Stranded Deep Tips and Tricks (Secret Tips I use)

Stranded Deep Tips and Tricks (Secret Tips I use)

Granddaddy Gamer

3 года назад

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Kaylah Liddy
Kaylah Liddy - 07.09.2023 10:46

Use the aircraft carrier as your farming area…. Place you plots on the sands and from the waves and storm you won’t ever have to refill them with water again

ASTER18 gr
ASTER18 gr - 05.08.2023 02:39

Make sure to grab Tires / balls / and barrels/ so you dont have to chop down a whole forest just to make a small raft 👍🏻

Stephen Lawson
Stephen Lawson - 17.07.2023 00:18

When hunting sharks grab the shore or near to a ship they won't even come close

poligon333 - 06.07.2023 22:37

I always build my camp pointing to the island from which I came from, this way I can backtrace my steps.

Cole Gaspard
Cole Gaspard - 12.05.2023 11:09

Just learn the hard way makes it feel more realistic

ZelosZelo - 05.05.2023 09:23

on pc, I dont know about other platforms,
you can place meat directly on top of fire it will cook. drop it on the ground grab it and drop it on the fire

WhY sO sErIoUs Gaming
WhY sO sErIoUs Gaming - 28.04.2023 23:03

Thank you for the tips sir much appreciated

SirDistic - 28.02.2023 19:06

To me, Stranded Deep is like a mix of Raft and The Forest. While it's also a very unique game.

24magiccarrot - 06.02.2023 18:51

If you do get lost, quickly find some place to make a shelter save, then exit the game and check the cartographer, it will hightlight which island you are on and you''ll be able to figure out your way back to the starting island which is always the centre island on the map.

Brandon Wilson
Brandon Wilson - 03.02.2023 11:53

Anyone want to link up? I'm on Xbox

Psycho - 01.02.2023 05:35

Why do that with coconuts when you can grab 4 and husk them and hold R1 to make a coconut pile and it automatically refills drunken vicinity after you add them to the pile. Therefore you have unlimited cocunuts

Tina Richardson
Tina Richardson - 28.01.2023 01:46

Yeah, and after all the countless hours on end of building and crafting through all the islands, defeating bosses, you get your plane parts and leave the islands.... only to be crash-banged into the plane that started it all. What a completely, total, waste of time.

Craig B
Craig B - 25.01.2023 23:49

Guess I'm late to this party

grandaddy_gaming - 20.01.2023 06:24

Well hello granddaddy gamer
From grandaddy_gaming lol

Zachery Levy
Zachery Levy - 17.01.2023 15:19

Make a pile of coconut drinks, put empty coconut drinks back into your pile and it will make them full again (infinite water with 2-10 rule) you’re welcome

Gizmo_ Joy
Gizmo_ Joy - 17.01.2023 11:31

As a BRAND new player on Xbox... Water is not an issue if you just get three (3) coconuts. Idk if this will be fixed (probably not) but you can make "piles" of drinkable coconut water. If you put EMPTY coconuts into the "pile" they magically re-fill. Just please only drink TWO (2) every 10 seconds. Then put them back. UNLIMITED HYDRATION just sayin...

Brian OConnor
Brian OConnor - 14.01.2023 09:34

Also if u build a big enough Raft 2x2 the sharks can't knock it over anymore

Ash Williams
Ash Williams - 08.01.2023 14:41

Here are my tips, proceeds to get chowed down by a shark.. yee nah yer good buddy

Kris Larsen
Kris Larsen - 04.01.2023 15:51

Nice thumbnail. It's a attention grabbing but not bait clicking attention grabbing. So thanks

GreatWhite North 64
GreatWhite North 64 - 07.11.2022 05:17

I keep a bed roll in a crate on my raft

Roger That
Roger That - 08.10.2022 15:06

build a raft that has a rudder and anchor on opposite ends...a sail facing one direction...and a sail on the other end facing another direction..that way its easier to leave an island as u will be facing the opposite direction when leaving. no need to turn around the raft

William peacock
William peacock - 27.09.2022 17:23

You can drink as many coconuts as you want as long as you wait ten in game seconds 👍🏾

Newman64 - 12.09.2022 10:37

The most chilling moment ive had playing this game was when i was mining clay. I was using the breath booste potion (I forget what its called) and I had been mining clay for a good amount of time. I wasnt using shark repelant because I was trying to kill the tiger shark that was in the area while mining clay, which i was successful in doing. So i had the shark meat smoking on the shore and I was mining again not paying attention to any dangers thinking I was safe because I had killed the shark on that side of the island. As Im swimming looking for clay deposites i spot one right on the edge of the drop off so I take a breath and dive down to mine. I have 3 more pieces to mine when suddenly my pick breaks. As I pick up the last piece of clay that dropped when my pick broke I happen to look up and not 10 feet in front of me is a great white coming right for me. The distance between me and it allowed me to strafe to the left and dodge the attack. I immediatly hug a rock and take my chance to book it to shore once it passes by the rock heading back out but still circling me. I cant tell you the abaolute fear that came over me when I first saw it. Made me jump more than any horror game Ive ever played.

PS yes I went back out with my raft and killed the great white. Twas good eatin.

irxherbs4u - 09.09.2022 02:04

If you're into this game, this is my tip............. Build a decent size raft with plenty of crates and shelves. On you raft, put four sails. North, South, East, West. Much easier to get around.

Burger Seb
Burger Seb - 23.08.2022 23:16

Thx for tips dude ,simple and easy to do and use...👍

Loke Lilleaasen
Loke Lilleaasen - 04.08.2022 22:44


Michael S Watson
Michael S Watson - 05.07.2022 18:48

Mind blown. I been playing all wrong

Jessica Hawkins
Jessica Hawkins - 02.06.2022 23:09

To defeat snakes or really anything. Craft some spears and get up on a big rock and the boar or snake or crab can’t knock you off or attack you. It’s an easy kill for me.

Josh C
Josh C - 18.05.2022 18:28

Build your buildings with NAVIGATION in mind. Your Shelter makes a natural arrow, and you'll probably build one on a new island anyway; make it point home. Or make it point to the last island you came from, and have THAT one point home. Between that and landmarks such as the Carrier, you never get lost.

David Robinson
David Robinson - 15.05.2022 17:19

I was not happy with the ending should have been better I learned must of the game the hard way but once I put a map on my phone I was golden I was literally lost for months lol I did not realize the map was at a 45 degree angle

David Robinson
David Robinson - 15.05.2022 17:16

I just beat this game and boy did I get lost heavy I made the biggest raft and and heavy crates I mean I had like 30 crates on it and evrytime time I came to a island I farmed the crap out of it and I made all the refined spears I could make because when I killed sharks I get leather so before I took out luka I made like 30 refined spears and still ran out like at Almost dead lucky I had the spear gun with like 22 arrows left almost didn’t kill him

Oleg D
Oleg D - 08.05.2022 15:48


Scott Rushton
Scott Rushton - 25.04.2022 08:05

I know this is weird to suggest but, when hunting sharks, or bigger game like the large grouper, I use the crude axe or refined axe. Way more overpowered versus spears. Haven't tested them on bosses quite yet, but I'm thinking I'll have similar results. 🤔

Dylan Osborne
Dylan Osborne - 28.03.2022 19:00

Passive wildlife

Tom_na_topu - 27.02.2022 16:13

How to open map?

Slomo - 23.02.2022 03:27

Always remember the direction from you main base. Then, at a new island, walk from the center towards your base. At the shore, place a camp fire (and kindling- all from locally found sticks). Now, when you're lost and come across a campfire you'll know the direction of your base. Bonus, you'll have a camp fire to cook more food (and maybe a base of sorts).

TimeLord42 - 18.02.2022 06:58

Nothing worse that kunts wasting a minute or two yapping about nothing before the real content starts...

KorrothDyahwanre - 08.02.2022 07:23

I'm not sure if this works everywhere but my wife and I have discovered that if you put drank coconuts into a pile not piled on the beach but hold a drank coconut press c with at least 2 husked coconuts in your inventory you can make a pile like lashings or sticks or stones etc. When you return to the pile the formerly drank coconuts will be drinkable again. Handy drink hack.

Prelude Paul
Prelude Paul - 04.02.2022 06:44

Tip: when drinking coconut water if you wait 10 IN GAME minutes between your second and third coconut you wont get sick.

Googan McBoogie
Googan McBoogie - 24.01.2022 05:26

With a 3 section wide Raft you can not put panels on the inner sections and place crates there in a single layer. They won't rock off

Harjo - 31.12.2021 17:31


rattmanchu - 18.12.2021 03:17

For the coconut milk if you drink 2 and wait 10mins according to your in game watch(about 10 secs) you can drink 2 more coconuts

Fat Stack
Fat Stack - 29.11.2021 09:31

If you use 2 - 4 coconuts to do the 2 10 drinking rule.... then you make a pile of empty coconuts they refill instantly.

Busta-_-Busta - 27.11.2021 21:18

A tip for the coconut thing is called the 2 10 method you eat 2 coconuts then wait 10 in game minutes and you can eat another 2

TwoStage 45
TwoStage 45 - 21.11.2021 06:30

You can only put 12 fronds in a crate.
You can put 12 palm bunches in a crate. 5 fronds per bunch. So you get 60 fronds in a crate to take back to your island and feed your still per crate. Then you can use the fibrous leaves to make cloth and lashings.

I also take all the yucca fruits and can replant my crops if I leave for too long and they spoil. Just kick the leaves off and re water the crops and you'll hav e piles of leaves on each farm in no time.

Darth Nutsack
Darth Nutsack - 15.11.2021 21:59

lmaoo i busted out laughing because when you said "cure yourself" I thought you said KILL yourself xDDDD

Itzz EliT3
Itzz EliT3 - 05.11.2021 02:16

A great tip I figured out is that if you're on an island with no shade, craft a spear, then throw it straight down into the ground. Then grab your inflatable raft (haven't tried it with a buildable one yet), and flip it over so that the bottom is facing the sky. Then grab the side and prop it up onto the spear in the ground, crouch under, and boom. Instant shade

Kajita - 25.10.2021 23:57

Yo Granddaddy, how about a HARD mode tutorial? The normal game is too easy for my taste, but I stuck in hard mode, because I run out of water, stones or something else…. any hope for a hard mode tutorial in the pipeline? ✌️
