PHILOSOPHY - Metaphysics: The Grandfather Paradox [HD]

PHILOSOPHY - Metaphysics: The Grandfather Paradox [HD]

Wireless Philosophy

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@trock7542 - 24.09.2021 18:13

Isn’t all the narrative sophistry?

@LaxM - 09.06.2021 06:17

Maybe Bruno vaporizes as soon as his grandfather dies.

@genesis101ify - 02.05.2021 08:23

The consistent interpretation didn't make sense to me. If marty travels to another universe and changes the past of that universe to make the dad cooler, wouldn't he have created the same inconsistency in that universe?

@Firmus777 - 06.04.2021 10:28

Interesting that the interpretation of Back to the Future as a story of traveling between universes is presented, but not the interpretation of the universe changing in some kind of a hypertime. I guess Rayo just doesn't like that interpretation.

@Unknown-sg4tv - 17.12.2020 11:10

Safety Time Machine
1. Automatic door locked.
2. Goes invisible.
3. Has camera/TV inside so time travellers only watch history.

@Unknown-sg4tv - 17.12.2020 11:08

To solve contradiction. Noviko self consistency principle persons actions in trying to kill grandfather fail causing grandfather to fall in love with grandmother.

@jacobhall8267 - 27.10.2020 06:47

Yes you could it would turn your hair color or your face and turns out the guy you killed wasnt your grandfather and who you thought was your dad isnt your dad but is .dr who did this and that's why he changed faces all the time

@emiliorodriguez8104 - 28.07.2020 15:37

Why the whispering? So annoying

@clementeen - 02.07.2020 20:15

You can’t change the past, because bruno is alive, by default bruno can’t kill his grandfather. But there is a way bruno can succeed. If he travels to the time in which he is conceived by his mother and then kills his grandfather, then he can kill his grandfather

@jasonsamuels9797 - 26.06.2020 01:39

Why are you whispering?

@mateowhite6906 - 22.02.2020 02:59

Hahahaha I love the sketches haha Bruno haha

@theodoreklopman7057 - 03.01.2020 04:02

My problem with the “Multiverse Theory” is this: events and decisions are set in stone, and if the event or decision was different in a different universe, why would it be different? To simplify this, I will use the example of a coin being flipped. Although it seems like the outcome of the coin is totally random, this assumption is incorrect. If the absolutely exact conditions are used for a coin flip, the outcome will be the same every time. This is the same with human thoughts and decisions. Say you have a hard decision, so you have to choose one option over the other, and neither seems better than the other, but you still eventually make the decision. If it is in the same time, the same place, and every other condition is exactly the same, the outcome and decision will be the same. Unless the conditions were in any way different, the universes would be exactly the same.

@theodoreklopman7057 - 03.01.2020 03:49

Some people say that if someone time traveled back in time, and did something major that would have changed history’s course, then the course that was “supposed to have happened” would still happen. Logically, however, this is paradoxical and impossible. Basically, if there was one timeline that would be changed, then the time traveling will always happen. The person who time traveled goes back to the past and changes the past, so only that version of history exists, and is all that has ever existed. But if that version of history has always existed, then the universe where the person went back in time is nonexistent, leading to an endless loop, where in a specific version of this phenomenon, it is dubbed the “Grandfather Paradox.” This is my view on the paradox, and I see it as the only logical way that this paradox could happen, even if it loops forever.

@camilo.decaro - 27.12.2019 05:45

"Back to the future is a bunch of bullshit"

@ralfrufus6573 - 12.12.2019 08:08

Your dramatization is unnerving

@vaiciciaku - 06.11.2019 18:30

Bruno does kill his grandfather. Because he traveled back in time for that purpose and it was successful. And he has got a gun and he has got the skill and the moment is right. At the same moment when his grandpa dies, Bruno disappears as well. Because he killed his grandpa before he had kids. So Bruno destroys himself as well together with his grandpa. He can not go back to his time and see everybody happy. He will never witness that but right before dying he will believe that is how it will be.

@MySerpentine - 06.10.2019 12:35

I feel like there's the very worrying possibility of time getting stuck in a loop trying to resolve the problem or something equally messy, to be honest

@bukucinho - 03.10.2019 02:56

The only person who has done this and killed their grandfather doesnt exist.

@jacklarkson4505 - 27.09.2019 02:31

how the subatomic parts that made our body can be in 2-3 places at same time but we cant be in 2 places at once?
im 28 and this is the question bothering me since i was 16.

@Jamal-Ahmed786 - 16.09.2019 07:14

Bruno can go back in time and kill grandfather, but the moment he does that, simultaneously he also ceases to exist. It's as simple as that.

@techmarksph - 07.09.2019 10:47

Here's how to solve it:

Today you will be going back in time and kill your grandfather. Remember that your grandfather and grandmother share their genes to produce a child and that is your father or mother.

Let's say, your grandfather gave your grandmother his X chromosome and your grandmother gave her X chromosome so your mother was born.
Then your father gave his Y chromosome and your mother gave her X chromosome so you're a boy.

Then you go back in time and killed your grandfather. You still be born. Why?
Here's why:

Your grandfather died, so your grandmother will marry other guy, that guy gave his recessive X chromosome, and your grandmother gave her dominant X chromosome. So your mother was born still.
Your father gave his Y chromosome and your mother gave her X chromosome so your a boy and a son of your mother.

You're a product not only of your mother but also your father, and they're also a product of two different families.

@ChristopherHartbooks - 08.08.2019 18:15

Brian Greene, in one of his books on cosmology, I believe, also alluded to the premise that to travel back in time and avoid the Grandfather Paradox, a new universe would have to emerge. It has shades of the multiverse.

@himanshusharma7246 - 30.05.2019 15:37

Than there is a question in my mind , when he came back in his past he came in other dimension right , he didn't came in his own dimension , than how he manage to come back in future at same dimension which he change in his past . when he will try to back in his future he will go obviously in other dimension which will be same as his old present dimension where he started that means he changed nothing . no he only change one thing his dimension and possibly he will meet his own copy in his new dimension . what will effect when they both meet might be his whole family tree will disappears or They will combine with each other will become new dimension that will be mess of two dimensions .

@shreyadhar7155 - 18.05.2019 23:44

Im assuming that,
Grandfather had a son (Brunos father)who already gave birth to Bruno at that time so in Universe 2,2 bruno are present ...Bruno of universe 1 travels to universe 2(past) to kill his grandfather...Bruno can kill the grandfather of universe 2 and only the universe 1 bruno will be death who time travelled and the baby bruno of universe 2 will continue his life and future...
Ohk its crazy😑I might be wrong

@lordawesometony2764 - 06.04.2019 20:30

I think it’d be just impossible. Once the final neurons have fired to pull the trigger and there is nothing else that would stop the event of killing his grandfather, time would have to stop for him. He would have to be in a place between existing and not existing at the same time. Since if he killed the grandfather, then he would have to disappear and wouldn’t be able to kill him. If anyone would go back in time to observe him kill his grandfather, then they would just see him disappear right after the last opportunity he would have to not kill his grandfather. The killer would be stuck in time somehow, and for anyone whose time doesn’t stop would see him disappear.

@747maran - 30.03.2019 08:00

don't waste your 9 minutes folks, go to another clip on The Grandfather Paradox, this was a waste of time

@leem.7565 - 12.03.2019 10:40

It's inconsistent because time travel isn't real!

@chris-iz4ir - 08.03.2019 02:05

Time travel is possible but idk if we humans can ever make it possible but let's say that it is. You can travel in to the past and not alter it which means that you wouldn't switch universes when you go back. But when you do interact and go back in time, you've already created several universes just by time traveling. The concept of having an infinite amount of universe is quite hard to grasp but it's quite simple. When time flies, something happens, if something happens, something is bound to be different. This creates another universe where that thing didn't happen or happened differently. So if time doesn't fly, what happens? No universes are created. Simple. So when he says that the penguin cannot shot his grandfather, that is false. He simply shoots him and then it never happened because he wasn't born thus nothing ever happened and that universe is erased. The story would now shift to one where the grandfather never existed or died from another cause before the grandson was born.

Reminder that this whole text is absolute bullshit btw I'm twelve and I have an IQ of 70 plz don't bully

@GoogleHelpYou - 19.02.2019 05:04

Let say you were using game emulator to play a version of Pokémon where death was permanent

Let say you used save state on Game A, then have Warturtle give birth to Squirtle. The Squirtle was then transferred to another Game B.

You then "went back in time" by using load state on Game A, then have Squirtle kill Warturtle on Game A.

If Warturtle is killed, then Squirtle will never be born

@robthemonkey9619 - 08.01.2019 14:44

I think in back to the future, not only is it against logic that his father could be both unsuccessfull and successfull, i think one thing to consider is the fact that if marty goes back in time and makes his father successfull in the past he wouldn't ever had a reason to go back in time in the first place so he never could've traveled back in time (considering the success of his father to be the only factor that would make him go back in time). So its much like the grandfather paradox. If u go back in time to change something that was to cause u to go back in time in the first place, how was it possible to do that at all? Maybe im talking rubbish im not a scientist, i wont claim that im particularly smart. But when i try to wrap my head around this paradox i feel like sometimes i am able to go beyond the boundaries of existing logic and get a solution on the tip of my tongue, but every time i just cant fully express to myself what it is that im thinking and before i know it the idea is gone 😭

@ivanhenricksinder - 31.12.2018 13:43

Ohhhhh!!!!! Thats makes sense now!!!

@williamsfamily6211 - 17.11.2018 18:56

R.i.p grandpa I guess.

@KindredIndust - 10.11.2018 09:07

I had a dream about this once. In the dream something happend to my father, i believe, and I was still alive, but just my memory of who my father was, was slightly different. But everything else, as far as i could tell, was the same. So i don't know if that answers it or not but...My dream says its possible, but the instant they die, you forget that past, and your "new" past is all you know anyways.

@reuv8441 - 30.09.2018 19:47


@UtkarshTheWise - 03.08.2018 18:01

Or this could be continued as a time loop, imagine 2 brunos, the bruno 1 trying to kill his grandfather but at the same time, same universe. Bruno 2 comes and prevents him from killing his grandfather. This could be a time loop in which, bruno realizes he won't be alive he would have to go back again and again to save his grandfather.

@jettpix - 23.07.2018 23:49

So if I use a hammer to drive a nail in, and then destroy the hammer, the nail is no longer driven in?

If the above doesn't make sense to you, imagine how this video sounds. The fact that any person has existed means that at one point at least they were in existence. Even if they were to somehow cease to exist, there was still a point in which they existed that you cannot erase because it is an independent record. For instance, if I know Bruno is a valid existing person, and then his grandfather is killed, supposedly killing himself in the process, I would still have the knowledge of Bruno existing up until the point of the assassination. It would exist in my memory as a record. Even if you were to argue that those memories could be erased, they still existed before they were erased, just as Bruno existed before killing himself. You cannot undo the existence because you're only changing instances and because of permutations, each instance is independent. When you think of this dimensionally, it is easier to follow. I was produced by my father, however the fact that my father can die while I continue to exist shows the independence. Once a new creation exists, it contains a "proof" of its creator, simply by the fact that it exists, and therefore it follows that its creator existed. If its creator existed, then it follows that there is no possibility that it's creator did not ever exist, otherwise it could not have created it's offspring.

The problem with most people is they make assumptions about the concept of time. Time is a construct of finite beings which is only used because finite minds require an order of events and because they don't think dimensionally. If you consider a movie, it is made from many still images in a specific order. The only reason the order is necessary is to imply time (sequence) itself. Theoretically, you could devise an indefinite amount of permutations to the movie and they would all be valid, but not all would make sense to us because of our human concepts of physics and time, so we would reject that movie as being sensical.

Confused? Try reading another language you are not familiar with. It's not a false language, you just can't make sense of it because your conception of it isn't presently in existence. Maybe ten years down the road though you have learned to read and write it and now it makes sense.

In summary, a human cannot actually travel through time in the way they think. You cannot change events because they are fixed in existence dimensionally. There are an infinite quantity of dimensions but humans are restricted from accessing them inherently. One could write an entire book on this subject, but the basis is determining fallacy. Once you understand that building truths on top of fallacies is still building fallacies (even if partial truths are used), then it will become easier to reason.

@Kanerade - 04.03.2018 03:27

Wait.. are you the creator of rayo's number? Because I know that picture, and I know that name relates to rayo's number :3

@kylegriswold9686 - 22.02.2018 13:40

lmao if you claim to have knowledge on metaphysics, you should be sterilized.

@lazarbukumirovic2670 - 21.01.2018 01:18

There is one more bigger ethical question about the scenario where Bruno kills his grandpa before he does anything unethical. Should Bruno kill his grandpa even though he is innocent at that time even though knows that the grandpa will commit fraud?
Let's put it this way, if Hitler's mother could possibly know that her son will become one of the biggest killers of all times, would she be obligated to kill him, even though he is only the baby at the time she finds out about the future?
I think no, because on that timeline, in that universe anything wasn't commited yet, but those situations raise an ethical dilemma, because if we let it happen and it surely will, is it our fault? In either scenario, the time traveler is guilty and therefore the time travel itself is unethical in those situations according to traditional ethics.

@wonderful-wafwaf - 23.12.2017 00:26

incoherent muddled and pointless explanation on this video. do you know what u are trying to explain or are u unable to tell us?

@krysru1807 - 04.09.2017 01:38

You're saying Marty Mcfly went from his parents to a parallel universe and changed it. But if he came from another universe, it means that his parents in this universe also had a baby named Marty. So there would be 2 Martys in one universe.

@sevenalay - 30.06.2017 08:01

The multiverse interpretation of the movie is as inconsistent as you make the original one to be. Traveling into another universe where copies of everyone are suggests that your copy is there; there is no telling what happens to the person, his mind, body or the universe itself upon such happening. In the movie it is not shown, at least not in the way that it wouldn't be just a theory, that Marty experienced something like that and thus your interpretation is as good as the original the movie makers intended.

@bandit5272 - 26.03.2017 22:52

I see Bruno brought his fully dangerous fully automatic ghost gun. Probably has a 30 magazine clip, fires 30 rounds a second. Also, Bruno is kinda a vindictive fucking penguin.

@LightStorm. - 22.01.2017 21:32

Okay I will go back in time and try this then I will come back to tell everyone

@gabrielacelasi1792 - 18.01.2017 21:36

or both statesments are true : bruno is born. bruno goes back in time and kills his grandfather before his parents conception. If and only if the multiverse theory is corect. meaning a infinite of universes. Then bruno leaves his universe for good the moment he travel in "time " ( actually space verse a specific universe with the exact same properties but with the time line delayed with 90 years or so ). in that case he simply makes decision and prevents the birth of Bruno from that universe. his own universe is gone for good for him as he steped into this universe the new one. The multiverse theory states that is imposible to travel in time but only in space. Some spaces being on a diferent time line. BIG DIFERENCE being that u cant change the universe and afect your parents and friends as you lose them for good the moment you step inside a "time " travel vehicle. you can however make changes that benefit or not, you and your future life in that universe. For example u travel into another universe whos time line is 80 years or more before your own and kill adolf hitler as a kid. you will NOT SAVE all the jews killed in the holocaust in your world but prevent their death in the new world you just traveled.

@nimim.markomikkila1673 - 09.10.2016 19:25

Anything you do changes things making it actually also logically inconsistent, if take into account the butterfly wing-effect.
And the many worlds-interpretation isn´t consistent either, because there should be one Marty already, but there isn´t.

@alfredpeverly2093 - 08.09.2016 08:21

Time isn't actually a thing...
