Audio FX  |  Insert vs Send/Return  |  X32 Effects Setup

Audio FX | Insert vs Send/Return | X32 Effects Setup


3 года назад

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Too Hung
Too Hung - 13.07.2023 00:37

So it is wrong to have the send bus send to the stereo bus right?

88omarz - 28.03.2023 01:49

Awesome explanation happy i found this.

Sean H
Sean H - 17.03.2023 02:23

Thank you. I’m trying to use the Dual Guitar Amp to beef up a DI connected Bass Guitar on FX5. This works very well, however when I send that signal out my USB card to an iPad, the effects aren’t sent. Is there a different way to route this so I can send the wet signal via USB? Thanks

Adriel Rowley
Adriel Rowley - 02.01.2023 02:46

I been blessed by being asked to learn how to use the soundboard at church. However, seems my instructors are limited in knowledge compared to my desire to desire to deep dive; I love to learn (INTJ if know what that means). Did a search and happened on your channel researching how to get solo into the headphones, then found this.

My question then what are these FXes? In other words, what is their application(s) and effects? I searched the channel and found nothing, did I miss it?

Thanks in advance!

PS I have found my Autism to be a blessing to the worship team (I been helping with live stream), one practice heard this awful feedback no one else could hear in the house sound. I been tested professionally and by accident in science class, my hearing range is past average, volume and especially frequency.

Stacy Chen
Stacy Chen - 15.12.2022 06:59

This is an amazing video, such clear explanation. Thank you! I don’t have much background in audio but I am the volunteer sound tech at my church. Our board is under utilized and your instructions will help me add some magic to our mix, in house and online stream! 😊

Randy P
Randy P - 08.12.2022 14:25

This video is perfect! Appreciate the assistance and simplifying the capabilities of the x32.

Cristian Elizondo
Cristian Elizondo - 14.10.2022 05:31

Man, thank you so much for your time and lessons, you are a blessing bro. The best FX/SendReturn/insert guide for x32 users. your amazing bro.

Santosh Gujar
Santosh Gujar - 10.10.2022 11:51


peter yousef
peter yousef - 25.09.2022 01:07

please i want to ask if i use matr....... and i choose pre or post what will happen ? what is the differnet bet......... them ?
2. now i have problem i have drum and guitar and the M32 there is no trs or ts input only xlr input so what i can do in this case ?

Benjamin Kelley
Benjamin Kelley - 15.07.2022 18:03

I wish the people running sound at our church would take the time to watch tutorials like this or a course that the church would purchase for the team. We know how to use the X32 about 20%, and our mix is horrible. But I feel like only I hear how bad it is because I've learned a ton about sound and mixing - problem is, in the drummer and the video tech, and the leadership doesn't trust me - mostly because they're scared I'll do something that will mess up what we already have and it will crash and burn and our Sunday service will be toast...

Jason - 10.05.2022 17:05

This was very helpful, Thank You!

Juan David Ussa
Juan David Ussa - 10.05.2022 03:20

Amazing info! Thanks! Crystal clear explanation

Renato Beltrame
Renato Beltrame - 14.03.2022 03:10

This video is all I needed to better understand the effects processes.

thank you so much for all the time invested in making this material free for us!

God bless you and your ministry!

Bruce T
Bruce T - 23.02.2022 06:50

can you please help? I connected the rca (red and white) to the echo amplifier input then to the mixer send aux (with stereo 1/4" jack). After that I connected another set of rca (red and white) to the echo amplifier output, then to the mixer return aux. I turned up the aux knob at the channel 1 where the mic is connected, but I did not hear any echo. I double checked the connections and everything was connected properly. Do you have any ideas why I am not getting any echo from the echo amplifier? Thank you

Tpercussions Adeagbo
Tpercussions Adeagbo - 01.02.2022 06:36

Hi please can you explain how you can add graphic Eq into a channel strip from FX 1-4

ZEMIRA ADEAGBO - 01.02.2022 06:34

Hi, how do you insert an effect direct into a channel strip from FX1-4 which is 
send/return FX?

Aris - 19.12.2021 03:31

Hi, hopefully you can help me. I am trying to decide if there is no problem using my Audio Interface as a FX with Plugins into my Amp's Send & Return FX Loop so i can use VST Time Effects Like Reverb or Delay with my Tube it safe to do so? Audio Interface Line Level Input to Amp FX Loop Send, then Audio Interface Output to Amp FX Loop Return and load Reverb or Delay in my DAW in real time.

cc4046 - 05.12.2021 05:13

Where is the effect wet/dry mix control on inserted effects?

krutoyinfo - 26.11.2021 19:00

Bad description

Just-Truth - 09.11.2021 16:37

Great tutorial. Just one question: is there any audible difference in the reverb when the send is mono? because the effect comes back stereo, right!? In the case of vocals, I believe there won't be, but in the case of the band, with all pans, the signal will be sent in mono? just one side of the channel???

Daniel Alexis
Daniel Alexis - 03.11.2021 23:16

Hi Dave, How are you Sir! Hope all is well. How do you set up a channel fader assigned to a particular effect send. For example, let's say that the effect bus send is at unity and selected and "send on fader" button is activated, do you set the channel fader at unity and use the effect but L/R return to control the effect's volume? How do you run it please?

ThizOne - 07.10.2021 09:13

Great explaining

Anthony Charles
Anthony Charles - 23.09.2021 18:56

Great video

DM DIGITALS - 11.08.2021 01:05

The New Voice
The New Voice - 01.08.2021 02:12

Thanks! Thinking about first console here)

Georgy Louis
Georgy Louis - 04.07.2021 16:33

Wow ! Great tutorial. You know what the important details are and you share them in a way that is easy to understand. Thank you, sir!

Elmer Ymas
Elmer Ymas - 12.06.2021 07:07

Using DCA for the returns.thanks for that tip sir!

Donald Bundy
Donald Bundy - 07.06.2021 07:45

Regarding mute groups and DCA mutes, If you assign a channel or group of channels to be controlled by a DCA, You can use the DCA's mute button to obviously mute the sound from the selected channels. Instead of having redundant mute buttons which could become confusing when it comes to getting your audio back when both are pressed. For groups of channels i prefer using a DCA and its mute. For busses and special applications I prefer using assigned mute buttons unless I am also assigning a DCA then I will use the DCA's mute.

Allan G
Allan G - 17.02.2021 17:40

Question regarding technique adjusting levels for FX send/returns. If I want more/less of an effect, say I want more Delay going to FOH, is it better to push up the fader on the bus sending to the delay effect, or is it better to push up the faders on the delay's FX return pair, or does it matter at all?

Thomas Ola
Thomas Ola - 14.02.2021 21:18

Great stuff! But am not clear on how you send effect to the aux has L R ?

Naakaala Studio
Naakaala Studio - 14.02.2021 00:14

I am very interested in the DAW as an FX rack video.
