Signs Of A Highly Sensitive Person - Dr. Julie Smith

Signs Of A Highly Sensitive Person - Dr. Julie Smith

Dr Julie

2 года назад

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William Holden
William Holden - 01.10.2023 03:31

It's funny because a lot of these "experts" are either divorced, usually not in a relationship and single.

Cheryl TS
Cheryl TS - 28.09.2023 08:56

Even this video is hard to watch. The music revved my nervous system. I am really sad right now. I know it's not a bad thing but gosh.

Amber Jenkins
Amber Jenkins - 26.09.2023 05:27

Dr. Julie would you do a video on womens adhd?

WendyH - 23.09.2023 18:18

I wonder if there is anyone like me who ticks every box as an HSP BUT was never shy as a kid AT ALL. (Nor as an adult!) I was an angry kid and spoke up about everything and no one EVER said "you're too sensitive" to me.

Brian Hamilton
Brian Hamilton - 22.09.2023 23:49

Someone else’s trauma can become yours

Raj - 21.09.2023 14:04

Hello everyone, I am a highly sensitive person and during my teenage days I faced many problems because of puberty.
I watched adult films, series,etc. And I felt guilty of that and I feel the same even now. So, I suggest any sensitive person to seek mental therapy because I got depressed because of study and those things. My grades dropped and I lost confidence in myself. If anyone feels like me then please reach out to a mental health professional or a physiologist. Thanks for reading.😊

Chaos Entangled
Chaos Entangled - 20.09.2023 05:24

I loved this video. Thank you for spreading this type of research with the world 🌎 😊

D JB - 19.09.2023 21:08

This is sensationalism to sell your product. You're opening the door for people to readily self diagnose.
Hopefully someone files a complaint to HCPC...
perhaps I will

Nadia - 19.09.2023 21:07

I thought i had a problem, turns out it was this

flwhitehorn - 18.09.2023 23:50

Where I'm from it's best not to involve therapists. They'll just pill you up until you stop caring.

flwhitehorn - 18.09.2023 23:47

I've had to harden up in many respects...or at least think on my feet.

Something Mobile
Something Mobile - 15.09.2023 03:56

I’m so thankful you posted this!

L T - 14.09.2023 11:55

This is me

Ted Bates
Ted Bates - 12.09.2023 23:27

I am a sensitive person. I pick up on things other people don't even notice. I require a lot of quiet time by myself. Sometimes in a stressful situation I have to leave and come back after I have thought it through and prayed about it. I don't get along very well with people but I still have a need for human interaction. Life can be really miserable. I am 68. I don't know why or even how I lived that long. How do you say it? Sometimes life really sucks. What a yucky word, but I don't know how else to say what I feel and experience. I had Christian counseling when I was a young man and had a severe mental breakdown at age 19. It really helped. But that was a long time ago, and I don't want it. Just to occasionally see a human being who is a human being. There are not many truly human human beings around. I am ready for the Lord to take me home. I think He is returning soon.

Andrey Confidential
Andrey Confidential - 06.09.2023 13:26

You Need Sex, Not Me.

R Kardos
R Kardos - 04.09.2023 21:31

i remember being told as a child "I'm too sensitive". I always hated that label as it led me to hide my feelings.

Eric Hanson
Eric Hanson - 04.09.2023 20:30

Wonderful video! Could you do a video on Window of Tolerance and the Central Nervous Sytem?

Laure A
Laure A - 04.09.2023 09:51

I was always sensitive but it increased due to autoimmune illness changing my body chemicals and that affects neuro transmitters

foxie - 03.09.2023 01:44

I really appreciate your video. I thought something was wrong with me. I couldn't understand the morals of nowadays society. It hurts me thinking we suppose to live like that :(. It all makes sense now. But i am exhausted mentally since a young age. Had depression,compunction social phobia, extreme physical symptoms and generalized anxiety.

Polon Yuino
Polon Yuino - 02.09.2023 18:28

Isnt that part of ADHD?

MrZkoki - 02.09.2023 03:41

Could you cover please the correlation between the trait of vindictiveness and history of abuse? Thanks doc.

ricardo carrillo
ricardo carrillo - 01.09.2023 21:17

Hi Dr,julie i´ve been strugling with my mental health i most of he time i feel like a loser coz i can´t find a job, i have no friends, everytime i talk how i feel people leave me, recently i´ve been having suicidal Thoughts,

usha reddy Dondeti
usha reddy Dondeti - 01.09.2023 09:23

How to contact you Doctor Julie?

Rupali Tripathi
Rupali Tripathi - 31.08.2023 22:48

As a HSP I have always felt that everyone and every friendship or relationship becomes a failed one and impacts us so badly. I cry for years whereas the other person moves on in couple of days. No matter what you do, no matter how many efforts I put I always find myself getting hurt, I realize it could be because of boundaries but I am not sure what wrong did I do to deserve disloyalty. I find myself teary eyed most of the times, I see kids begging despite being an adult I cant help but sob at the injustice of world and people say I am faking it all to become likeable or come around as the nice person. It hurts so bad, I have cut off all connections from all friends except family and want to live off grid(though almost impossible). I used to be the most chatty person the chirpy the bubbly girl but I am trying to stay silent and quiet as much as possible and talk only to my family. the worst part is people who I thought are my friends and kins didn't even recognize this change of behaviour and never gave a thought to even check on me. I was told by one person that you are very gullible and naive when all I was trying to be flexible and easy to be with. And maybe indeed i am naive I got betrayed so badly I cant even imagine, I wish I never was so sensitive the way I am. This channel and the comment section of these videos feel like a safe space. Looks like only you understand that I am not trying to be nice I am not faking anything to be likeable I myself cant help sobbing. Thanks Dr. Julie, I feel indebted to you <3

Bear Studios
Bear Studios - 31.08.2023 02:50

I have realised that this almost exactly describes my life. Having been adopted in 1961 and born with the 'Primal Wound' , from a very young age , even though I did not 'know' I was adopted , I instinctively knew something was 'wrong'. I could not relate easily to so many other children and people. Unfortunately my adopting parents were not particularly sensitive having experienced many traumatic situations themselves and so they simply could not comprehend the seemingly 'trivial' sensitivity that I was experiencing. This just made things worse and my life has been broadly characterised by ongoing troubles , events and mistakes.

Luckily I have found this truth inside myself and have put it to much good use in many ways. But it is often a roller coaster ride.

Power Of AI & Motivation
Power Of AI & Motivation - 30.08.2023 21:27

Sensitivity is empowerment indeed because you feel the energy beforehand, the energy is felt first and so when you feel something bad the first time you meet someone it's a sign to stay away, it's not like chemical reactions it's actually more deeper and more accurate. There will forever be both positive and negative, light and dark in this world and that's when sensitivity comes in real handy and empowering and saves you from going down hill really.
Explore it and understand and always be realistic people, it's an empowering tool so you don't need to stay with those who you get an iffy feeling from, from the beginning and it also helps you to be empathetic and human with others who are just as kind and need it and you get to know the things you like and dislike way faster than others to build a life that is surrounded by most things you like.

Power Of AI & Motivation
Power Of AI & Motivation - 30.08.2023 21:23

This is a very great video and it would be great if such would be taught in schools and universities worldwide in every language👍🏻

Emmanuel Everett
Emmanuel Everett - 29.08.2023 20:48

Thank you I never understood why I was sensitive. Everything you said was true ( ALL of IT)

Neha Kakkar
Neha Kakkar - 27.08.2023 20:27

Me too. Living with a sadistic peroson

Regan Parenton
Regan Parenton - 26.08.2023 15:54

My depth of processing is not appreciated in a world of stupid. Literally I've been yelling about the climate crisis on my channel and in real life and few people have enough cognitive ability to process it and actually imagine a better world.

Vivian Chetty
Vivian Chetty - 25.08.2023 07:21

I am a sensitive introverted person. I worked in a police station and the role was meant for outgoing extroverted people and at the end of each day I would finish work and jump into bed and sleep.

Derek Bentley
Derek Bentley - 23.08.2023 19:56

Just saying government is creating a serial killer. For failing to give recognition for coins found with $10,000 reward offers after calling the FBI. Revolution with real bullets

Invisible Ninja
Invisible Ninja - 23.08.2023 18:17

Most HSPs are autistic. HSP traits are autism traits, which, guess what? Are neutral traits too. The concept of “HSP” is people trying to escape the stigma of autism by creating a new label. What they really need to do is work to remove the stigma from autism.

Cindy Robertson
Cindy Robertson - 23.08.2023 14:17

I'm a highly sensitive person too

Charles Delile
Charles Delile - 23.08.2023 10:39

Thanks Dr Julie, you red me like a book I’m 67 yr old and managed my symptom by doing what you mentioned and survived this far.

andrew ashdown
andrew ashdown - 22.08.2023 22:38

This is too much info - I need a break

Mr Ahmed
Mr Ahmed - 22.08.2023 21:48

i,m just tired of being so sensitive person i,m just tired

High Virility
High Virility - 22.08.2023 10:25

Sensitivity just got my number and it's radical

anahita mirzaei
anahita mirzaei - 22.08.2023 09:15

I feel like this is the first time someone understood me very well without telling me I'm the wrong side of the equation. Also, knowing that I can have the power gave me hope as I always feel I'm the weakest person and everyone has the power to destroy me. However, I'm still interested in knowing how to manage my life better because I have problem in work- places and my ability to deal with poisonous and rude people is less that others as I can see, because everyone assume I'm a weak person who is reacting to every bad situation. I am a good target for bullying. So depressing..

Lynn Rosser
Lynn Rosser - 21.08.2023 20:02

I found the background noise, in this video, so annoying and distracting that I couldn't follow her words. Maybe that is HSP??

blanckieification - 20.08.2023 13:11

"It is no matter of health(or being "highly sensive") to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - Jiddu Krishnamurti

The problem is not being highly sensitive, the real problem is that most people are lowly sensitive. That is what society wants: obedient workers who never question anything.

Victor Jose
Victor Jose - 20.08.2023 11:15

El transtorno de la personalidad por malos tratos en la infancia es la peor enfermedad mental
Porque te anula por completo como persona cuando eres adulto
No tienes personalidad, no tienes carácter
Y lo peor de todo
No tienes Autoestima
Tú lo ves todo muy fácil porque has ido a una universidad y no tienes ni idea de lo que se sufre

Stephen McLeod
Stephen McLeod - 18.08.2023 23:48

thank you very informative

Littlej - 18.08.2023 13:16

I find the fast paced talking, the excessive hand movements along with the nails over stimulating and creates a negative reaction in me. Makes me think of an animal with its claws out on attack. I have to stop the video to look away and process for a moment.

Brandon A
Brandon A - 17.08.2023 10:18

Thank you so much, you are a blessing!

Felisa Ferreira
Felisa Ferreira - 17.08.2023 03:35

Alll your videos are so good! Thanks for sharing them. Can you please make a video about recover from narcissistic mother, disfuctional family being a highly sensitive person? Thanks.

paul elice
paul elice - 16.08.2023 13:36

My favorite line is “ It’s a trait, not a flaw.”

Itzmehscarlet - 16.08.2023 09:37

I really don’t know if I am or not the violence stuff aren’t what I usually avoid but the rest is okay I have it
