10 JRPGs That I Consider To Be A 10/10

10 JRPGs That I Consider To Be A 10/10

The Kiseki Nut

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@playmaker349 - 25.01.2024 12:20

As a big fire emblem fan icl awakening is super overrated by mainstream success like the charcaters are mid and the story is downright boring and written poorly however the gameplay is good which carries it for its high rating

@turnbasedtoddy7664 - 24.01.2024 23:49

You hit the nail on the head with tails of berseria. Easily the best tails game of all time.

@keymot1491 - 24.01.2024 15:31


@Inaluogh - 23.01.2024 01:16

One word. Suikoden.

@paulerlingheuser8453 - 22.01.2024 07:26

List was awful. Lost odyssey and xeno games yeah. But no ff 4 6 chrono trigger, breath of fire xeno gears so many better jrpgs

@oblivion2674 - 22.01.2024 04:57

Dark Cloud is goated

@HellzAssassn - 18.01.2024 06:19

Trails and Ys, obviously. Hahahaha, glad they were on your list! Ys VIII is one of my favourites of all time too. In fact, I have the warden symbol tattoo'ed on my wrist <3
Also glad to see Berseria on your list too. Of all the Tales games, Berseria is my personal favourite too. Arise is on par w/ Berseria for me though, too.

@karayi7239 - 14.01.2024 17:48

JRPGs feel like they're stuck in the 2000s. Of course there are exceptions, but most of them have the "if you're not already 100% invested, it'll feel like a chore". Biggest example is persona 5

@stuffexe - 14.01.2024 10:58

as a newer FE fan, awakening was undoubtedly the one that got me hooked into the series. the characters the soundtrack the story the gameplay, I just had so much fun with it. it'll always have such a special place in my heart

@JzpHenry - 14.01.2024 09:13

Please, play nier automata if you didnt yet.

@julianpilcher9463 - 14.01.2024 00:56

no chrono trigger? opinion instantly invalid

@aidan8473 - 13.01.2024 13:36

I did not enjoy Persona 5 - Once I got over the great style I did not enjoy the simple combat system and one-dimensional characters. The rest of the list is great, some good recommendations. I'll check these out! Nier is one of the best games of all time, glad to see it included.

@ishlah7900 - 13.01.2024 02:33

Nier Automata still leaves me PTSD after all this year just by any mention of it.

The PTSD is not because the game is bad, but because I'm so attached to it, and follow the story so dearly

@minhnhatx - 12.01.2024 12:29

You chose Atelier Sofie 2 over Ryza's thighs

@aaroncautillo4101 - 12.01.2024 06:41

No way he said Xenoblade 2 has better gameplay than 3. Maybe that's just my opinion but that seems insane to me

@MikeyDLuffy - 12.01.2024 06:35

XBC2, Nier Automata and Persona 5 Royal are literally my 3 favorite games of all time. May need to check out the rest on this list now since our tastes seem to align so much haha

@rail7646 - 11.01.2024 14:45

these games sport more of a 6 and not a 10 on my scale, also your censorship of giving them numbers as chapters and not their names is a whole other pitiful way to artificially increase the time we need to spend on these videos

@ducky9446 - 11.01.2024 05:20

Echo of starsong is honestly phenomenal, amazing ost that I still listen to and the story was simply beautiful

@rhettrayos4685 - 10.01.2024 05:20

The Mysterious series' always had my favorite version of alchemy.

The Arland series' alchemy sucks, and while I do enjoy the Secret series' alchemy; it just doesn't compare to the Mysterious alchemy minigame.

@ashtoric - 09.01.2024 09:16

While Ryza 2 remains my favorite Atelier game, I'll admit that Sophie 2 is the only one that made me shed a tear (or multiple). It's definitely the best story from a modern Atelier game, but I do prefer the gameplay aspects and crafting from Ryza 2 more. Still overall an interesting choice and I do love Sophie 2.

@misha130 - 09.01.2024 06:04

I just think P4 is much better than P5. Better atmosphere better characters better music better story

@NycroLP - 08.01.2024 19:29

What a werid list. Awakening? Dont agree, but understandable. Xenoblade 2? Come the fuck on.

@williamRE - 07.01.2024 18:25

None of these are 10s, and that Yves game isn't a jrpg. And the song you claimed was amazing is loud noise.

@chocobow5435 - 07.01.2024 12:01

tales of berseria is my fav tales game

@samsaunders1183 - 06.01.2024 21:51

Stumbled upon this video randomly and I loved it! Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon are (mostly) lost in the Xbox 360 ether which is a shame since I think they're both good. Personally bounced off Xenoblade 2 a bunch of times but maybe I'll give it another shot, everyone seems to love it.

@Silvannax11 - 05.01.2024 23:10

Xenoblade 2 was a fuckin masterpiece. But, 1 was even a bigger masterpiece, in terms of story. So, i suggest you all to start at 1. The story between 1 and 2 isnt directly connected, but you’ll understand the ending a bit more if you play 1 first. Oh yeah and torna is very amazing too, had a blast with that shit. Banger ost and story. Anyways, dont start playing 3 if you havent beaten 1 and 2 yet. Once again, its not a direct sequel (except the dlc, thats a sequel right there), but you’ll understand the story and the whole ordeal about whats going on better.

@Everrrrr - 05.01.2024 11:02

Dont forget Lunar! Lunar 2 eternal blue.

@celeschan90 - 02.01.2024 09:35

I was wondering if you've played Chrono Trigger or Suikoden 2?

@disturbedrebirth - 02.01.2024 02:55

Hard agree with Nier Automata being a masterpiece.

@WatsonRPGS1 - 01.01.2024 00:59

lost odyssey is available digitally as well on the series systems via backwards compatibility

@kahel3094 - 31.12.2023 06:11

Berseria is such a underrated game, story was amazing and all of the main cast was likable

@JulianneRegina - 31.12.2023 01:30

Berseria is my favorite game of the Tales series! The cast is great, the story is awesome and the areas are diverse and look really good.

@JustAnotherRandomGamer - 30.12.2023 22:28

One thing I learned when checking out game is to always check "User Rating" and NOT "Critic Rating".

@freedomextremist7215 - 30.12.2023 14:27

Good as they are, half of these games are left in the dirt by Chrono Trigger. It's the definition of "Timeless classic", and the time travel isn't the only reason why. Every aspect of the game is godly, from the OST to the art.

@_akimamoto_6298 - 29.12.2023 20:13

Correction about Lost Odyssey, it’s actually on the Xbox store. I was able to play through it on my Series S and yeah, it’s a great game

@anasazmi8554 - 23.12.2023 18:54

Out of the items in the list, I've played P5R (I already loved P5 and loved what they did to P5R), Fire Emblem Awakening (although I didn't beat the game; it got too tedious to me), Nier Automata (I've only progressed a little, though I also feel like I should replay the whole thing because I couldn't really digest the first hour) & Tales of Berseria (best story out of all Tales games I've played, which isn't much, but still; I also love the skits & the Tales-flavored Koikoi minigame).

@frostyblade8842 - 21.12.2023 17:04

When openinhg the video I thouught 'If P5R and Xenobkade 3 aren't here I'll be annoyed' and you didn't disappoint. Great video dude, some excellent series here, though i would persoanlly recommed Ni No Kuni 2 in here somewhere, since it holds a really special place in my heart. XC2 is great as well tho, it got me into the masterpiece that is xenoblade, but 3 will always be the best imo, the combat is just too damn amazing, rivalled only by P5R.
P.s It's really cool to see someone use the exact blade set up I used in 2, so big props for that

@AnbenK - 21.12.2023 00:11

lost odyssey, all achievements for me

@JohnMauneyIV - 20.12.2023 00:30

I really appreciate that for the most part you don't show end-game, or even mid-game footage when you do these reviews. A lot of reviews I have to scroll the video offscreen and just listen to the review, because they're loaded with footage of the best or most suprising parts of a game.

@nickn5419 - 19.12.2023 07:10

tales of arise not on the list. darn i love that game

@twt2258 - 18.12.2023 15:25

How about The World Ends with you on the DS? That game was amazing

@tonicxplay4885 - 18.12.2023 00:28

I recently played lost odyssey on the Xbox x and I did not need no disc. Just thought I'll let you guys know or maybe I should listen to the rest of the video before I cut this out but since you're reading this you know I didn't

@justdust9089 - 17.12.2023 19:11

haha xenoblade 2 is my fav too of the 3. at first i thought rex will annoy me, but he grew on me. i Wish they bring back even xenosage in a true remake. the story there was great as well.

@Akirapoet - 17.12.2023 16:43

I have Lost Oddisey for my Xbox Series X and it's still a blast

@thethomaskrew7727 - 16.12.2023 15:58

I love chrome trigger

@NothingHereForYou - 15.12.2023 21:50

Awakening stopped me from selling my 3ds. Thank god for the demo, now it's one of my favorite games. Its sucks none of the others have really hit afterwards. I haven't played echoes, couldn't get into fates, and the two switch ones don't do it for me. Three houses has too much persona busy work in it and the other makes me cringe. I hope there next game gets them back on track

@aytver4150 - 14.12.2023 23:29

xenoblade chronicles X

@chocobro3198 - 14.12.2023 15:47

Persona 5 's characters... to me, they're so badly written, so insufferable. I did not find them relatable at all. It was so bad to me that I never actually finished the game. I am a little envious of the copious amounts of people who are able to love it. I wish I could. It looks so cool and the music is chef's kiss so I really tried hard to just keep going, hoping maybe the spark would come eventually for me too. But the characters and all of their dialogue and interactions were just too horrendous and it only got worse and worse so I gave up eventually. I cannot for the life of me imagine how anyone can sit through that game and feel that it's good writing they're being submitted to. But, I mean, I will also never understand how books like 50 Shades and Twilight wound up doing so well, either.

@lenneth1188 - 12.12.2023 12:56

Dropped xbc2 after I had to google how to get to X area for the 100th times, the navigation is beyond trash and only fixed in xb3 and 1 remaster
