Islam’s Origins: Myth and Material Evidence

Islam’s Origins: Myth and Material Evidence

American Academy in Berlin

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@parvezsohel6ahmed383 - 16.12.2023 23:42

So far there is no good documentary /circumstantial evidence about Prophets like Moses, Jesus and many other Prophets also. All supposed to be generated from man to man, generations after generations. What did you want to say in this lecture that Muhammad was a Myth! Then it could be applied to other Prophets also. It is seen day after day that Religions are Mythical Stories, implanted deeply into mankind's with some other specific purpose by the rulers bringing people under their rules. Isn't it the truth in summary?

@user-hx1ob7sl8o - 16.12.2023 20:24

I like his blue highlight, very postmodern!

@hazim1855 - 16.12.2023 14:08

Impartial and partisan talk as usual.

@johnnybell4011 - 16.12.2023 05:59

All religion is made up by humans.

@CuriousCyclist - 16.12.2023 04:02

All religions start off as cults with a charismatic leader or social reformer. If there is a lot of societal decay, like female infanticide, alcoholism, murder over petty squabbles, I am not surprised Muhammad gained support for his preaching of pious behaviour. Later on, power got to his head and he became a warlord. And then later, his followers used religion to galvanise their army and conquer more land and steal war booty. It's all in the Quran and Hadith. Muslims can't argue with this.

@markhuddleston6613 - 15.12.2023 20:41

Clown look... why do these professors never grow up?

@Silenttreatment1975 - 14.12.2023 21:00

Right away you redefine what a prophet is. What has this Muhammad prophesized? The whole religion is a hoax. P.S. you're praying in the wrong direction.

@thebritishbookworm2649 - 14.12.2023 14:01

This guy in incredible nieve. Aa a person researching Islam for over 15 years now he has a very simple logic to his outlook.

@casperkamp - 13.12.2023 21:47

Was really enjoyable until that absolutely unhinged question at the start of the Q&A. What the f was that.

@khadijahficociello6820 - 12.12.2023 19:56

Someone explain the blue hair?

@TheJohnMak - 12.12.2023 15:26

What’s with the bright blue hair on his right side? Pretty weird.

@OmnipotentPotato - 11.12.2023 19:14

The reason some of the Meccans didn't want to convert is not because it means their forefathers were in Hell. Rather, it doesn't mean their forefathers are in Hell. Since they did not receive revelation, they couldn't be judged according it, so they will be judged primarily according to their deeds. Rather, the Meccans didn't like how it threatened their monopoly on the pilgramage.

@OmnipotentPotato - 11.12.2023 19:05

Allah's language, glorified and exalted is He, is not Arabic. Allah is the creator of everything, the most knowledgeable, He knows everything that ever was, everything that is, and everything that will be, and what is not, how it would be like. He can hear you if you speak Arabic, English, Chinese, Zulu, or even if you don't speak at all. He knows what you want and what is better for you even if you do not want it, and it doesn't have anything to do with Arabic. The vast majority of Prophets, peace and blessings be upon them, didn't speak Arabic, and nor did their people.

@crxdelsolsir - 11.12.2023 05:46

Islam religion is the biggest set of disinformation and misinformation.
Even in their own religion they cannot have a unified understanding.
They are so intolerant even unto themselves that Sunni and Shiite continuously for centuries fighting each other.
Unlike other religions that have disagreements they remain in the Barbaric stage of actually KILLING each other in mass amounts.

This fact is widely covered up the paid for media heavily backed by Islamic states hence the current lack of coverage in the Israel war and aiding the cover up of corruption in the Western political sphere.

One of the worst and most covered up fact is that they are so intolerant that they KILL each other even though they are Muslim.
They cover this fact up and fan the hate when only small number are killed by the West and Israel (for very good reason like we have seen in last November 6 2023).

@roberthockett270 - 11.12.2023 02:09

What is the story of the blue hair on the righthand side of his head?

@user-yi4zf5vr9h - 10.12.2023 21:14

Believe there is information that does not support this information which appears to be that of the academia. Mecca likely was not a trading center nor even located on maps of that era. ?? Much unsubstantiated information one can not just accept the official story but dig deeper. Sadly one wonders if this is more political than one of fact and evidence. Much new evidence weighs heavy on the traditional accepted academic- time will tell. May have to wait on the Lord for satisfaction.

@camelot507 - 10.12.2023 16:15

\\ TIME IS UP !! John 3:16 For God loved the world, so He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Realise you are a SINNER ! You can NOT earn your way into heaven ! JESUS is the ONLY way to Salvation ! Call upon the name of JESUS to Save you ! BELIEVE that JESUS came in the flesh, lived a sinless life and then died on a CROSS ! TRUST that God raised JESUS from the dead ! By FAITH accept the shed BLOOD of JESUS ALONE as payment for YOUR SINS ! God is about to pour out JUDGEMENT on the world for 7 terrible years. Only true Christians will suddenly vanish and escape this punishment. Aliens are a LIE ! May the LORD soften your hearts. Accept this GOSPEL now, the Good News of JESUS CHRIST.

@Abe489 - 10.12.2023 12:52

Religion poisons everything. God is not great. There is no heaven or hell. All religions are bad specially Islam. Human rights only.

@thesongtowoody - 10.12.2023 06:00

Never trust a professor who puts blue paint on one side of his hair.

@thesongtowoody - 10.12.2023 05:58

Do muslims believe in one God? yes. do christians know that? yes?
Do jews believe in one God? yes. do muslims and christians know that? yes.
Do christians believe in one God. yes. do muslims know that? no.

@denisd6215 - 09.12.2023 18:49

As a muslim, I am grateful for all efforts to enlighten the truth. This is very sincere work.

@macs8294 - 09.12.2023 15:46

What a waste of time...when I heard the blue-haired guy pronouncing a few Arabic words correctly, I looked forward to hearing something useful but I was utterly disappointed with his unsubstantiated claims and lies! He should listen to Tom Holland's video of the same title and learn.

@user-nl3hg7xy7m - 09.12.2023 11:52

Fouth: it is a waste of time to keep listening to these compilation of these lies.though it is still minute 17.

@user-nl3hg7xy7m - 09.12.2023 11:50

Third lie: this blue-haird man deceives his audience by saying that the jews were driven out from the city without mentioning that one of the Jewish tribes betrayed Muslims during war time although this Jewish tribe had alliance with the Muslims.

@user-nl3hg7xy7m - 09.12.2023 11:46

Second lie: this blue-haird man didn't mention that when the prophet reached Medina, he made the Document of Meadina, which is a kind of peace treaty between all the components of the place.
But, this blue-haird man jumed to the clashes between the prophet and others especially the blue-haird man's beloved people, the jews.

@user-nl3hg7xy7m - 09.12.2023 11:34

The first lie: when he sarcastically says God speaks Arabic. Muslims never ever say this.

@joerdim - 09.12.2023 04:10

There is a lecture about the history of Islam and half of the comments are bothered by blue hair. Humanity is done, give otters a shot.

@OmnipotentPotato - 08.12.2023 22:11

"We know the Hadith can't be true [even though otherwise we don't have any reason to believe so] due to the fact that it describes many miracles of Muhamamad, so we must reject it overall"

@pointblank722 - 08.12.2023 13:59

A book, which is supposed to be a holly book from God, shouldn’t be a history book about the date or time it is written but should be timeless I think.

@ArthurDavis89 - 08.12.2023 09:49

The most bullshit lecture I have heard. I really came to hear something convincing or proof. All he talked about was bullshit. No proof of anything. Such an idiot.

@ArthurDavis89 - 08.12.2023 09:36

Polytheist new effort effort to dissuade people from finding the truth. The Mecca polytheist knew their gods were powerless, yet the Christian polytheists equates a human and a ghost to God. I think the Meccan polytheist were better because they live 1400 hundred years. Only an idiot defied of any rational thought would accept the idea of trinity.

@robertbloodworth - 08.12.2023 04:43

Why tf is his hair blue on the right??

@peepeepoopoopeepeepoopoopeepoo - 06.12.2023 10:11

I see the professor is transitioning

@distractionb - 06.12.2023 08:22


@distractionb - 06.12.2023 08:21

this is not a joke

@distractionb - 06.12.2023 08:21

fuck your weather

@scottdavis3571 - 04.12.2023 16:30

Newest Abrahamic religion same as the last. I'll continue to trust what we keep leaning about the universe using scientific methodologies, thank you.

@philippossnortis2035 - 04.12.2023 13:37

Why the need for sarcasm in his speech?

GOD speak what is needed not Arabic!


@austinitesince1979 - 04.12.2023 09:09

interesting lecture and talk. I thought I was unfamiliar with this guy, and then I was trying to tell my mom about what I was "learning"... about the "creation of Islam"... from this video, about a professor from Chicago studying arabic texts in Germany and Vienna, and then my mom asks "Is it Fred Donner? He's ___'s husband" oh wow lol! The professor's wife is one of my mom's best friends hahaha! crazy ;p

@jasemali1987 - 03.12.2023 15:42

The Quran is not in Arabic only.

@heiligegeburtbergs5654 - 02.12.2023 17:13

f that pedo cult

@ohfft - 02.12.2023 10:39

This is a very nieve and inaccurate account of was Islam really is, stands for and how it started.
To understand Islam correctly, one needs to understand what the root meanings of Arabic words mean and originare from.
The term Islam and Salam refer to being at peace in life by following the true path assigned fir humanity at the creation of humans.
To state or claim Islam started with the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him, is totally in error, Islam submission to Our Creator's way to live began when humans were designed.
Prophets came to many people throughout history, not making new religions but confirming the obe true path for humanity to recognise and reconnect with Our Creator.
Any wise person can see this by simply studying what the latin word re-ligion really means, a ligament is the connecting joining point where muscles and bones come together to allow movement.
Re means back to as in return.
The whole crux of religion is reconnecting with Our Creator, there are no other paths or religions, these are all fake man made doctrines, mostly created after a Prophet passes.
Sadly so called experts like this fool only see a one dimensional view of reality.
They are blind fumbling around in complete darkness.

@lindafosdick9875 - 01.12.2023 18:11

How is it that people say he lived during the time of Christ? He looks like an Oompa Loompa.

@Kassalawy56789 - 01.12.2023 00:27

Difference between histroric Mohamed...!!!

No, prophet Mohamed existed if you don't believe it you just have to show us

@Kassalawy56789 - 01.12.2023 00:16

Mohamed is not God...!

To be considered as a moslem you have to believe in the 5 pillars. Worship only God. You have to believe in Mohamed as his prophet & messenger, do Salat, fast Ramadan & go to Mecca once in a life if you can afford it.

As a moslem you have to have 6 believe... Believe in God, his angels, his messengers, his books (revelations), his last day of judgment & believe in destiny......!!!!

@Kassalawy56789 - 01.12.2023 00:05

Gizia is paid by none moslems, kind of taxes for living, working & being protected if there's a war, which means they're not required to fight.

Kharaj is a tax of the land & it's agricultural productions

@Kassalawy56789 - 30.11.2023 23:50

The supposedly Hadith....!!!

There's ways of verifying if the hadith is authentic or not. There's a whole branch in Islam about Hadith.

As moslems we do believe in Hadith, of couse the weak ones wouldn't be acceptable.

@Kassalawy56789 - 30.11.2023 23:47

Reception in moslem countries... If you're honest & fair why not but coming from a Christian perspective, mostly to criticize ir undermine Islam if course it will be unacceptable.

@Kassalawy56789 - 30.11.2023 23:45

You will not find confession through somebody in Islam. If you have to, you will confess directly to God. Acknowledge & stop it, be remorseful, don't do it againg, if it's against someone elso you have to return ir make up for what you did to him & make duua for him...
