1 Click ANNEX ALL EUROPE as Austria In EU4

1 Click ANNEX ALL EUROPE as Austria In EU4

Ludi et Historia

1 год назад

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Crushnaut - 23.08.2023 08:20

Something I have always thought that EU4 is missing is highlighted by this run. Historically, all the interesting things that happened to Austria would be disasters in this game. In a good run, like this one, you do not have to deal with any of this. The game comes more about painting maps (which is fun) instead of creating stories. One day I think we will get a game like EU4 that lets you make more stories.

Yogurt - 02.06.2023 09:16

You have best singing voice mr. Ludi don’t let anyone tell you otherwise

João Viegas
João Viegas - 28.05.2023 20:45

In 1.35.3 the Expand the Empire CB is bugged and basically isn't available. Should I wait for bug fix?

Harsh Shah
Harsh Shah - 23.05.2023 21:44

Has he uploaded the next part ??

Seyfullah Şahin
Seyfullah Şahin - 21.05.2023 17:39

I would love to see you world conquesting as Austuria

Sahil hossain
Sahil hossain - 12.04.2023 20:16

Lore of 1 Click ANNEX ALL EUROPE as Austria In EU4 momentum 100

Tristan Ridley
Tristan Ridley - 11.04.2023 04:19

Major error: Proclaim Erbkaisertum makes all vassal princes not take a relations slot. Not just electors. You can diplo vassalize almost every member of the HRE and NONE of them count.

Tristan Ridley
Tristan Ridley - 11.04.2023 03:37

Every time I come back to EU4 I play Austria. Nothing competes with the vassalswarm, and feeding them all of afroeurasia.

Sergi Edo
Sergi Edo - 10.04.2023 19:15

There didn't exist a Spanish Crown until the Borbonic dinasty in 1712

xBetaKillerx - 10.04.2023 04:47

For the nations that were not in the HRE yet, if they are small enough you can do both "Expand Empire" and make them your vassal to add them to your vassal hive. Since they get added to the HRE they do not count as a diplo relation when vassalized.

Douglas Boyle
Douglas Boyle - 10.04.2023 04:43

EU4: The Musical

Douglas Boyle
Douglas Boyle - 10.04.2023 04:33

I didn't even know it was possible to form the HRE as a nation until you mentioned it a couple videos back and I decided to do a playthrough aimed at that and holy schnpadoodles it was easy. Hell Once I became the HRE and took over all of Europe (from the Pyrenees to the Arctic Circle to Moscow) it wasn't even fun anymore, everything was too easy.

Þórarinn Snorrason
Þórarinn Snorrason - 09.04.2023 18:33

I love minions HRE as Austria. Btw if you don't care about ae then you can just no cb on nations to force religion on.

mcmz4e - 09.04.2023 07:10

It's funny seeing Ludi make the same mistakes I make
The "make vassal, give center, take province, enforce religion plan" doesn't work at all, you can't seize someone's capital

Jake Bak
Jake Bak - 09.04.2023 05:51

Who would win a war between this Austria and the ottoman caliphate?

Ilya Yatsevich
Ilya Yatsevich - 08.04.2023 21:10

Couple month ago did my first world conquest and one faith run with Austria. Not gonna lie, it was very fun, very exciting and even kind of chill play, especially consider that I decided to turn my company into OF WC after 1550s, because by that time I already had literally all of Europe including Iberia and Great Britain through PU's, and also half of Russia by conquering them. Very, very cool and strong nation.

Degan79 - 08.04.2023 20:41

You should be thinking about nation flipping soon..... rush Austrian missions for claims but consolidate Italy and Balkans. Maybe even wipe France out but take Frankish land for yourself. ;) Still trying to figure out the order I want to flip nations AND keep my AE down while I take the cores I need. I found that once you revoke, it is easier to attack than to annex vassals once you have the -1 stab reduction reform and bump it back up using papal points. The Annex other vassal penalty gets to big late game if you do too many OPM's to gain cores for nation flipping.

Carl Busani
Carl Busani - 08.04.2023 16:00

Fun fact: Both of the 0/0/0 rulers in 1444 are called Henry.

RPG Mafia
RPG Mafia - 08.04.2023 14:41

i have a question. I have to much money in eu4, what to do about it?

Vinny Corrado
Vinny Corrado - 08.04.2023 14:21

Yo can you please stop all the cringe accents 😂😂😂 you are not a comedian your a nerd just like us 😅 so please stop with those disgusting accents, I literally have to take a brake from your content . Because I cringe too much 🤣☠️

Krankar Volund
Krankar Volund - 08.04.2023 13:14

Is it really worth it to form the HRE? You'll never have the gov cap to core all the territories and the vassal swarm was stronger ^^'

NN - 08.04.2023 09:05

the vassal swarm attacking on ottomans reminds me of the ants in my kitchen after starting a new campaign

shortcrypto - 08.04.2023 04:57

Game is actually more interesting and realistic, if you play on high difficulty. But everyone is playing against the weak AI for some reason..

stamasd - 08.04.2023 03:42

This is the quality content I subscribed for. :)

Miro Badock
Miro Badock - 08.04.2023 03:24

keep careful watch of my brothers soul 🎶🎶🎶

The Dude
The Dude - 08.04.2023 01:37

I SINCERELY LOVE your videos! Thx for you, Ludischnappelduski <3

Otto von Bismarck
Otto von Bismarck - 08.04.2023 01:22

nice flagship name "brandenburg is better". me as a german i agree :D

NaTHan ツ
NaTHan ツ - 08.04.2023 00:57

Gimme more austria

James Dalton
James Dalton - 08.04.2023 00:48

Jokes on you nerd, I never left my room.

James - 07.04.2023 23:24

Ludi’s casual game=1000% try hard but still never this successful game of mine. I’ve never seen anyone click that button. This would kill my MacBook.

Combrade-T - 07.04.2023 22:57

Is it not also the case that if a vassal has their capital in HRE even after taking the reform they will become a HRE vassal and not take up diplo slot? And I think you can add all your Land to HRE even if you haven't cored the land, hence taking land and releasing vassals is in many ways better (although unlike releasing people then forcing them in I imagine it would take more AE)

Faxiog - 07.04.2023 22:47

actually if the center of reformation spawnes in the capital of a nation and you force religion (if you force religion the capital of that nation will be covertet) the center of reformation will dissipiere because the province the center of reformation spawned is now cathlic or what ever you forced. sorry for my bad english 😂

henkslaaf - 07.04.2023 22:38

Converting a vassal does not remove a Center of Reformation

IronicallyIronic - 07.04.2023 22:27

I just watched the first two parts of this guide four days ago, and was bummed that you hadn't uploaded another part. I just started my austria game yesterday and I'm roughly at the same part this video starts at, so I'm glad that you uploaded this when you did.

Никола Миклић
Никола Миклић - 07.04.2023 22:26

Disney Ludi can't hurt you, he doesn't exist:
Disney Ludi:

Ericbyo - 07.04.2023 21:37

Isn't this like the 4th "one click forming a big HRE!!!!" video you have done?

Dávid Hanza
Dávid Hanza - 07.04.2023 21:25

I know a very famous painter/artist von austria :D

siffon zebra
siffon zebra - 07.04.2023 21:03

I appreciate ludi doing his on memecuts instead of just cutting in Internet memes

The Legit
The Legit - 07.04.2023 20:43

POV : the “person” Ludi trying to convince us that it is human : Popl states….

DarkStarWarrior - 07.04.2023 20:38

i love these recorded shortvids inside the video xD a very nice and funny idea Mr Ludi :D keep up this great work

OrkosUA - 07.04.2023 20:25

Also after you enact the Erbkaisertum that -1000 for vasalizing elector disappears, so you turn your long time elector allies your vasals

bebraed228 - 07.04.2023 19:50

Ludi secret Australian agent 🕵

Kamil Tomkiewicz
Kamil Tomkiewicz - 07.04.2023 19:33

Ludi, what pc you've got? Each time i atack with my vasals as hre emperror game is so slow... :D

Tmaleport93 - 07.04.2023 19:33

Just finished my first world conquest as Austria in 1719. Finally worked up the patience to deal with the tediousness of a WC.
