Making Money Selling Designer Dresses Online | What Sold on eBay and Poshmark | BIG MONEY BOLOS

Making Money Selling Designer Dresses Online | What Sold on eBay and Poshmark | BIG MONEY BOLOS

the fi resellers

55 лет назад

284 Просмотров

PUSHING THROUGH THE SUMMER! Some great sales this week! We had a great week and we want to show you what's selling for us.

Interested in trying out PosherVA? Use our affiliate link to see what automation can do for you!

We are working toward financial independence (FI) and looking to speed up that process through this side hustle. We are doing this part time and we want to help you learn, too.

Find us on Instagram/eBay/Poshmark:​
Or email us at [email protected] and let us know if you're ever interested in any of our items!

Consider playing the video at 1.5x speed. Time is money!

We're always looking to learn more about valuable items to sell, so we teamed up with a lot of great resellers to show you BOLO (Be On the Look Out) items. Huge thanks to:

*Profit Picker:
**Night Owl Treasures:
***Frugal Kam:

#ebaysales #poshmarksales #sellingquilts #quilts #sidehustle #ebaysellers2021 #whatsoldonposhmark #whatsoldonebay #poshmarksellers2021 #whatsoldforprofit #whatsold​ #resellers​ #financialindependence​ #poshmarkcommunity​ #poshmarkresellers​ #ebaycommunity​ #ebayresellers​ #resellercommunity​ #embracethegrind​ #buylowsellhigh​ #thefiresellers​ #houstonhustle​ #hustletown​

Camilla's Instagram:​
All proceeds from Laguna Thrift benefits Catholic Charities!

Credit for Intro/Outro template goes to VipexArtz:​
Credit for Music goes to
Credit for the Subscribe/Like/Comment Animations go to:

0:00 Intro
00:57 Our Sales
08:16 Two Great Quilt Sales!
09:59 Our Sales
14:20 Our Numbers
16:49 Community BOLOs!
21:17 Outro


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