2022 05:10

buena animacion bro 10/10

Mitko Dimitrov
Mitko Dimitrov - 13.09.2022 14:47

The guard throwing the granade
I am still here dip shit

Lucky Ducky Driving School
Lucky Ducky Driving School - 05.09.2022 06:02

This was really good, especially the sound design!

mr. - 23.08.2022 18:50

Nice job, looks good

Alpha 1-1
Alpha 1-1 - 13.08.2022 15:08

How do you make shot in SMH? Will you make a tutorial if possible?
